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Why Wegmans is better


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God please help us from ourselves!


"The ways that lobsters are treated would warrant felony cruelty to animals charges if they were dogs or cats," said Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.


Hope Bruce never visits Korea.

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I bet they still sell Veal at Wegmans though....




...Yep, they sell live lobsters, live crab, veal and think of all those little piggys and chickens that they sell in varrious forms of, well, dead. And they also Irradate there foods, oh my!


And I say thank God for that! They are a grocery store, they sell food to humans, humans eat other animals that are below them on the food chain.


People Eating Tasty Animals = PETA

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Hannaford is the best by far in my area.



You obviously must not have a Weggiemans in your area.

Hannafords is good at most locations.

Wegmans is breasts at almost all locations.

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