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Congressman has to apologize for telling the truth

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Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa was talking about the death of terrorist leader Musab al-Zarqawi when he mentioned reporter Helen Thomas.


"There probably are not 72 virgins in the hell he's at," King said about al-Zarqawi. "And if there are, they probably all look like Helen Thomas."


A representative for King said he has apologized to Thomas.


Congressman Apologizes For Helen Thomas Virgin Remark



I mean I can understand when a politician needs to apologize for getting caught telling a lie, but why should he have to for telling the truth?



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It is a pretty pathetic remark, common, he should opologize to everyone for linking virginity and its implication of unsoiled youthfullness to Helen Thomas.


And how that has anything to with faith and spirtuality, even in Islam. The whole remark smacks of the anachronym for an I.O.W.A.N. : Idiot Out Wandering Around. And with that Anachronym is a photo of Chuck Grassley...yuch...yuch..yuch.

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Imagine the outrage if a Democrat had said the same thing about W's mother Barbara Bush or that scarecrow verbal bombthrower Ann Coulter.



Interesting that you would need to use the President's mother as an antidotal example. But then again, I suppose that Helen Thomas' blind support for Dems is about equal to Barb's blind support for her son.

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