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So what are you grilling tomorrow?

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Take your Dodge Dakota pickup to a safe straightaway and open it up as much as you can, and then get back to me about this topic.


Just because you don't see a need or have a desire doesn't mean that's the way everyone feels. And just because you don't understand something doesn't mean that someone else is trying to overcompensate. Quite possibly, maybe, you are the one overcompensating for not understanding.


Just a thought.


So apparently I don't uderstand because I haven't driven a fast car? Or atleast that is what I'm getting from this.


I don't have a problem with the Ferrari cars at all, I'm just saying that the people who typically own them have them to show status or to make people think they are more important or special cause they have money. Its like driving a Hummer around town. Its to get people to look at you and think your important (because usually the driver wouldn't get people to turn their heads if they went by in something more reasonable.

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Just because you don't see a need or have a desire doesn't mean that's the way everyone feels. And just because you don't understand something doesn't mean that someone else is trying to overcompensate. Quite possibly, maybe, you are the one overcompensating for not understanding.


Just a thought.


ever see that Passat ad...Because daddy never hugged me....Because the more guys look at me, the more I love myself....Because I make more money than you.....Because I am compensating for my shortcomings... :lol:


BTW I drive an F-150....hmmmm.....

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BTW I drive an F-150....hmmmm.....


But I'd be willing to bet you don't sit around judging people because they drive a better car than you do. The car as a status symbol is the biggest bunch of crap in the world, and I know because I was front and center believing my car spoke for me. But in the end, the person behind the wheel is just the person behind the wheel and I'll no sooner hate the middle-aged dude who drives a Ferrari than I will hate the middle-aged dude banging a young hottie.


You know why they do those things?


Because they can.


Besides, chicks dig guys who drive trucks. :lol:

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But I'd be willing to bet you don't sit around judging people because they drive a better car than you do. The car as a status symbol is the biggest bunch of crap in the world, and I know because I was front and center believing my car spoke for me. But in the end, the person behind the wheel is just the person behind the wheel and I'll no sooner hate the middle-aged dude who drives a Ferrari than I will hate the middle-aged dude banging a young hottie.


You know why they do those things?


Because they can.


Besides, chicks dig guys who drive trucks. :lol:


For the most part that's true...except when it comes to Hummers...I have a real problem with the people who chose that vehicle...AFA middle ages dudes driving Ferrari's or banging young hotties, no hate there...mostly an amused chuckle.


Maybe that's why my 14 year old son wants the truck when he old enough to drive...me...I haven't noticed any uptick in "action". :D

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For the most part that's true...except when it comes to Hummers...I have a real problem with the people who chose that vehicle...AFA middle ages dudes driving Ferrari's or banging young hotties, no hate there...mostly an amused chuckle. 


Maybe that's why my 14 year old son wants the truck when he old enough to drive...me...I haven't noticed any uptick in "action". :lol:



And I suppose that's my fault, you rotten bastard. And I don't even want to hear anything about you giving my dear, sweet son the truck. You couldn't even get him a new PlayStation for Christmas.

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Truth be told, the original was a kick ass vehicle. But I do get a kick out of watching OC wives cruising to the grocery store in them.


The Humvee (or H1) was the only real hummer, the H2 and the even worse H3 are nothing but rich yuppy gas guzzlers. I love seeing on go down the street and have only a driver in it, and they wonder why gas prices keep escalating.


And yes, cars are used by their owners as status symbols, thats why you don't see a garage of a huge house with a Cavalier, Camry, or Civic parked in it. Typically you see a BMW SUV or a H2, with some sports cars or mercedes next to it.


Is it really that much more dependable over a more economical vehicle?

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The Humvee (or H1) was the only real hummer, the H2 and the even worse H3 are nothing but rich yuppy gas guzzlers. I love seeing on go down the street and have only a driver in it, and they wonder why gas prices keep escalating.


And yes, cars are used by their owners as status symbols, thats why you don't see a garage of a huge house with a Cavalier, Camry, or Civic parked in it. Typically you see a BMW SUV or a H2, with some sports cars or mercedes next to it.


Is it really that much more dependable over a more economical vehicle?





Have you ever driven a BMW or SUV? Generally they are much more comfortable and not all expensive cars are gas guzzlers. Take the Mercedes C240 it is pretty economical for a V6.


Generally you try and make more money so you don't have to buy those piece of crap econo boxes.

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Generally you try and make more money so you don't have to buy those piece of crap econo boxes.



Of course, some just by the piece of crap econo boxes and insist there car is NOT, in fact, gay...

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Of course, some just by the piece of crap econo boxes and insist there car is NOT, in fact, gay...




Is this the DC Tom that's been posting as CTM, or has the username been hijacked by a bad grammarian?

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The Humvee (or H1) was the only real hummer, the H2 and the even worse H3 are nothing but rich yuppy gas guzzlers. I love seeing on go down the street and have only a driver in it, and they wonder why gas prices keep escalating.


And yes, cars are used by their owners as status symbols, thats why you don't see a garage of a huge house with a Cavalier, Camry, or Civic parked in it. Typically you see a BMW SUV or a H2, with some sports cars or mercedes next to it.


Is it really that much more dependable over a more economical vehicle?



The H2 and H3 are merely "uglified" GM Yukons and Trailblazers. You can get the same off-road acumen by optioning the latter and save yourself 5 grand or more. Certainly, most buyers purchase them for image. But it's their money.


I don't agree with your "rich yuppie gas guzzler" characterization...

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And yes, cars are used by their owners as status symbols, thats why you don't see a garage of a huge house with a Cavalier, Camry, or Civic parked in it. Typically you see a BMW SUV or a H2, with some sports cars or mercedes next to it.


Is it really that much more dependable over a more economical vehicle?


Once again, an opinion based on a perception.


Drive a BMW 5 series and get back to me about how you'd just as soon have a Cavalier in your garage. Seriously, I'm not sure what you problem is with people who have money, but I hope you never have a lot of it because you will surely be in a personal quandry.

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Once again, an opinion based on a perception.


Drive a BMW 5 series and get back to me about how you'd just as soon have a Cavalier in your garage. Seriously, I'm not sure what you problem is with people who have money, but I hope you never have a lot of it because you will surely be in a personal quandry.



Though technically, there's a difference between people who have money and people who have expensive cars. That difference being: people who have expensive cars have that much less money. :lol:


Nevertheless, your point that our current windowlicker can't understand why someone who HAS money would SPEND money is a valid one.

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