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U.S. Open 2006 thread

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the thing that i can overlook about van develde and phil is that they went for it, they didn't just play it safe, which in hindsight was profoundly stupid, I hate it when athletes/teams coast in.  I have alot more respect for them when they try to win rather than play not to lose, ie the Pre-vent defense of the old cowboys days.  I thought the us open was awesome to watch and i give those guys credit for playing an awful tough course and not bitching about it.  I also liked monty's comment.  He said in his past "failures" at majors, he never lost it, his opponents simply outplayed him, he was big enough to say this is the first time he blew it.  I was pulling for him and michelson to win it this year




I disagree. Golf and football are completely different. There's no running out the clock in golf, there is finishing with the best score, period. Monty simply blew the shot, but what exactly were Mickelson (and Van de Velde) "going for" other than junior high level testosterone rushes?? It was a US Open, not a long drive contest.


Part of being a great golfer is knowing how and when to play to the situation. If the green slopes to the front and into a pond, you take an extra club and hit to the back. Simple strategy. In the same way, you don't hit driver on the last hole with a one shot lead when you haven't hit a fairway all day.

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