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Lindy Ruff: Priceless Quotes


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I am not sure he's a B word but he has been pretty whiny about that call. In fact, he could have gotten a 5 minute penalty for it. And just because he is a great player has nothing to do with being whiny, or a B word. Oh, and I am sure he didn't know Pominville's first name. That sounds whiny to me, trying to avoid the fact he took a stupid penalty in overtime that lost his team the game.

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I am not sure he's a B word but he has been pretty whiny about that call. In fact, he could have gotten a 5 minute penalty for it. And just because he is a great player has nothing to do with being whiny, or a B word. Oh, and I am sure he didn't know Pominville's first name. That sounds whiny to me, trying to avoid the fact he took a stupid penalty in overtime that lost his team the game.



Watching the interviews, he was baited into making those comments.


But, he has also been around long enough to know not to take the bait.

He didn't do himself any favors.


As for Pommenville - there are two lines of thinking - the first is that we believe that he didn't see Weight (because his head was down - Jason, BTW should no longer have a head after this season - because he does occaisionally have his head down). Or you believe Weight, the kid saw him and turned.


All in all, there have been a lot of dives in this series. I have never seen so many people falling over from contact with sticks to the outside of skates.

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Watching the interviews, he was baited into making those comments.


But, he has also been around long enough to know not to take the bait.

He didn't do himself any favors.


As for Pommenville - there are two lines of thinking - the first is that we believe that he didn't see Weight (because his head was down - Jason, BTW should no longer have a head after this season - because he does occaisionally have his head down). Or you believe Weight, the kid saw him and turned.


All in all, there have been a lot of dives in this series. I have never seen so many people falling over from contact with sticks to the outside of skates.


I agree there have been a lot of dives. I just think Weight should not be whining about that call. They won in overtime in Game 5 with a similar questionable call. It wasn't blatant. didn't affect the play much, but one that had been called all year.

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I am not sure he's a B word but he has been pretty whiny about that call. In fact, he could have gotten a 5 minute penalty for it. And just because he is a great player has nothing to do with being whiny, or a B word. Oh, and I am sure he didn't know Pominville's first name. That sounds whiny to me, trying to avoid the fact he took a stupid penalty in overtime that lost his team the game.

I agree. I'll believe he's a great player (don't know much about him, and Staal definitely is), but he came off as a whiny rookie, not an experienced vet.

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I agree there have been a lot of dives. I just think Weight should not be whining about that call. They won in overtime in Game 5 with a similar questionable call. It wasn't blatant. didn't affect the play much, but one that had been called all year.



Yep. I am even more curious about the phantom calls on Dumont.

It seems like he has had about 3 called on him in the playoffs.

(I wasn't counting the game 5 call)

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The only reason anyone on this board thinks Doug Weight is a whiny B word is because he plays for another team.  Ridiculous.  Weight is a class guy and a great player.



Weight was WAY OFF BASE with his comments on Pominville. Pominville was to the left of the Buffalo net facing the boards looking to his right for a good 5-10 seconds while the play was behind the Buffalo net. Weight came in from Pominville's back and to the left. He never saw him coming. He never turned at the last second. Pure slander. Pominville should sue him.

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Darin, you hopping on the Hurricanes wagon?


Yeah, Stall is a good player, but there's no need to be bobbing his cob.


The whiniest B word on the board has now spoken. Thanks for the input, Gladdys.


Sorry I'm not willing to indict every player on the opposition. Guess that makes me less of a fan. Whatever.

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The only reason anyone on this board thinks Doug Weight is a whiny B word is because he plays for another team.  Ridiculous.  Weight is a class guy and a great player.



Yeah, but he should have kept his mouth shut and let his actions speak, IMHO.

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