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Nafta highway?

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Excuse the bump of my own thread.


When I initially opened it I thought it was conspiracy type article and was a fabrication. Upon further review it appears legit and would like to hear opinions not demanding, just asking,man :doh: You got some pretty sharp minds in this forum and I would like to here your take on it, and hopefully it's not bush bad, although if it actually is, that ok too...


It sure look's to be bad, for union working americans.

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I am a republican (as if you didn't know) and I didn't like NFTA in the first place and don't lile this.


You could lump me in with the democrat crowd(I'm sure you already :P did) but I'm trying to understand the issues to make a more educated decision. I agree with you on the nafta and right now this highway appears to be another blow against the unions and big plus for the walmarts of this country.

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This is kinda sweet. It will get the illegal immigrants over the border faster and facilitate their distribution throughout the US and Canada. Soon there will be hordes of "undocumented" workers hanging out on the street corners looking for work in Wichita.

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Forget it, he's rolling...



Shows how old I am that I remember it as NFTA and not Metro Bus. I even remember them as just plain red and beige NFT busses too.

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This is kinda sweet. It will get the illegal immigrants over the border faster and facilitate their distribution throughout the US and Canada. Soon there will be hordes of "undocumented" workers hanging out on the street corners looking for work in Wichita.



Without those undocumenteds, we'd be in a world of sh--.

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Without those undocumenteds, we'd be in a world of sh--.



True. We need to pay the medical bills for illegals and their anchor babies. Social Security is too solvent, and more money should be siphoned out of it and handed over to persons who invade us.


The opinions of a solid majority of Americans should be disregarded, and our borders should remain open to child molesters, gang members, and other criminals. We should save our venom for unionized workers.

Good thinking Joe! You really have it together.

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True. We need to pay the medical bills for illegals and their anchor babies. Social Security is too solvent, and more money should be siphoned out of it and handed over to persons who invade us.


The opinions of a solid majority of Americans should be disregarded, and our borders should remain open to child molesters, gang members, and other criminals. We should save our venom for unionized workers.

Good thinking Joe! You really have it together.



Because every Mexican who comes here is in MS-13? Come on. Tell you what...Go gut chickens some time at a Tyson plant and then come tell me we don't need the undocumenteds.

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Because every Mexican who comes here is in MS-13? Come on. Tell you what...Go gut chickens some time at a Tyson plant and then come tell me we don't need the undocumenteds.



Insinuating that I am a racist are we? :P Sorry, my wife and children are Hispanic, except the last time I looked, they were American Citizens. ;)


I don't have to gut chickens, but if your company relocates your job to Bombay and YOU must do so, it will be OK. You will still have medical benefits provided by a union that you scorn. No problem, right?

And, you will still have the pleasure of paying for illegals and their anchor babies doctor visits. You will also provide them with discount college education (part of the senate bill). After all, why should they have to pay as much as your children, right?


The thing is you will be enjoying it, so I guess all is well.

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