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Paul Lewczyk

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I agree with Scott. I see nothing wrong with showing the association with TBD - just the initials, not spelled out.  After all, we are doing this for our rememberance and honor of their memory. And WE are TBD.  In this context, Paul belongs to us.

Damnit Paul, we need you here to settle this.



I agree. If this is a donation from a bunch of wallers, i think we should be associated somehow, be it "TBD" of "TSW" or something simple. A lot of us only knew BiB from here, so i dont a memoriam associating him with here would be out fo line.

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After all, we are doing this for our rememberance and honor of their memory. And WE are TBD.  In this context, Paul belongs to us.



Then why even bother putting Paul's name on the thing? Just put a big TBD logo on it and be done with it.


Again, this is not to honor ourselves. The only people being honored are Paul and Darlene, therefore, only their names should appear.


I am done talking about this. I will find my own way to honor him.

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Paul and I had our civil liberties disagreements, but he never stopped to personal insults and I really appreciate that (others here could take some lessons, myself included).


In honor of his love of food, be sure to check out the four recipes he posted on our cookbook:


BiB Wings

Fried Chicken

Low Country Boil

Sweet Potato Pie


I think he'd want nothing more than for us to enjoy his food.  A shame he can't make it for us. :D




I am going to try these recipes ,they look delicious and I seen the biscuit recipe which I will make this weekend.

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With all due respect Ken.  Surely the conversation is not over until all who are contributing have a chance to express their opinion and perhaps reach some kind of compromise.



This thread would make BiB proud. Everyone is arguing and he's the cause :D

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...or "In Memory of Paul "BiB" Lewczyk and Darlene Lewczyk"...?


Would it look better this way......


"In Memory of Paul "BiB" and Darlene Lewczyk"?


I just don't see why you would need the last name twice in your example.


As for TBD and any variation of it, I would not want to see it on the paver. To me, it just screams "look at us, we spent money to advertise our friends death". Like I noted earlier, there already is a TBD paver at the WOF.

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I agree with Scott. I see nothing wrong with showing the association with TBD - just the initials, not spelled out.  After all, we are doing this for our rememberance and honor of their memory. And WE are TBD.  In this context, Paul belongs to us.

Damnit Paul, we need you here to settle this.



If Paul were here he'd probably wonder what all the fuss was about. But with regard to how Paul would handle this situation for another, we can only guess. Based on what little I knew of Paul, which seems to be clarified by many posts here, he wasn't one to promote his good deeds. When he helped, he usually helped as anonymously as possible. If someone started a thread on the Wall about a problem they had, and he had advice to offer, he usually wouldn't post the advice to the thread, he'd send a PM. He likely took the same approach to charitable donations, as it seemed to fit the code he lived by. He would likely not want to put his name, personally, or in aggregate, on something that was donated. So not only do I share the "fuddy duddy" view with Ken and Jack, that putting even an abbreviated logo feels too "look at me," but I feel that Paul would feel the same way.


But, as Ken already said, those of us who object can simply find other ways to honor him. Since most are either ambivalent or feel that it's "our stone/BiB, it should have our name," that's cool, go ahead. Paul might get some amusement from the people who look at the brick and say: "What does this mean: 'In memory of Paul and Darlene...To Be Determined'?" What's important to me is that people seem to want to do something good on his behalf, and I would heartily encourage those who feel that way to find a way to do it, through the "TBD" paver or another means.

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So it sounds like we're at the point where decisions need to be made.


So far.....

1) It would be the $500 paver

2) No reference to TBD based on SDS's opinion

3) No avatar since there would be copyright issues as pointed out by Dan Gross


so now it's down to wording on the paver. Let's get some suggestions and then in a couple days put up an official poll


My suggestion, based on a variation of what Dan Gross originally suggested

"In Memory of Paul "BiB" and Darlene Lewczyk"


Any others?


After that, we need someone to collect donations. I'm willing to step up, if it's okay with Tom since he originally started the overall thread.

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I dunno...IMO this is much ado about personal preferences...when I read In Memoriam ads in the newspaper, it's "signed" by the family or friends 99.9% of the time...is it "advertising" for those family members or friends or is it about people who care taking the time and effort to honor someone? Isn't this paver the same as an In Memoriam ad? JMO.

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So far.....

2) No reference to TBD based on SDS's opinion

3) No avatar since there would be copyright issues as pointed out by Dan Gross



2) That wasn't my position.


3) I'm not so sure about this. There is a possibility that it could fall under fair use, that we could just receive official permission (I am checking into this when the LA office opens), or receive "unofficial" permission (we can't say you can use it, but we won't say anything if you do...).

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2) That wasn't my position.


3) I'm not so sure about this. There is a possibility that it could fall under fair use, that we could just receive official permission (I am checking into this when the LA office opens), or receive "unofficial" permission (we can't say you can use it, but we won't say anything if you do...).



Here's the thing though: the Bills would have final approval over design content. I doubt that they would allow a copyrighted image on a stone unless you had a release from the copyright holder. I really think you'd likely need "official" permission.

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I dunno...IMO this is much ado about personal preferences...when I read In Memoriam ads in the newspaper, it's "signed" by the family or friends 99.9% of the time...is it "advertising" for those family members or friends or is it about people who care taking the time and effort to honor someone?  Isn't this paver the same as an In Memoriam ad?  JMO.


when a donation is made to a fund in memory of someone you do put your name on it most times so that the family knows where it comes from , like from the mead family. i know a lot of people that have lost someone and do like to know that something special has been done for a loved one that has passed away . i see nothing wrong with adding from your friends at the wall.

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Here's the thing though: the Bills would have final approval over design content.  I doubt that they would allow a copyrighted image on a stone unless you had a release from the copyright holder.  I really think you'd likely need "official" permission.



that is true, and IMO, is really the only true obstacle (I don't seriously believe that we would encounter resistance from anyone else). However, we are talking about an outline etched in stone, from a single frame of a very old cartoon in which only a certain percentage of people would even recognize.


My point is that it is worth looking into and not dismissing out of hand.

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when a donation is made to a fund  in memory of someone  you do put your name on it  most times so that the family knows where it comes from , like  from the mead family. i know a lot of people that have lost someone and do like to know that something special has been done for a loved one that has passed away . i see nothing wrong with adding from your friends at the wall.


Not that my opinion counts for much, but I tend to agree.


For my college friend who passed away this spring, we dedicated our club's tap room (a very fitting choice) to him with a plaque that read as follows:


In honor of great memories and

fun times shared here,

this Tap Room is

dedicated to

Chrystian Wurmser '92

Our beloved friend Wurm

With love from his friends in Tower

I like that model. For Paul, a simple "from his friends at the Wall" ought to suffice and satisfy all, I hope. It's not an ad for TBD, and only Wallers would know what it means.


To whoever is collecting, please put me down for whatever. I enjoyed Paul's posts both here and in my short time at PPP, and I wish I'd known him better.

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that is true, and IMO, is really the only true obstacle (I don't seriously believe that we would encounter resistance from anyone else).  However, we are talking about an outline etched in stone, from a single frame of a very old cartoon in which only a certain percentage of people would even recognize.


My point is that it is worth looking into and not dismissing out of hand.



Oh, I'm glad you're looking into it, I was just saying that "unofficial" approval wouldn't be enough in this case.

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I like that model.  For Paul, a simple "from his friends at the Wall" ought to suffice and satisfy all, I hope.  It's not an ad for TBD, and only Wallers would know what it means.



I actually like that, although I can understand those that prefer reference only to those in memoriam.

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