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al Zarquawi Dead!

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Attention Mr. al Zarquawi

Your table for two with mr Htler is now available.


Enjoy your eternity in everlasting torment.  Water will be served in "never".


Kind Regards,



While a horrible human being, Zarqawi is not by a longshot in the same league as Hitler. Try Pol Pot, Stalin, and many, many others first. Looking at Africa might be a good start.

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While a horrible human being, Zarqawi is not by a longshot in the same league as Hitler.  Try Pol Pot, Stalin, and many, many others first.  Looking at Africa might be a good start.



get a grip. it's dinner in hell....it's not like i said they were getting married.



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Looking like they got a dental and fingerprint match on it guys.  Thank Jordan's Intel for helping on that one!


Great that he is dead!  I loved that last video of him shooting his M60 and one of his little bitches having to reload and rooster it for him.  The guy burning his hand on it was priceless also!


Some say he had no power anymore....  But im sure there will be about 20 other camel pumpers to take his place



May he rot in hell. M249 machine gun, not an M60.


Awesome weapon!



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I can't believe I didn't hear about this. I used to bowl with Al Zarcowy every Wednesday when I lived in Milwaukee. Why was the US targeting him with an airstrike? All he liked to do was drink Miller High Life and roll strikes- he never bothered anyone.


And what is the military doing acting on intelligence from Michael Jordan? I know the guy could shoot the J, but come on! Now Al is dead and the Wednesday bowling league is probably shot to hell. Unless Jordan wants to step in as commissioner.

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I can't believe I didn't hear about this.  I used to bowl with Al Zarcowy every Wednesday when I lived in Milwaukee.  Why was the US targeting him with an airstrike?  All he liked to do was drink Miller High Life and roll strikes- he never bothered anyone. 


And what is the military doing acting on intelligence from Michael Jordan?  I know the guy could shoot the J, but come on!  Now Al is dead and the Wednesday bowling league is probably shot to hell.  Unless Jordan wants to step in as commissioner.



I think you forgot to change to your "ieatcrayonz" account. :)B-)

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get a grip.  it's dinner in hell....it's not like i said they were getting married.




They met through "It's Just Lunch!"


"Adolf, someone just moved into town who could really be your type. He's a husky Jordanian who loves the outdoors, loves kids (as human shields), and hates Jews!"

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I think you forgot to change to your "ieatcrayonz" account.  :)  0:)






Good catch Tom.


I can't believe I'm being stalked by a guy who idolizes BF and calls himself smokinandjokin... B-)

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They met through "It's Just Lunch!"


"Adolf, someone just moved into town who could really be your type.  He's a husky Jordanian who loves the outdoors, loves kids (as human shields), and hates Jews!"




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It's established that smokinandjokin and ieatzcrayonz are the same poster?



Sorry to disappoint the Hardy Boys, but snj flies solo on TBD. I don't have enough time on my hands to create the whole hamster scenario.


I just couldn't resist the 'Al Zarcowy' line. He sounds like a Wednesday night bowling commissioner from Milwaukee.


Besides, if crayonz had posted that, someone would've replied:


It's the COUNTRY of Jordan you idiot, not MICHAEL Jordan!!!
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Bite me, you pasty-white brokeback Honda owning dough ball.  Just yesterday you accused ME of being crayonz.  Who's it going to be tomorrow?  :P



Who hasn't yet been accused of being ieatcrayonz?


More importantly, Zarquawi is dead :D:lol: Hope he rots in hell with 72 virgins that look like Rosie O'Donnel, Star Jones, and Oprah Winfrey

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