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post here if you are glad we lost at soccer


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It just comes down to a lack of understanding of the other person's game and a mentality that what we do is superior to what the other person does. It's a human condition. Rather than trying to embrace it or at least learn and understand about it, people put it down.


Yeah, I don't understand soccer. Such a difficult sport with its intricacies and rules (especially the one that penalizes the attacking side for cherry picking - the dumbest rule in the history of sport). Diagonal drops and crosses are mystifying. :D

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your statements just prove you don't understand it. It's alot more complicated than your beloved sport of hockey...dump and chase. (and I like hockey!) but in my opinion, soccer is much more complicated. More space, more strategy, etc. Hockey is much more like indoor soccer, a much simpler game. 5 aside, less space.

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your statements just prove you don't understand it. It's alot more complicated than your beloved sport of hockey...dump and chase. (and I like hockey!) but in my opinion, soccer is much more complicated. More space, more strategy, etc. Hockey is much more like indoor soccer, a much simpler game. 5 aside, less space.




Of course you've made it up in your minds that the game is complicated else watching 1-0 games with regularity would drive you all batshiat crazy. You've got to make up elaborate chants to give you something to do for crissakes. I'm sure there are threads on soccer message boards debating whether or not players should shave their !@#$ing legs to decrease wind resistence while they lope up and down the field.


I went to a school that didn't have football, only soccer. Never missed a home game. My friends and I would get liquored up and have a blast heckling the other team, but nobody would actually watch more than 5 minutes of the game lest they risk falling asleep. I actually like soccer but come on dude admit it, it's boring.

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FWIW..these World Cup games have been GREAT..



I'm thinking you're probably just being sarcastic (which is fine, since I actually consider you one of the most entertaining people here), but there HAVE been some great games so far. Not only the games, but the goals....There have been some BEAUTIFUL goals over the past week, and I think it's only going to get better. With one or two exceptions (e.g. Team USA), these teams have brought their best with them to Germany.

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I'm thinking you're probably just being sarcastic (which is fine, since I actually consider you one of the most entertaining people here), but there HAVE been some great games so far. Not only the games, but the goals....There have been some BEAUTIFUL goals over the past week, and I think it's only going to get better. With one or two exceptions (e.g. Team USA), these teams have brought their best with them to Germany.


nope..they have been on in my office since the tourney started...Poland Germany was great...Saudi/Tunisia was as well...only clunker was the US so far IMO...

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question...why do all teams not have a HUGE 7' forward up front for headers?



I stand corrected then :devil:


I think the guy for the Czechs is significantly more talented than the Mr. Roboto from England. The England guy is athletic, but he's not all that coordinated. He was on a great cross from Beckham today and shinned it big time, even though he had plenty of time to get his foot on the ball. I don't really blame him entirely, cause his legs are like those of a friggin giraffe. They're better off crossing it higher and just letting him head it on goal.

The bald frankenstein from the Czech republic is a scary player.

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I stand corrected then :devil:


I think the guy for the Czechs is significantly more talented than the Mr. Roboto from England. The England guy is athletic, but he's not all that coordinated. He was on a great cross from Beckham today and shinned it big time, even though he had plenty of time to get his foot on the ball. I don't really blame him entirely, cause his legs are like those of a friggin giraffe. They're better off crossing it higher and just letting him head it on goal.

The bald frankenstein from the Czech republic is a scary player.


Bizarrely Crouch is not THAT strong in the air, and has normally got pretty good touch on the ball for such a big man (if he did not there were several other strikers that would have gone to the finals instead of him). His touch certainly deserted him today.


However even when he uses his skill to good effect the spectacle of those limbs looking so uncoordinated and all over the place is quite disconcerting.

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It just comes down to a lack of understanding of the other person's game and a mentality that what we do is superior to what the other person does. It's a human condition. Rather than trying to embrace it or at least learn and understand about it, people put it down.



your statements just prove you don't understand it. It's alot more complicated than your beloved sport of hockey...dump and chase. (and I like hockey!) but in my opinion, soccer is much more complicated. More space, more strategy, etc. Hockey is much more like indoor soccer, a much simpler game. 5 aside, less space.


Thanks for not waiting too long (under 3 hours, perhaps someone has actually scored a goal!) to be a hypocrite, Kickball Kenny. Soccer has to be complicated, how else could you get people to sit through a 90 minute, no goal, bore fest while still feeling elitist?

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I watch all three games a day. Sorry you find it boring. Watch American Idol or something as equally entertaining.


I love watching soccer. Many people don't. Fair enough. If you think it's a simple, boring game, don't play, don't watch.


If you haven't noticed, the game doesn't need you.


On a serious note, for those that don't play. I think part of the reason I like soccer so much is that I play. I appreciate the mastery of skill and the precision and training it takes to receive a pass from 50 yards, control it with your foot and have it stop right in front of you. Some NFL receivers can't catch a pass with their hands on a 50 yard pass.


When we say complicated, it's the subtles in the game, watching the great players undue an entire defence with a pass that splits open the entire defence or watch a player hit the top corner of the net from 25 yards out when some QB's can't throw the ball with such accuracy.


I like most sports, I can appreciate them for what they are, but soccer is tops in my books.

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Mr Roboto had a handful of the TT guys hair..well disguised...



lol.....I missed that


I'm not really in favor or against the English team, but I'm glad that Rooney saw some time today. He'll probably sit out next game, but if he's healthy he'll be a huge factor beyond the first round. I've seen him play more in the past six months than I ever had before, and the guy has some serious game. With Beckham serving it up from outside, and Rooney making things happen by himself, they are going to be hard to beat.

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now your true feelings are coming out...don't like feeling left out. (the elitist comment). Soccer is a game of the people, nothing elitist about it.


this soccer stuff is really driving you nuts. I love it. Keep posting in a thread about a sport that you find boring. Cheers.

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Bizarrely Crouch is not THAT strong in the air, and has normally got pretty good touch on the ball for such a big man (if he did not there were several other strikers that would have gone to the finals instead of him). His touch certainly deserted him today.


However even when he uses his skill to good effect the spectacle of those limbs looking so uncoordinated and all over the place is quite disconcerting.



Admittedly, my only exposure to Crouch has been one friendly match and his two WC games (though I only caught part of today's). What you say makes sense, so I guess if he starts playing more to form then England will be even more dangerous. In 2.5 games, though, I've just seen him do some really boneheaded stuff....He just doesn't seem to make clean strikes as often as he should. That's part of what really impressed me with the Germans and, to a lesser extent, Portugal. The Germans have some guys (Frings, Ballack) who can just ROCKET the ball, hitting it cleanly and putting it on goal. I noticed the same thing about a couple of the Angolan players, but they tend to suffer in terms of accuracy more often than not, but they still hit it clean. That's why I just assumed that Crouch has coordination issues with those limbs of his.

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now your true feelings are coming out...don't like feeling left out. (the elitist comment). Soccer is a game of the people, nothing elitist about it.


this soccer stuff is really driving you nuts. I love it. Keep posting in a thread about a sport that you find boring. Cheers.


I'm getting the impression that you left "of schit" off the end of your handle. I don't feel at all left out because I don't watch the sports world's version of the insomnia cure. Your post was the elitist one (hence the reason I used the term), but somehow I doubt your hypocritical ass could understand the simplicity of that little fact - so I won't bother trying to explain it to you.


Game of the people. Like the "American Idol" you supposedly loath, it is. :devil::lol:

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On a serious note, for those that don't play. I think part of the reason I like soccer so much is that I play. I appreciate the mastery of skill and the precision and training it takes to receive a pass from 50 yards, control it with your foot and have it stop right in front of you. Some NFL receivers can't catch a pass with their hands on a 50 yard pass.





That's why I think it's a great game to play growing up. Soccer was the first sport I played, and I really attribute my soccer skills as helping me excel at other sports. When you grow up playing a sport where you can't use your hands, you become much more aware of things like balance and coordination. IMO, developing foot/knee/head to eye coordination is much more difficult than establishing hand to eye coordination. And as you pointed out, it also helps with the kind of coordination and timing that it takes to properly lead someone or thread a pass through defenders that are 20+ yards downfield.

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what's the matter darin...no friends to chat with in your hockey thread?




That the best you could come up with in the last couple of hours? :devil:


It certainly explains why you became a soccer fan - because the kids playing sports that their dad's would actually watch would kick your ass for being so lame. Now get in the mini-van so your mom can drive you to kickball practice.

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