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Ann Coulter.

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I think she's pretty hot, for being in what, her mid to late 40's?





































Countdown to crayonz in 5, 4, 3...

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Using "Bush Bad" as an accusation of unthinking partisanship doesn't hold up very well in conjuction with "Ann Bad"


Very true. But they are both consistently bad. So there is a connection. And this isn't a partisan thing. Any left wing idiot as far often brutally bad as Ann Coulter is just as bad, like Michael Moore or most anyone on Air America. And John Kerry and Al Gore were just as bad as Presidential candidates as Bush has been as a President, meaning it's painstakingly hard to find more than 2-3 significant things that they actually did right.


None the less, "Bush is bad" is almost becoming a stereotype.

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I take that to assume you do not think truth is often funnier than fiction? You must not have a very good sense of humor. Carry on.



You know what they say when you assume things....



My understanding was that you were equating the "Bush Bad" catchphrase on this board with an "Ann Bad" catchphrase, saying that (basically) that the attacks on her have no substance. I say this because thats the way Pete used it, which is what X. had quoted. From your post, it seemed as though you were backing Pete up.

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You know what they say when you assume things....

My understanding was that you were equating the "Bush Bad" catchphrase on this board with an "Ann Bad" catchphrase, saying that (basically) that the attacks on her have no substance.  I say this because thats the way Pete used it, which is what X. had quoted.  From your post, it seemed as though you were backing Pete up.



BlueFire bad.

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I think she's pretty much spot on with regards to those 911 widows. Your husbands dying made you experts on fighting terrorism and political punditry? Take your illegal government sympathy money, get on with your lives, and STFU.


Right. So because their husbands died, they should have to hear about how their now-dead husbands were probably cheating on them and going to leave them anyway? That they "enjoyed their deaths"? Put yourself in their shoes, buddy. If your spouse died in a horrible incident like this, you're going to want to know the truth.


Coulter is as classless and her commentary as worthless as it gets. A woman who writes books called "Treason" and "Slander" that has the gall to suggest killing an ex-President and Supreme Court Justice should not be listened to, much less valued.



And Wacka, your spindly-legged girl needs a freaking sandwich.

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She must really be hitting close to home if she gets under the libs skin so easily.

Why don't you ust ignore  her.


don't ever change. :P


In an age of Hyper-babble, there is nobody more effective at

creating a straw-man to pummel than Ann Coulter.

She is so toxic that she is a genre unto herself - at best she is

a little humorous, but really she creates a low monotonous

gear crunching sound that is indistinguishable from week to week.

She is the Popeye of columnists - She is what she is - but without the

insight to carry her can of spinach with her - and impervious to

moral development.


In short: I think she's as amusing as a the bearded lady at the

circus. But once you've seen her once...


I know, I know...

Bush Bad, Ann Bad. :D

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Right.  So because their husbands died, they should have to hear about how their now-dead husbands were probably cheating on them and going to leave them anyway?  That they "enjoyed their deaths"?  Put yourself in their shoes, buddy.  If your spouse died in a horrible incident like this, you're going to want to know the truth.


Lighten up Francis. I don't recall Gavin saying he agreed with Coulter's comments - even if they were taken out of context. And as for the '9-11 widows', I agree with him. They got their absurd seven figure payoff -- soliders dying in combat get what, $12,000? They certainly don't need to be consulted about rebuilding the WTC, foreign policy or anything else.

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