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I didn't see another thread on this topic, surprisingly.


Well, I was never a big follower of the X-men line of stories. I went into the first one thinking it was going to be a cheesy comic book movie about some people with superpowers, and was presently surprised by a fun movie.


Today, I went into X3 expecting a fun action flick, and I was presented with the cheesy movie I expected the first time around. I thought it was a bad movie: not "Wolf Creek" bad, I could still sit through it, but bad.


I blame a lot of it on the writing. The dialog was horrible, and as the woman I saw the film with pointed out, there were no Once and Future King references at all.


The way they dealt with several characters, without saying anything more due to spoiler's sake, left a LOT lacking.


In the end, I found myself not rooting for one side or the other, but rather for the end of the film. I give it a 5/10.

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This is one franchise that just never clicked with me. I've seen the first two and wasn't really all that drawn into the story line(s). They were good enough to keep my interest, mainly because I typically enjoy the whole comic book/superhero genre. I'm sure X3 will make plenty of money, but I've read several accounts of the film that were similar to yours, with some being REALLY negative toward it. I'm sure I'll watch it on DVD, but it would seem that this film is much weaker than the first two.


I'm waiting for Hellboy II, myself :o

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The way they dealt with several characters, without saying anything more due to spoiler's sake, left a LOT lacking. 


i also have a major problem with the way they dealt with one of the "endings"

makes no sense at all, considering how they dealt with another "ending"

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Just saw this yesterday. It was good but not great. What I don't understand is why they didn't have more battles to show off more of their superpowers? I thought that was especially lacking in the third one. :lol:

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I thought X-Men: The Last Stand was very good. I wish the film had been a little longer, and I was disappointed in the short screentime of Angel & Rogue.


The battle in San Francisco was fantastic, Kelsey Grammer was great as Beast, Famke Janssen did a great job as Dark Phoenix, and it was nice to get a hint of a potential enemy for a future film.


Best line was delivered from Juggernaut to Kitty Pride, which I will not spoil here for those who have not seen it.


Good job by Brett Ratner.


Note to 20th Century Fox: Keep this franchise going.

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I thought X-Men: The Last Stand was very good. I wish the film had been a little longer, and I was disappointed in the short screentime of Angel & Rogue.



I haven't seen it yet, but having read the previous reviews, then your post, it occurred to me that frequently the problem with movies is conflict between the producer and/or director, who have a certain vision of how to tell the story, and marketing, who has a certain vision on how to sell a movie.


This thread makes me wonder if the first cut of X3 was too long...and the studio forced the producer to cut it to less than 2 hours to make it more marketable.

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I am a huge X-men fan and loved the first two movies. However, the third movie sucked! The philosphical/political significance of the comic and the first two movies was shat open in this third movie.


The dialog was corny and stilted. It was as though George Lucas wrote and directed this movie. THe worst moment came at the end with Wolverine holding Jean Grey. Jean's head was bent back and Wolveine was topless. THey stood there posed while the camera swong around them with a red background. It looked like Fabio on the cover of a cheap romance novel.

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saw it last night at Manns Chinese Theatre, thought it was way better than the last one, alot more action. My only question is where was Nightcrawler?

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Best line was delivered from Juggernaut to Kitty Pride, which I will not spoil here for those who have not seen it.




Everytime Juggernaut was on-screen.. all I could think of was his tirade on a bus in "Euro Trip".

F*** off! Get out of it, you wankers! Go on, you Gallic f***ing garlic-breath tossers! Piss off! Get in here and say that, mate! Come on! F***ing come and have it! You f***ing beep? We'll beep, you bastard, all over your f***ing nose! F*** off! Go on, you French bastards! Get on the other side of the road, you pricks! Go on out of it! F*** off! I'm knackered.



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saw it last night at Manns Chinese Theatre, thought it was way better than the last one, alot more action. My only question is where was Nightcrawler?



Alam Cumming reportedly was unwillinging to go through all the makeup processes again for another movie




Everytime Juggernaut was on-screen.. all I could think of was his tirade on a bus in "Euro Trip". 

:lol:  :D


and sheena easton's morning train

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When my wife and me left the theater after seeing H*llboy, the family in front of us proclaimed it to stink - not enough gratutious violence and filthy language was what I gathered.  :D  :P



lol, that doesn't surprise me.....


I actually thought it was one of the more underrated films of that year.

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Everytime Juggernaut was on-screen.. all I could think of was his tirade on a bus in "Euro Trip". 

:D  :P




I still think of him as Bullet-Tooth Tony from 'Snatch':


Bullet-Tooth Tony: "Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell kitty and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old kitty, and have brought your two small mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties mangled up. There's no kitty here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with ya. The fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your gun. (withdraws his gun) And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O" written on the side of mine, should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... !@#$ off."
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