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Competitive Gaming in Olympics?


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Gaming in Olympics


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - A mouse, keyboard and/or Xbox controller don't seem like the standard gear of an Olympic athlete, but Ted Owen wants to change that.


Owen, who runs the Global Gaming League (GGL), a media company focused on the lifestyle and culture of gaming, is currently talking with the Chinese government in hopes of bringing competitive video gaming to the 2008 Games as a demonstration sport.

Admittedly, it's an uphill battle. Even if you can look past the lack of physical skills necessary to play video games, the Olympics haven't had any sort of demonstration sport since 1992 - and Olympic experts say there has been no movement to bring them back.


Owen, though, said he believes gaming's worldwide appeal - especially to a younger audience - could be the biggest boost to the Games since snowboarding.


"People aren't watching [the Olympics] as much anymore," he argued. "You need to bring younger viewers back if you want to keep making money. To do that, you need to embrace non-traditional sports. They did it with snowboarding - and look how the popularity of that has surged in the Games. Video games deserve to be seen as a non-traditional sport. ... They would bring something to the Games that [that age group] engages in and everyone understands."


Though gaming doesn't take much physical prowess (a quick glance at many of the most talented competitive gamers is confirmation enough), it does demand incredible hand-eye coordination - arguably as much as golf and tennis.



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Gaming in Olympics


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) - A mouse, keyboard and/or Xbox controller don't seem like the standard gear of an Olympic athlete, but Ted Owen wants to change that.


Owen, who runs the Global Gaming League (GGL), a media company focused on the lifestyle and culture of gaming, is currently talking with the Chinese government in hopes of bringing competitive video gaming to the 2008 Games as a demonstration sport.

Admittedly, it's an uphill battle. Even if you can look past the lack of physical skills necessary to play video games, the Olympics haven't had any sort of demonstration sport since 1992 - and Olympic experts say there has been no movement to bring them back.


Owen, though, said he believes gaming's worldwide appeal - especially to a younger audience - could be the biggest boost to the Games since snowboarding.


"People aren't watching [the Olympics] as much anymore," he argued. "You need to bring younger viewers back if you want to keep making money. To do that, you need to embrace non-traditional sports. They did it with snowboarding - and look how the popularity of that has surged in the Games. Video games deserve to be seen as a non-traditional sport. ... They would bring something to the Games that [that age group] engages in and everyone understands."


Though gaming doesn't take much physical prowess (a quick glance at many of the most talented competitive gamers is confirmation enough), it does demand incredible hand-eye coordination - arguably as much as golf and tennis.







Jesus... :D

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As if the olympics aren't enough of a joke right now


If they do not laugh at this loser in his face when he approaches them with this idea, they are an even worse joke in my book


I would rather see golf or car racing in the olympics before video gaming (I feel strongly that both of those are not sports. Golf is a game, and although it takes skills to be a race car driver, it is not a sport and definitly not something that the olympics should be honoring) Heck, I'd rather watch a gold metal horse race or Ball room dancing final then some overweight american kid that has never left his parents basement facing an Asian whizz kid gamer in the gold metal mortal combat final

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This is all because of ESPN2. 


Once you start broadcasting spelling bees, poker, and paint ball, all bets are off.


Just wait until the organisations for those events start pushing for an olympic spelling bee, or olympic poker, or paint ball, or dog show (TSN in Canada broadcast ESPN's coverage of dog shows)

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Jesus...  :P




Cmon now CTM...think of the training these kids go through...staying up till 4am...going through controller after controller after wearing them out or breaking them after losing a game to a freind...think of the pain the "athletes" fingers have to endure...


Could you just imagine a play by play of this...."John Smith from Team USA has just used a special move to take a 28-24 lead in the Gold Medal Round of the Madden Challenge..."Look at the way Smith is able to use the L2 button and the big hit button, WHAT talent and guts this kid has!!!" :D:angry:;)

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If there was some way to combine dog shows and paint ball, I might watch.

It would be kinda fun watching some of those dog owners get tagged.



Like the Miller commercials a few years back? Always liked the weiner dog drag racing...tackle golf wasn't bad, either. I'd pay to watch that as an Olympic sport...

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Like the Miller commercials a few years back?  Always liked the weiner dog drag racing...tackle golf wasn't bad, either.  I'd pay to watch that as an Olympic sport...


:D Love the sig line

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Cmon now CTM...think of the training these kids go through...staying up till 4am...going through controller after controller after wearing them out or breaking them after losing a game to a freind...think of the pain the "athletes" fingers have to endure...




I agree. Between the all-night gaming and frequent masterbation breaks, its amazing ANY of these guys have time to sleep or eat properly.

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