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Paul Lewczyk

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Here are a few of my imperfect memories of Paul...


I remember when he used to post as "BillsinBaltimore" and I was commuting back and forth to his neighborhood from PA (during one of my job changes). I remember asking him if he wanted to watch a game together and he sent me a cryptic message about "not wanting to know him and that we were probably being watched on the board." I thought to myself, "wow, this dude is weird..."


Little did I know that Paul was plugged deeply into our Nation's biochemical warfare scene and that I would soon be meeting with him on a professional level (I just started working on a biotrigger at the time. This wasn't but a year after 9/11.) I assume his caution had to do with his clearance and other things behind the scenes. Thankfully for us, he took his work seriously.


I won't pretend that I knew what made him tick from 2 face to face meetings and an extended presence on the board over the years. But, I believe he gave us a pretty good idea of who he was. He loved good food, good wine, southern living, and good company. He spent his life trying to protect our country. And as Tom said, he loved his wife. He was generous with his knowledge and tried to educate those of us not "in the know" with regards to his areas of expertise. That is a pretty good resume if you ask me...


I presume the ebb and flow of his moods here on TSW coincided with the emotional roller-coaster that was his life after Darlene's passing. I'm saddened that he couldn't find sufficient enough reason to continue with this life before he ventured on to his new one. Although it was clearly not enough for him, the like-minded friends he met here provided him support until he no longer wished to be supported.


Paul was a good man and he will be missed. Rest in Peace Paul and may God be at your side...

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I had just found out about his loss not too long ago. I had no idea that this tragedy with his wife happened to him. Although I didn't know him very well, you could tell he was a good man.



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As I started to read this thread started by Tom, I was completely stunned...I did not know Paul personally, and that he lost his wife, but anytime someone loses someone that they love so deeply, in many cases it is very hard to move on.


I was wondering what happened to him recently, because I have not seen many posts from him, and I often looked forward to seeing what he had to say, Paul appeared to be a good man, very intelligent, witty, and had a good sense of humor.


I hope Paul is with his wife now and may God be with Paul's family and friends


RIP :o

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I did not know you personally. aside from some PMs, but I will miss you too.




Too anyone reading this who is THINKING about suicide - talk to friends and family and get someone to counsel and hug you.


You never will know how much you matter to others until you are gone.

Then it is too late for US too! :o

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I still remember him telling all of us about Darlene on that awful, awful day. Bestest babe ever. If anything, I guess we should be thankful he stayed as long as he did.


Thanx for everything Paul and I really really hope you found her bro.

Rest easy man.........


Amen, Simon. Amen.

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