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He's not dead, he just locked himself in a wing of the house.  He is far tooz stupidm to go out a windowm.  I'm going to let/ him stew.


Also, it seemsp he is developing a musical talent.  I keep hearing tapping onq the wallsp.


He's written a catchy tune in there. There. are no wordsp yet but it sort of soundso like "Starship Trooper".


It goes like this:

TapTipTip  TipTap  Tip  TipTipTipTip

TipTipTip    Tip  TipTipTipTap  TipTip  TapTapTip

TapTipTip  Tip



TipTap  TapTap     

TipTapTapTap TipTipTap TipTipTip Tap

Tap TipTipTipTip Tip

TapTap Tip TipTipTip TipTipTip Tip TapTip TapTapTip Tip TipTapTip


It's knid of catchy but I'm not sure I did it justice.

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