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2008 Election


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The perfect solution-Rudy becomes a Democrat and gets the nomination.


Here's an example of what's already out there on the web bashing Rudy:


Giuliani is completely pro-abortion, and even supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion.


But that is just the beginning of his extreme left-wing positions: Giuliani is pro-Sodomite, pro-Third World immigration and anti-Second Amendment.


Every year as New York's mayor, Giuliani marched in the Sodomite parade down Fifth Avenue with all of the transvestites, the sadomasochistic freaks wearing Nazi helmets, and the child molesters of the National Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe 


Giuliani himself dressed in "drag" - he wore a dress, a wig, makeup and lipstick - on more than one occasion.


Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton.


Giuliani married his first cousin and then pulled all types of strings to get the marriage annulled by the Catholic Church. (Catholics are not allowed to divorce, and so "annulment" of a marriage is sometimes used to end an unwanted union.)


Rudy Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton 


Giuliani then married his second wife, Donna Hanover, who starred in the evil pornographic and child-molesting play, The Vagina Monologues. In the play, a grown woman has a lesbian, child-molesting relationship with a 13-year-old girl.


An uncaring mother and a cheating husband made for tabloid fodder during the messy Giuliani-Hanover divorce - Television personality Donna Hanover starred in The Vagina Monologues, a play about lesbian pedophilia, and played Jimmy Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, in The People vs. Larry Flynt, a loving cinematic tribute to the infamous porn king, depicted in the film as a “free speech” crusader 


Giuliani then openly cheated on his second wife, parading around the city with his adulterous mate, Judith Nathan. Giuliani even wanted to bring his adulterous mate into the Mayor's official residence in Gracie Mansion to openly live with him. He did not care that his young son Andrew was living there and would have seen his father together with his adulterous partner every day.


A supposed Catholic, the openly unfaithful Rudy Giuliani sought a divorce from his second wife Donna Hanover - He is shown with Hanover meeting Pope John Paul II 


Finally, Giuliani sought to divorce his second wife. This time, he did not seek an "annulment," he openly sought a divorce.


When the Giulianis separated, he moved into the apartment of an AIDS-infected homosexual "couple" whom he had befriended.



Wow, who ever wrote that sure is a hateful person.


I love how they talk about him dressing in drag as though it were a lifestyle choice, not a NYC Mayorial tradition :doh:

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If Hillary gets the nomination from the Democrats, within a nano-second Republicans in this country will make arrangements to vote against her.


Republicans Will:


Mark election day 2008 in all of their calendars.


Call five friends to remind them to vote against Hillary. And those five friends would call five friends....


Map out the route to the polling place to make absolutely sure they know where to vote against Hillary.


Bring portable seats when they go to vote against Hillary in case the line is long and it takes time.


Bring coffee, tea, and donuts to give to other Republicans waiting in line to vote against Hillary.


Take the day off from work to make absolutely sure they get to vote against Hillary.


Arrive as soon as the polls open to vote against Hillary.


Drive voters to the polls so they can vote against Hillary.


Register ALL potential voters who will vote against Hillary.


Lesson: If the Democrats are dumb enough to nominate Hillary they're the ones motivating Republicans to vote - against Hillary. Half the Republicans' job is done - compliments of the Democrats.


"It seems Democrats are split on the idea of Hillary Clinton running for President in 2008. Some Democrats don't like the idea while others hate it." Conan O'Brien

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The perfect solution-Rudy becomes a Democrat and gets the nomination.


Here's an example of what's already out there on the web bashing Rudy:


Giuliani is completely pro-abortion, and even supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion.


But that is just the beginning of his extreme left-wing positions: Giuliani is pro-Sodomite, pro-Third World immigration and anti-Second Amendment.


Every year as New York's mayor, Giuliani marched in the Sodomite parade down Fifth Avenue with all of the transvestites, the sadomasochistic freaks wearing Nazi helmets, and the child molesters of the National Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe 


Giuliani himself dressed in "drag" - he wore a dress, a wig, makeup and lipstick - on more than one occasion.


Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton.


Giuliani married his first cousin and then pulled all types of strings to get the marriage annulled by the Catholic Church. (Catholics are not allowed to divorce, and so "annulment" of a marriage is sometimes used to end an unwanted union.)


Rudy Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton 


Giuliani then married his second wife, Donna Hanover, who starred in the evil pornographic and child-molesting play, The Vagina Monologues. In the play, a grown woman has a lesbian, child-molesting relationship with a 13-year-old girl.


An uncaring mother and a cheating husband made for tabloid fodder during the messy Giuliani-Hanover divorce - Television personality Donna Hanover starred in The Vagina Monologues, a play about lesbian pedophilia, and played Jimmy Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, in The People vs. Larry Flynt, a loving cinematic tribute to the infamous porn king, depicted in the film as a “free speech” crusader 


Giuliani then openly cheated on his second wife, parading around the city with his adulterous mate, Judith Nathan. Giuliani even wanted to bring his adulterous mate into the Mayor's official residence in Gracie Mansion to openly live with him. He did not care that his young son Andrew was living there and would have seen his father together with his adulterous partner every day.


A supposed Catholic, the openly unfaithful Rudy Giuliani sought a divorce from his second wife Donna Hanover - He is shown with Hanover meeting Pope John Paul II 


Finally, Giuliani sought to divorce his second wife. This time, he did not seek an "annulment," he openly sought a divorce.


When the Giulianis separated, he moved into the apartment of an AIDS-infected homosexual "couple" whom he had befriended.


Wow, they're really going to go after him in nasty, untruthful ways. It's too bad people are so hateful and ignorant.

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Wow, they're really going to go after him in nasty, untruthful ways.  It's too bad people are so hateful and ignorant.


That stuff is true (although I'm not sure the gay couple he moved in with had AIDS). It's the context they take it in that shows what hard right social conservatives will say about him to scare the Republicans voting in Bible-Belt primaries. It won't be much different than the racist nonsense they pulled on McCain in the 2000 primaries-and it worked!

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That stuff is true (although I'm not sure the gay couple he moved in with had AIDS). It's the context they take it in that shows what hard right social conservatives will say about him to scare the Republicans voting in Bible-Belt primaries.  It won't be much different than the racist nonsense they pulled on McCain in the 2000 primaries-and it worked!


Putting him in association with NAMBLA and the AIDS comment were the last straw in an entire argument that began by going too far. As if it's a crime to have AIDS to begin with, regardless of whether they did or didn't. Aren't we past 1989? I'm sure these people have seen the "Vagina Monologues," also. :doh: People this ignorant make me sick.


That's some really nasty rhetoric and you're right, it's mostly the context they put it in that's the worst. Actually, the absolute worst is that as McCain's aligned himself with the people who betrayed him in such a way, it's entirely possible someone who is now pro-McCain would do such a thing.

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the more i look back on Kerry, the more i think he would have done better had he had a stronger, smarter crew running his campaign. it was a total "fuster cluck".


as a hardcore rightwing conservative, i think Guliani is indeed a great leader but his social positions have created some real problems for conservitives, and he would be much better for the country in a cabinet position. i think McCain is getting into a situation where the term "flip-flop" might fit him pretty well. Trying to be all things to all people will surely make him a lot of critics.


i don't know about Newt. i like what i hear him say when i catch him speaking on C-Span at some event.....but he may have left too many scars the last time he left Washington.


Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia


Possible 2008 presidential run?

Since the release of Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America in January 2005, Gingrich has been mentioned as a potential Presidential candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election. He has made several trips to Iowa and New Hampshire to discuss his book and on April 1, 2005, David Yepsen wrote in the Des Moines Register that Gingrich was "setting a high standard for what other GOP candidates need to be talking about - and doing - if they want to win here."[7] Gingrich has voiced criticism against the Republican Party, and has argued that the party must adapt if it is to remain a dominant force in US politics.


In 2005, Newt Gingrich and his wife Callista established the Newt L. and Callista L. Gingrich Scholarship for instrumental music majors at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. (Gingrich's wife is an alumna of Luther.) This scholarship provides Gingrich with valuable public relations in Iowa, which will hold the crucial Iowa caucuses in 2008.[8]


In May 2005, he raised eyebrows when he announced that he was collaborating with Hillary Clinton on a new health-care bill.[9] Some analysts speculated such a move was a calculated attempt to project a more "moderate" front on the part of both politicians, in anticipation of a potential 2008 run.


On October 13, 2005, Gingrich suggested he's actually considering a run for president, saying "There are circumstances where I will run", elaborating that those circumstances would be if no other candidate champions some of the platform ideas advocated by Gingrich.[10]


In March, 2006, Gingrich began a regular series of daily radio commentaries, titled "Winning the Future", the same as his recent book. These commentaries are modeled after Ronald Reagan's radio addresses in the mid-1970s.


On April 10, 2006 Gingrich raised eyebrows when he was quoted in an Argus Leader article titled "Newt: Pull out of Iraq" as saying "It was an enormous mistake for us to try to occupy that country after June of 2003...We have to pull back, and we have to recognize it." The headline of the article later changed to "Gingrich at USD: Scale back to small force in Iraq."[6] On April 11th, Gingrich clarified his statement by posting an audio clip and transcript of the Iraq portion of the speech in question on his website[7]. The transcript makes it obvious Gingrich does not favor a withdrawal from Iraq. Instead, he believes the strategy used by the CPA after June 2003 was a mistake and that we need to turn over control to Iraqis as rapidly as possible.


On April 29, 2006, supporters launch http://www.draftnewt.org to form a grassroots movement to support a possible Gingrich run for the Presidency.


On June 2, 2006, the Minnesota Republican Party at their state convention held a straw poll for the GOP nomination in 2008[8]. Gingrich came in first place at 40%, with the next highest in the straw poll of GOP delegates being Senator George Allen at 15%.

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the more i look back on Kerry, the more i think he would have done better had he had a stronger, smarter crew running his campaign.  it was a total "fuster cluck".




I agree, and also believe that he very possibly might have won if he chose Gephardt as his running mate. Gephardt surely would have carried his home state, and maybe some others because of his labor connections.

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I agree, and also believe that he very possibly might have won if he chose Gephardt as his running mate. Gephardt surely would have carried his home state, and maybe some others because of his labor connections.


Surprising that Democrats wouldn't have a sound campaign strategy, given their platforms over the last 25 years. [/sarcasm]

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Surprising that Democrats wouldn't have a sound campaign strategy, given their platforms over the last 25 years. [/sarcasm]



Have you noticed what the Republicans have been doing of late? They have been forcing the Democrats to actually take stands on issues. They brought up the flag vote, the Iraq vote and the gay marriage vote (I think there were other issues, but I cannot think of them right now). This is the last thing that the Dems want going into mid-term elections. They just wanted to bash the Reps without standing for anything. Now, they will have a record for which the Reps can bash them. Smart move.

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Have you noticed what the Republicans have been doing of late? They have been forcing the Democrats to actually take stands on issues. They brought up the flag vote, the Iraq vote and the gay marriage vote (I think there were other issues, but I cannot think of them right now). This is the last thing that the Dems want going into mid-term elections. They just wanted to bash the Reps without standing for anything. Now, they will have a record for which the Reps can bash them. Smart move.



Sure, another "critical" issue is the English as the National Language thing. I mean after all, this will matter a lot in our day to day lives. ;)


The repubs have little to be proud of. The Zogby Poll (too lazy to link it) shows that every single demographic group opposes amnesty for illegal aliens, and the repubs in the senate just rammed that bill down the throat of their constituents.


Thanks once again to our "leaders." :P

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Sure, another "critical" issue is the English as the National Language thing. I mean after all, this will matter a lot in our day to day lives.  ;)


The repubs have little to be proud of. The Zogby Poll (too lazy to link it) shows that every single demographic group opposes amnesty for illegal aliens, and the repubs in the senate just rammed that bill down the throat of their constituents.


Thanks once again to our "leaders."  :P



Since when have congresscritters actually cared about things that matter a lot to their constituents?

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Pols who do a good job representing their constituents are few and far between, but every now and then, one of them has some balls.



You gotta love this quote-


Jose Lechuga, 42, came to the United States illegally in 1982, received amnesty in 1986 and now operates a grocery store and restaurant in Hazleton. He said the mayor is "confusing illegal people with criminals."


If I steal a candy bar, is that illegal or criminal? I'm so confused...



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You gotta love this quote-

If I steal a candy bar, is that illegal or criminal? I'm so confused...





What disturbs me is that while the person who said this is said to be Hispanic, his views do not represent those of the bulk of Hispanics. The Zogby poll indicates that a majority of American citizens are fed up with the criminal farce of our country being invaded.

The only group that seems to be for this is the US Senate, and of course a few individuals who are consistent hypocrites.

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What disturbs me is that while the person who said this is said to be Hispanic, his views do not represent those of the bulk of Hispanics. The Zogby poll indicates that a majority of American citizens are fed up with the criminal farce of our country being invaded.

The only group that seems to be for this is the US Senate, and of course a few individuals who are consistent hypocrites.



Enjoy your $50 steak and $15 grapes.


But hey, at least the "working man" will be protected, right?



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Like it or not, cheap labor keeps America going. And it has from the beginning. Changing this would require more than just a bunch of xenophobic laws or $1000 slaps on the wrists of corporations. Unfortunately, wherever there's a regulation, there's someone looking to circumvent or exploit it. I have no doubt it'll be the case if this kind of stuff passes.

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Sure, another "critical" issue is the English as the National Language thing. I mean after all, this will matter a lot in our day to day lives.  :P



What, you haven't been a victim of the rampant flag-burning? It's epidemic, you know.


I actually burned one last week. Tattered, faded, had a rip in it. Meant to do it a while ago....


But I did give it a proper military ceremony --- I wore a boonie hat that got my brother through a tour in Afghanistan (he's on his second now), saluted with my right hand and held a St. Pauli Girl in my left.

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