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Since my silicap ingestion I have learned a lot. One humanq concept I still don't get is countries,. All us gerbilsp are a unifiedk front. I know the laws of the United Statesp cannot be implemented retroactively. This is good in almost all casesp. Here is hoping Canada has diiferent rulesp.


Today a dirt bag, tomorrow a criminal dirt bag

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An exception is made for sex with persons up to five years older or younger?  If a fourteen year old wants to have sex with a nine year old, it is okay?  ;)


Legally yes, morally it is not.


Although I do not agree that kids that age (around 14) should be having sex, I don't believe someone should go to jail for having sex with someone that age if they are around the same age. Although I am thing more along the lines of a 14 and 16 year old, then a 14 and 19 year old having sex, it just doesn't seem right

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Since my silicap ingestion I have learned a lot.  One humanq concept I still don't get is countries,.  All us gerbilsp are a unifiedk front.  I know the laws of the United Statesp cannot be implemented retroactively.  This is good in almost all casesp.  Here is hoping Canada has diiferent rulesp. 


Today a dirt bag, tomorrow a criminal dirt bag



What is the age of consent for gerbils?

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