TC in St. Louis Posted October 1, 2004 Posted October 1, 2004 One of the candidates could illustrate the potential horror of a nuclear weapon being in the wrong saying something like this: on 9/11 the nation was attacked by hijacked jets, and nearly 4000 innocent people were killed. If a nuclear warhead were to hit New York, we could lose millions and millions of is absolutely imperative that we stop the spread of nuclear arms NOW. Kerry won the debate. Any Republican who says Bush won is lying. Any Republican who actually believes Bush won is delusional. But remember that Mondale kicked Reagan's ass in the first debate in 1984. Reagan buried him in the 2nd debate, and throttled him in the election. I think Bush will come out swinging in number two, especially in the town hall setting right here in St. Louis. Michael Moore is appearing on the same stage the night before, by the way. He called the University and booked it himself, at a substantially reduced fee.
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