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If there is any more tiresome phrase than "don't drink the kool-aid", I don't know what it is....


I'd call Baskin a moron, but that would be insulting the handicapped.


Numerous errors including Gregg Williams as Redskins Offensive Coordinator, Mike Sherman became Ray Sherman.


Speaking of Sherman, Baskin must love the taste of a certain part of Sherman's anatomy.


Outright lies-No way Whitner was a 2nd round pick that was taken #8.


Trying to prove his own opinions without any facts by restating prior opinions.


A moron never could have written that piece, a moron would be too smart for that.

If there is any more tiresome phrase than "don't drink the kool-aid", I don't know what it is....




Let's see.. how about.. "There's no bigger fan of the Bills than me, I'm just telling it like it is"?


Ok, no. You win, but I'm sure this guy will be saying this in the near future, too.


Look the guys very, very, bitter. He obviously loves this team and some of us just don't take the beatings as well as others. This outlook slants nearly his whole article, but I do agree with him on one point. The Bills will be bad in 2006. To much transition, and way to many question marks in critical areas. I've accepted this to a point, and to cope I'll watch 2006 to see young players develop into the future of this team. If we win it will be the icing on the cake. Call me defeated, but I won't be the one needing Prozac this year.


i've read some bad pieces in my day, but this one takes the cake. the speciousness of about, oh, a dozen claims he makes here are obvious to any one with half a brain. for instance, there's the projection about the draft based on no evidence at all and the laughable claim that defensive backs are a dime a dozen. sherlock, if that was the case, then why were more dbs drafted in the first round this year than any other position? and this year was no anomaly.


and by the way, there's no chance that whitner would have made it to the second half of the first round.


re mike "supergenius" sherman, gimme a break. let's see how that guy does when he's not coaching the best qb of the past two decades.


basically, the guy is and idjit.

If there is any more tiresome phrase than "don't drink the kool-aid", I don't know what it is....


"But, but but...(fill in stupid sarcastic statement here)"

Look the guys very, very, bitter. He obviously loves this team


Bzzzzzzzt. Next contestant. He's a hack writer trying to drum up controversy.

Any rookie who signs a long-term contract with this team is a fool. . . .


Any fan who supports this team financially on blind faith is also foolish. . . .Why shouldn’t the Bills follow the Braves (now the L.A. Clippers) to greener pastures?

This was the point at which I stopped reading the article. He doesn't want players to sign with this team. He doesn't want fans to support this team. He doesn't want the team to be here at all. If he feels this strongly, he could save a lot of time by driving a truck bomb into the middle of Ralph Wilson Stadium.

I have a sinking feeling that after the season, this guy will look like Nostradomus.


It's one thing to be a pessimist. I've predicted a 6-10 season myself. It's another to tell players not to sign long-term contracts with this team, to tell fans to not buy tickets, and to tell the team itself to move. While fans may not always predict success for the team, we always want what's best for it. Clearly, this guy doesn't.

Anyone else stop reading when this moron called Greg Williams an offensive coordinator.  Someone needs to tell this wanna be journalist to check his facts.


As for the Bills this year...at least we still have a team.


Sorry, missed that.....I couldn't get passed the first paragraph......wonder who typed that in for him from his crayon scrawlings.

Don't drink their kool aid either.......sounds like a bitter ex-fan. Completely mindless


Agreed...this guy is just a bitter fan. His mistakes (GW as offensive coordinator, *Ray* Sherman instead of Mike, etc.) are small ones, yet still lend no credibility to himself. Get the little facts straight before I can respect you, please.


Maybe it's SOPRANO who wrote this.

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