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Who's Going To See Superman Returns Tonight???


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Dear Readers, I wish to publically explain that at no time did I intend to make Lana laugh. Please do not misconstrue the fact that I did, in fact, make her laugh as me attempting to flirt with, or in any way catch the special attention of, one of the few women who post on this board. I was going for the general laugh and not the specific laugh.  I hope you will accept this apology and resume with tripping over yourselves again.


Thank you.


I was actually laughing at my joke but doesn't seem anyone got it. ;) But this post made me laugh. :doh:

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Screw all these damn critics....they've completely lost touch with what it means to go to the movies. I don't CARE if a movie isn't oscar worthy or whatever....I want to be ENTERTAINED.....beyond that, I could give a flying poop. If a flick can keep me entertained and get some sort of emotional response out of me for two hours, then it succeeded in my eyes. And yes, I know there are bad films out there....I still haven't forgiven Will Smith for making "Wild, Wild West", or DeNiro and Kinnear for agreeing to star in whatever that crap fest was a year or two ago. But there is also a little thing called "having fun" that many of us know how to do at the movies; "having fun" and "good movie" are not mutually exclusive!


Exactly! I'm worried that since it seems like most of critics like Superman that it may not be that good. ;) I'll like it anyway cause it has my all-time favorie superhero in it. :lol::doh:

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Exactly!  I'm worried that since it seems like most of critics like Superman that it may not be that good.  ;)  I'll like it anyway cause it has my all-time favorie superhero in it.  :lol:  :doh:


Is your last name Lang?

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Dear Readers, I wish to publically explain that at no time did I intend to make Lana laugh. Please do not misconstrue the fact that I did, in fact, make her laugh as me attempting to flirt with, or in any way catch the special attention of, one of the few women who post on this board. I was going for the general laugh and not the specific laugh.  I hope you will accept this apology and resume with tripping over yourselves again.


Thank you.

What, we're not supposed to flirt with the wimmin folk?

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What, we're not supposed to flirt with the wimmin folk?


No, no. You'ns can flirt wid the wimmin' folk. It's us'ns who don't flirt wid'em who need to make sure you'ns who do flirt wid'em knows we ain't flirtin' wid'em nary a bit.
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And y'all can't flirt becuz...?


We hain't much for standin' in line and flirtin' with every udder guy. Plus, if'n we flirted, we'd be conformin', and if'n we be conformin', then we may as well git on out and buy us one of them thar Honda Fit gaymobiles.
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Exactly!  I'm worried that since it seems like most of critics like Superman that it may not be that good.  :pirate:  I'll like it anyway cause it has my all-time favorie superhero in it.  :lol:  :huh:


critics aren't really giving it a hard time



it's average 7.2/10 out of 150 reviews...or 76% on the rottentomato freshmeter


i saw it on imax 3d and was blown away...bryan singer took everything great and loved from the original superman the movie and put it into this one

you could tell who the hardcore fans were (not only because they showed up on wednesday night) but the whole audience cheered when the S first showed up in the credits and the rest of the names swooped in and out in light blue like the original series. Fans of the original will also like the inclusion of several famous lines such as "I certainly hope this little incident didn't put you off flying, miss....statistically speaking of course, its still the safest way to travel" or even simple things like Clark saying "swell". Singer really pays homage to Christopher Reeves (dedicated the movie to him) and the original series (that you could say really jump started the whole superhero genre). Brandon Routh looks fantastic as Superman/Clark...at times when watching the movie, you'll find that he looks and sounds exactly like Reeves (whether or not that's a good thing for a new series depends on how you feel...the critics that had problems with the movie usually had problems with this).

I went in with high expectations and was not let down.

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critics aren't really giving it a hard time



it's average 7.2/10 out of 150 reviews...or 76% on the rottentomato freshmeter


i saw it on imax 3d and was blown away...bryan singer took everything great and loved from the original superman the movie and put it into this one

you could tell who the hardcore fans were (not only because they showed up on wednesday night) but the whole audience cheered when the S first showed up in the credits and the rest of the names swooped in and out in light blue like the original series. Fans of the original will also like the inclusion of several famous lines such as "I certainly hope this little incident didn't put you off flying, miss....statistically speaking of course, its still the safest way to travel" or even simple things like Clark saying "swell". Singer really pays homage to Christopher Reeves (dedicated the movie to him) and the original series (that you could say really jump started the whole superhero genre). Brandon Routh looks fantastic as Superman/Clark...at times when watching the movie, you'll find that he looks and sounds exactly like Reeves (whether or not that's a good thing for a new series depends on how you feel...the critics that had problems with the movie usually had problems with this).

I went in with high expectations and was not let down.




Awesome...looks like IMAX is showing it in 3-D here, so I may go check it out tomorrow. It's funny, cause the first time I ever saw brandon routh was at the oscars this year. He was a presenter with someone (forget who), and in response to something she said, he said, "oh!" in that high pitched, dufus, nerdy way that Christopher Reeve did so well as Clark Kent.....that's all it took for me to know that this guy was going to be perfect for the part.


I really can't wait to see it....my first ever "date" was with my next door neighbor back in the day. Her mom took us to see Superman II. It's one of the best memories I have, so I'm really excited to see the film and indulge in a bit of nostalgia.

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for those of you concerned with THE GAY, there are some moments in the film that will make male fans nostalgic for the original tear up


copied from another review

As the scene ended, I went to secretly wipe my eyes. Then I was surprised as I heard the sniffles around me, and a guy behind me saying to his buddy in a voice that showed he had also teared, "Yeah, I know, it got to ME too." It was like a chick flick moment for guys.



waiting for honda fit/prius jokes

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They're showing it in IMAX 3-D??????  HOly sh*t.....


I'm so glad that they kept some of the original score.....that music is beautiful and it reminds me of how I felt about the character as a kid


The lab I work at processed alot of the Imax 3-D prints. We also did work on the trailer about six months ago, it came in under a fake name, Red Sun

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The lab I work at processed alot of the Imax 3-D prints.



Have you seen the finished product? I heard George Lucas and Spielberg talking about some new process where they can take any film (even older ones) and transform it into 3-D.....is this the stuff your lab is doing?

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Saw it earlier tonight and had a good time, great popcorn movie... the new guy playing Superman & Spacey were both very good, but I have to give thumbs down to the actress playing Lois Lane.... I wasn't buying her at all, she was not Lois Lane to me.

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