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Good job guys, here's a raise

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Yes, it's just a minor Cost of Living raise, but the point is, why does one who makes about $160k plus need a COL increase?


You're right. Once you hit $150K a year, you should never, ever get another raise for the rest of your natural born life. The extra money should be given to people who are on minimum wage because they deserve it more than anyone else.
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You're right. Once you hit $150K a year, you should never, ever get another raise for the rest of your natural born life. The extra money should be given to people who are on minimum wage because they deserve it more than anyone else.



It isn't totally about the money in this case. It's the attitude behind it. They feel they deserve these raises because of all the "hard work" they do for what is essentially a part-time job maintained by full-time asskissing at various social events.


How about returning to the idea of serving in office as a duty and priviledge instead of as it has currently become, which is serving in office as a career and a way making connections to enrich oneself? That holding onto said office is reason enough to say or do anything to keep getting re-elected?


Every time they vote to gives themselves a pay raise is another step towards creating an aristocracy. IMO not only should there be term limits, but monatary compensation should be bare minimum.

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It isn't totally about the money in this case. It's the attitude behind it. They feel they deserve these raises because of all the "hard work" they do for what is essentially a part-time job maintained by full-time asskissing at various social events.


How about returning to the idea of serving in office as a duty and priviledge instead of as it has currently become, which is serving in office as a career and a way making connections to enrich oneself? That holding onto said office is reason enough to say or do anything to keep getting re-elected?


Every time they vote to gives themselves a pay raise is another step towards creating an aristocracy. IMO not only should there be term limits, but monatary compensation should be bare minimum.



I don't know about you guys, but I am looking forward to summer recess more this year than I ever have before.


Great post by the way.

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You're right. Once you hit $150K a year, you should never, ever get another raise for the rest of your natural born life. The extra money should be given to people who are on minimum wage because they deserve it more than anyone else.


History of the world part II....


The senate was in sesion deciding what to do with the revenues?


The choice was, '' Shall we continue to build palace after palace for the rich, or give to the needy and the poor'', where by then the senate stood up in unison and said !@#$ the poor.


The last time minimum wage was increased was in 97.


During that same period the senate gave themselves multiple raises totaling $28.000 a year.

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It isn't totally about the money in this case. It's the attitude behind it. They feel they deserve these raises because of all the "hard work" they do for what is essentially a part-time job maintained by full-time asskissing at various social events.


How about returning to the idea of serving in office as a duty and priviledge instead of as it has currently become, which is serving in office as a career and a way making connections to enrich oneself? That holding onto said office is reason enough to say or do anything to keep getting re-elected?


Every time they vote to gives themselves a pay raise is another step towards creating an aristocracy. IMO not only should there be term limits, but monatary compensation should be bare minimum.


I don't argue with any of that, and my comment wasn't aimed toward why they were getting a raise but rather more toward the inane concept that just because someone is earning $160K/year, there's no need for them to earn more money.


Or as the poster put it: why does one who makes about $160k plus need a COL increase? What I inferred from that comment was that the "why" they were getting more money wasn't the issue but rather they should have no need for any additional money beyond what they were earning because, let's face it...once you're earning $150,000 a year, why indeed would you need more money?


Editor's Note: I think that is a totally ridiculous concept.

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Yes, it's just a minor Cost of Living raise, but the point is, why does one who makes about $160k plus need a COL increase?



IF this pay raise is so unnecessary, why do so many politicians have to turn to crime to make ends meet? It's clear that the real problem isn't that they're paid too much. It's that they're paid too little; their standard of living is so low they have to turn to illegal activities just to make a living. It's not their fault, it's society's, and the only solution for the government to give Congressmen more money, so that they're less inclined to turn to a life of crime.

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Why are they not entitled to a COLA? I dont get the argument against it. In fact, if you read the article they got LESS of an increase than federal employees and the military is getting.


Unfortunaly though, this is a dual edges sword. On one hand, you have a job nobody would want if there was no personal financial benefit. On the other hand, people are doing it for the money and not for love of country. Its a no-win situation, but I certainally do not think COLAs are a problem.


And lastly, THIS IS NOT A RAISE. This is an adjustment in their salary to keep the buying power of their dollars constant.

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Why are they not entitled to a COLA?



Cuz I'm a pepper. You're a pepper. He's a pepper too.

Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?


but I certainally do not think COLAs are a problem. 


Cola's aren't a problem, the problem is those damn Sprites

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The last time minimum wage was increased was in 97.


During that same period the senate gave themselves multiple raises totaling $28.000 a year.



You do realize that if you increase minimum wage, you're going to force employers to pay more, correct? You then must know that if they have to pay out more money, there's going to be fewer jobs, right?

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You do realize that if you increase minimum wage, you're going to force employers to pay more, correct? You then must know that if they have to pay out more money, there's going to be fewer jobs, right?


Right now the only positive I know is, since the wage was set at 5.15 per hr. 8 years ago the cost of living has increased 17%..


Care to show me the data where raising the minimum wage to meet cost of living after 8 years, will cause employers nationwide, to drop employees ..

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Right now the only positive I know is, since the wage was set at 5.15 per hr. 8 years ago the cost of living has increased 17%..


Care to show me the data where raising the minimum wage to meet cost of living after 8 years, will cause employers  nationwide, to drop employees ..



If raising it is no big deal, why not raise it to $15 an hour?

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If raising it is no big deal, why not raise it to $15 an hour?


Apparently new jersey raised the minimum on oct 1, 05 from 5.15 to 6.15. Has it caused employers state wide to drop employees? Theres some data to look into, to see what effect it has on employers and how they handled it.

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You cant live off 5.15 an hour. You cant even live off 6.15 an hour. Maybe Gavin is right. The minimum wage should be something where you can live off of. Is 15 dollars/hour enough? hmm... maybe it should be 20/hr. Personally, i'd like to make 50/hr. Maybe that should be the minimum, then everyone can get rich!

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