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I didn't know Marv Levy is a Vegetarian...

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I knew he was a health nut and ran, like, 5 miles a day. But I didn't know he was a veggie.


He's listed on just about every vegetarian website as a "famous vegetarian." Sometimes they spell his name wrong. And usually still refer to him as Buffalo Bills head coach.


Here's his vegetarian quote...


"When I was 12, I went hunting with my father and we shot a bird. He was laying there and something struck me. Why do we call this fun to kill this creature [who] was as happy as I was when I woke up this morning. "


--Marv Levy



Sorry if this has been discussed before.

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I respect Marv for the job he does.


I respect that he chooses to kill vegetables when he needs to eat. There that lettuce was, growing in the ground until someone came along and lopped its head off just so he could have nourishment.


I would also expect, as smart as he is, that he accepts that other people have different views.

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I remember, vaugely, Marv making some anti-gun reference when he was the HC, and getting some flack for it....I always respected him for it. I seem to remember his name being linked to some anti-gun group that took out an ad in some publication, which offended the NRA somehow...I just can't remember all the details.



I am sure he has accepted the fact that others like to eat meat, and shoot guns...I would hazard to guess that a good percentage of the players in the NFL are hunters....

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I've just finished reading his autobiography & he doesn't mention it at all. The only mention to anything of that nature is his views about hunting(which are negative). He mentions going out to dinner & eating a fair bit but no mention of excluding meat.

He also seems extraordinarily fair minded. The sort of man who can argue fiercely on a topic yet walk away with respect for others views.

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I remember, vaugely, Marv making some anti-gun reference when he was the HC, and getting some flack for it....I always respected him for it.  I seem to remember his name being linked to some anti-gun group that took out an ad in some publication, which offended the NRA somehow...I just can't remember all the details. 

I am sure he has accepted the fact that others like to eat meat, and shoot guns...I would hazard to guess that a good percentage of the players in the NFL are hunters....



I think he and Joe Devlin got into it briefly. It was a minor thing and they both moved on, as I recall.


Marv's veggie status is just another reason to love him. :blush:

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How many vegitarians (Marv Levy's) does it take to change a lightbulb?

Two, one to change it and one to check for animal ingredients.



Boooooooooooo!!!!!! *hiss*


That was bad bro. Try again. :blush:

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"Rodeo is something that Americans should be ashamed of, a part of America's past that should be put behind us. It celebrates a pathetic view of the "Wild West." Such inhumane "reenactments" should be illegal and disdained, not celebrated as "cultural events.""




Wild West=Gladiators


Marv=soft, pink and squishy

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