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Bills make a signing today

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Further, what if Moorman gets hurt (knock, knock)?  It's certainly better to have 1st hand knowledge of his replacement.




Yep. It's not unusual for clubs to check out a few kickers and punters, in case something happens. The guy may not be good enough to make an NFL team but he gains some knowledge of the team's special teams, and if injuries come, they are usually just a phone call away.

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Apparently they decided to bring in a undrafted rookie punter from Kent State


Why? is all I have to say


We already have Moorman, the One Pro Bowler on the team last year. Does the kid really have a chance?


He is also 5-11 and says he is not very flexable, but believes that it helps him as he feels he has a quicker snap to his leg for kicks with not being so flexable.


He was also born with clubbed feet (where his feet were turned inward at birth). I had the same thing when i was born too, my feet actually are still kind of turned in from it. it makes for great bar tricks since I can still turn my feet all the way in and walk and run like that.




I really do not understand this thread at all... considering that this happens every year. Every year, people... This thread, combined with the time machine-quality Rian Lindell thread, makes me wonder about the utility of the Internet... Though it also is proof that the season better hurry up and start, since people are so desperate for things to worry about...


That said, I love my Bills family. :P

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Trade bait.  Wow, you've never heard of this???    :P



In the entire history of the league, has any team EVER traded for a punter? They don't even trade for kickers - when a guy goes down they find a replacement who never signed or and old guy who's no longer in the league. Even if this kid becomes the suprise sensation at punter nobody's going to offer up more than a cooler full of gatorade for the guy.

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In the entire history of the league, has any team EVER traded for a punter? They don't even trade for kickers - when a guy goes down they find a replacement who never signed or and old guy who's no longer in the league. Even if this kid becomes the suprise sensation at punter nobody's going to offer up more than a cooler full of gatorade for the guy.





However it is one thing to trade an established player and another to trade a rookie.

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Man some people on here are really getting a little too freaked out by this extra punter business. Hasn't anyone noticed that as far as I can recall the Bills have been bringing in an extra PK and/or Punter to camp for years. Just like you need extra "camp arms" at the QB position in camp, it serves a team well to have extra "camp legs". If Morman were hurt in camp because he was the only one able to punt in camp, this board would blow up.

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Man some people on here are really getting a little too freaked out by this extra punter business. Hasn't anyone noticed that as far as I can recall the Bills have been bringing in an extra PK and/or Punter to camp for years. Just like you need extra "camp arms" at the QB position in camp, it serves a team well to have extra "camp legs". If Morman were hurt in camp because he was the only one able to punt in camp, this board would blow up.


Moorman isn't a Marv guy, stop trying to read too little into this.

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However it is one thing to trade an established player and another to trade a rookie.



My bad - I guess a 2 time Pro Bowler can still net you a 7th round pick - whodda thunk? I still think that gives the Bills rookie a trade value of a cooler full of gatorade (and maybe a stack of paper cups).

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Wow, I was just questioning why another punter was brought in as a bit of a joke, like how everyone overreacted to how extra QB's were brought in


I wonder if he was brought in so Moormans leg wouldn't be burned out from kicking too much? Has anyone mentioned that yet?


And if you read the articles, they all talk about how he could compete to start, but his chances are slim.


Sorry took I took precious space away from another Bills are gonna suck next year, Player we just cut signed with a new team and another team is upset with his progress, or Willis McGahee she get cut cause he does not want to be here thread.

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Wow, I was just questioning why another punter was brought in as a bit of a joke, like how everyone overreacted to how extra QB's were brought in


I wonder if he was brought in so Moormans leg wouldn't be burned out from kicking too much? Has anyone mentioned that yet?


And if you read the articles, they all talk about how he could compete to start, but his chances are slim.


Sorry took I took precious space away from another Bills are gonna suck next year, Player we just cut signed with a new team and another team is upset with his progress, or Willis McGahee she get cut cause he does not want to be here thread.


Oh fer chrissakes unwad yer panties. Some folks took the question seriously some didn't. Some enjoyed, some didn't. Big friggin deal.

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