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al Zarquawi Dead!

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It will be really neat if this turns out to be true.









Also a press conference, with General George Casey, with the new Iraqi Prime Minister, who confirmed that he was killed, and verified by fingerprints, facial recognition, and known scars.


Guess it's pretty true, but I'll find more links if more proof is needed...

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Looking like they got a dental and fingerprint match on it guys. Thank Jordan's Intel for helping on that one!


Great that he is dead! I loved that last video of him shooting his M60 and one of his little bitches having to reload and rooster it for him. The guy burning his hand on it was priceless also!


Some say he had no power anymore.... But im sure there will be about 20 other camel pumpers to take his place

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Some say he had no power anymore....  But im sure there will be about 20 other camel pumpers to take his place



It may be the case. But one hopes that this gives some momentum to those too afraid to help build a civil society.


I think it is good news.

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WOOHOO!  I am gonna crack a bottle of Cliquot when I get home from work!  GREAT NEWS!


Dead numero uno's might divide any evil, heathen, stalking, evasive, vile, insidious group. Drink now until more dangers emerge.

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And they did it with an AIRSTRIKE!


We've got the technology to do the whole operation with airstrikes. No need for ground troops. Set up a couple people in Lackawanna, with joysticks, monitors and an open line to Central Command and get er done! :)

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Attention Mr. al Zarquawi

Your table for two with mr Htler is now available.


Enjoy your eternity in everlasting torment. Water will be served in "never".


Kind Regards,


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