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This Guy Gets It--Long

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I guess I'm part of the BushBad! crowd and I admit I didn't read all of it.

I got about 1/2 sentence in before I realized he was going to compare our current situation with WWII.  Yeah, that's definitely the way we ought to approach this one. :blush:



You can also compare the current insurgency to Vietnam, but the BushGood crowd will freak out if you do.


Oh where are the rational people?

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You can also compare the current insurgency to Vietnam, but the BushGood crowd will freak out if you do.


Oh where are the rational people?



Not comparing the current insurgency to Vietnam, that's for sure.


The only thing Iraq and Vietnam have in common are the word "insurgency". Other than that, they're drastically different.

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They're not insurgents. They're Muslim murderers. I don't think the Viet Cong or NVA ever walked into temples and blew themselves up as well as other Viet Cong or NVA, like the dirt bag Muslims in Iraq do.


It's not world terrorism. It's Islamic Jihad - the Holy War.


As for the original post, yes, this guy does get it. Why doesn't Bush explain it this way? Policital correctness, I'm afraid.


Nothing changes in Iraq until the religion of Islam changes.


The cartoon character Winnie-the-Pooh has a sidekick who is a pig and aptly named 'Piglet'. Well, state television in Turkey last week banned Winnie-The-Pooh from broadcast television because Muslims don't want a pig on television. Even a harmless cartoon character. Muslims ban pig (pork) from their diet.


The world is going down the tub compliments of the religion of Islam.

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Not comparing the current insurgency to Vietnam, that's for sure.


The only thing Iraq and Vietnam have in common are the word "insurgency".  Other than that, they're drastically different.


The Iraq War is as close to the Vietnam War as it is to WWII. As in, "not even".

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See what I mean...  :)

Yeah, you're quite the puppetmaster. Where do you get all these dynamite zingers.....


Too bad my "You don't have to respond to everything, dumbass" post was deleted.

I suppose if I looked like that big of an assh0le in a thread, I'd have deleted it too.

<Insert more hilarious PPPcrew jokes here>


Raising the level of discourse one post at a time.

Uh-huh, that's me. I'm always the one that drags the political threads down.

Oh how I wish I could be part of the super cool crowd too. :lol:

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I suppose if I looked like that big of an assh0le in a thread, I'd have deleted it too.



You suppose? You DID look like that big of an ass hole in that thread.


Now how long until you delete this thread as well? It's amazing how an otherwise halfway-decent thread goes all to hell as soon as you show up, simply because you're totally incapable of refraining from saying "I know you are but what am I?" :lol:

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To say nothing of the fact that many of those doing the fighting in Iraq (Baathists and Iraqi nationalists for example) have little to do with the Jihadi movement and are fighting to get the US to get the hell out of their country.



Which everyone knows the best way to accomplish that is to bomb the hell out of women & children in restaurants, schools and markets.

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Which everyone knows the best way to accomplish that is to bomb the hell out of women & children in restaurants, schools and markets.



Know for a fact that every single insurgent group operating in Iraq is responsible for "bombing the hell out of woman and children in restaurants, schools and markets"? No? Thought not.


The idea that everyone doing the fighting in Iraq is quite happy to commit atrocities may be good for propaganda purposes, but that doesn't make it the truth.

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Forget the Nazis and Commie-Pinko-Fags and towelheads, what about the Yellow Menace?!


You can find them dealing blackjack in Vegas (or terrorizing our roads)....always avoid asian dealers, that's what I say. :lol:

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Know for a fact that every single insurgent group operating in Iraq is responsible for "bombing the hell out of woman and children in restaurants, schools and markets"? No? Thought not.


The idea that everyone doing the fighting in Iraq is quite happy to commit atrocities may be good for propaganda purposes, but that doesn't make it the truth.



An unreasonable chunk of them are. Part of the issue is that a good number of Sunni are simply upset at the Shi'ia "minority" being put in power, and see little wrong with killing Shi'ia to begin with. (FYI, I define "an unreasonable chunk" in this context as one group. Maybe three or four non-Islamic Sunni groups think that way, plus a couple of Islamic groups. Out of maybe forty insurgent groups. So it's hardly a Sunni majority thinking like that.)

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Know for a fact that every single insurgent group operating in Iraq is responsible for "bombing the hell out of woman and children in restaurants, schools and markets"? No? Thought not.


Nope, but it's a hell of a lot closer approximation that more insurgents are trying to assert their tribal boundaries by blowing up women & children than insurgents trying to drive the US out.


The idea that everyone doing the fighting in Iraq is quite happy to commit atrocities may be good for propaganda purposes, but that doesn't make it the truth.



Never said that people are happy to commit atrocities, just pointing out that the US occupation is a red herring for the tribal war that Saddam did a good job in suppressing.

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Nope, but it's a hell of a lot closer approximation that more insurgents are trying to assert their tribal boundaries by blowing up women & children than insurgents trying to drive the US out.



Actually, there's probably little discernable difference between tribal issues and insurgent issues at this point. The insurgency is heavily dependent on tribalism throughout much of the Sunni region.

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Nope, but it's a hell of a lot closer approximation that more insurgents are trying to assert their tribal boundaries by blowing up women & children than insurgents trying to drive the US out.

Never said that people are happy to commit atrocities, just pointing out that the US occupation is a red herring for the tribal war that Saddam did a good job in suppressing.



Reread my original reply in this thread. I never said any such thing. The original post is making the usual mistake of assuming that the entire insurgency in Iraq is to do with militant muslims wanting to take over the world. I was pointing out that a substantial part of the insurgency (and I used the word "many" not "most") was made up of secular Baathists and Iraqi nationalists who have very different motivations from those of Al-Qaeda. And yes, a major motivation is the removal of foreign forces from Iraq which is why talks with insurgent groups (which are happening all the time) usually break down on the issue of a definite timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops, whether they are negotiating with the Iraqi goverment or the US.

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