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Kirk vs Picard resolved

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And Picard's gayer than Sulu...who actually IS gay.





Sulu > Picard

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I dunno what's sadder.  The fact that someone took the time to put that together.  Or the 4 Minutes 54 Seconds of my life wasted by watching that



Oh come on, you can do better than that :D

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What's up with the Bride of Frankenstein?


Oh wait, she was that Dax chick from DS9, right?



Yep, Warf's beeaatch! They were always going to sick bay for "injuries". :D

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Usually Sulu...sometimes Chekov...once Spock did, but that was the director's error...



i always thought it was voice activated, like maybe Scotty rigged up a The Clapper® or something


Phase on!

Phase off!


Phase on! Phase off!

The Phaser!

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