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I can't confirm or deny what may or may not have happened.


1) Simon may or may not have abused his admin powers to change crayonz account settings.

2) Simon may or may not have sent nasty PMs to crayonz bragging about this.

3) Crayonz may or may not have called out simon on the board for changing his account settings. 

4) Crayonz warning level may or may not have gone up.

5) Crayonz unofficially *disappeared*..  ;)



Good job Simon!! :blink::huh::D

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I can't confirm or deny what may or may not have happened.


1) Simon may or may not have abused his admin powers to change crayonz account settings.

2) Simon may or may not have sent nasty PMs to crayonz bragging about this.

3) Crayonz may or may not have called out simon on the board for changing his account settings. 

4) Crayonz warning level may or may not have gone up.

5) Crayonz unofficially *disappeared*..  :blink:



How do you know all of this... ;)

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HE needs help?  So far you've accused just about everybody here of being crayonz at some point.  ;)



Just BF. And you.


Sometimes it's hard to tell the two of you apart. :blink:

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At least you two should flip a coin to see who gets Ron Germany.



What does the old Bills WR have anything to do with ieatcrayonz? Is HE crayonz? perhaps if he'd been training instead of posting, he'd have made in onto an NFL team somewhere.

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No, I think you're mistaken. As far as I know, Paul Tsongas never played a concert with Harry Garfinkel.



Harry Garfinkel? Isn't he the guy that sold illegally pirated CD's with current exchange rates to Google for a class paper in College.

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ieatcrayonz need not be idolized, or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life.


He is to be remembered simply as a good and decent man,

who saw wrong and tried to right it,

saw suffering and tried to heal it,

saw war and tried to stop it.


Those of us who loved him and who take him to rest today, pray that what he was to us and what he wished for others will some day come to pass for all the world.


As he said many times, in many posts on this board, to those he touched and who sought to touch him:


"Some men see things as they are and say why.

I dream things that never were and say why not."


I thank you.

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How do you know all of this... ;)



He doesn't. He's making it up or being lied to.

The first two are absurd, I have no idea about the third one and the last two happened after repeated requests to stop.

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