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I was happy to see the return of my favorite Brit babe to the small screen.



Sonya Walger


I haven't seen her since "Mind of a Married Man", where she played Brian Benben's wife.

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I was happy to see the return of my favorite Brit babe to the small screen.



At last someone that belongs in a tank top.




I DVR'd this on the HD channel last night, and all of the audio is clipped. Can only make out a few words here and there.


Could someone provide me with a solid overview of the episode? I would really appreciate it!

Desmond's love is a Widmore--that corporation name has been all over the backgrounds of LOST--asssume it's a major corporation.



Anyone read or is reading "Bad Twin?" Widmore is the family at the center of the book. I read half of the book this weekend and will finish this weekend. Widmore family has twin boys and one turns up missing. The other twin hires a PI to look for him.


* * *


On a seperate note, how much you want to bet the island in the "snow globe" or better put, the virtual world, is contained below that artic "lab." I think my predition contained in my sig is becoming more and more credible.


Maybe the group therapy is to help people resolve "LOST" love?

'Henry Gale' is the head man himself, which didn't entirely surprise me. Michael got what he wanted at the end of S1. 325 must be the only direction which the island doesn't lure things back, so the Others know how to get off the island yet they choose not to. And yeah, duey, what was up with the statue of the foot? Looked like it'd been there for a loooong time.


With such a huge electromagnetic disturbance, there's no way you could navigate a boat by compass, and I think that's the others' intention. That's why Desmond headed due west and went in a circle.


Elizabeth was Libby, so she was married and her husband died, maybe that is why she was in the hospital with Hurley.  Just crazy how all the people seem to be connected somehow.


Libby isn't exactly Lizzy. Maye she's the twin that's been speculated about on this board.


I hope the others become regular characters and we get their backstories.



I DVR'd this on the HD channel last night, and all of the audio is clipped. Can only make out a few words here and there.


Could someone provide me with a solid overview of the episode? I would really appreciate it!


or you could watch it again on the ABC website.

But desmond bunkmate didn't off himself did he, it was the guy that was there with his bunkmate before desmond got there(He explained that the brown stain on the cieling was his predessesor).  was the bunkmate Zeke? <_<



Desmond's bunkmate was the guy who Desmond later killed. That guy was the CIA operative who worked with Sayid.


We didn't learn much about the guy who killed himself (Razinski).


The bunkmate was not Zeke.


One thing I found really strange is that Desmond's sail boat had to be within a 54 minute walk of the hatch. I say that because Desmond followed the CIA dude to the boat and got back to input the code in about 108 minutes. So I'm asking myself, wouldn't these survivors have sent search parties along the shore in either direction from their crash point to look for some sign of civlization and wouldn't they have come across Desmond's boat?


First off, I thought these were the best two episodes of the series to date. We learned a ton and it was damned fine writing/acting. So here goes my random tangent...


First, we learned for sure WHEN this show is taking place. almost Decemeber of 2004 (66 days or so from Sept. 22, 2004) which most suspected ever since Jack's saying about "The Sox will never win the series" (which was said post reversing the curse).


Desmond: Ponder this...Penny's father told him he's a coward and not worthy to be his daughter's husband. It seems apparent that the father is connected to Dharma and manipulated things so that Desmond would get LOST on the island. Penny told Desmond that "if you have enough money, you can find anyone". So what if the whole thing with the key and hatch was Desmond's test? It was HIS redemption, sacrificing himself for the others, thus proving himself worthy to the father that he could marry Penny -- and that the key launched a signal that alerted the people Penny AND her father hired.


Locke/Eko: Still alive. I don't think the hatch is completley destroyed since Charlie seemed genuinly surprised that Eko and Locke hadn't made it back yet. Plus, they are two of the most popular characters. They are fine.


The Plane Crash: I have always assumed that Dharma (or Hanso) had pre-selected the Lostaways to be on board flight 815 and to crash on the island. Now, if we are to believe Desmond's story 100 percent, that makes that scenario more tricky (though not impossible). Not pressing the button triggered the crash sure, but the plane had been off course for 2 hours prior (and maybe circling the island waiting to "crash"). Also, I wouldn't assume Kalvin is dead -- to me it looked like it was part of a plan to GET that plane to crash and show Kalvin the boat. If Kalvin knew he was being followed, why would he wait as long as he did if he didn't really WANT Desmond to almost miss the button? I smell a rat there. . .


Jack, Sawyer, Kate: Jack gave Kate a look right before the bag was put over their head as if they both knew what was coming, almost as if they were privy to information that they hadn't shared with the other lostaways...could they be in on it with the others? Doubtful, but the thought crossed my mind. I don't know what's going to happen with them, but I forsee a similar beginning to season 3 as we got with season 2 when Michael, Jin and Sawyer were seperated from the main lostaways for a good stretch of time...


Okay, that's it for now.


Libby isn't exactly Lizzy.  Maye she's the twin that's been speculated about on this board.


I hope the others become regular characters and we get their backstories.



She said her name was Elizabeth. Libby is a nickname for Elizabeth.

Locke/Eko: Still alive. I don't think the hatch is completley destroyed since Charlie seemed genuinly surprised that Eko and Locke hadn't made it back yet. Plus, they are two of the most popular characters. They are fine.


I thought Charlie was acting strangely when he came upon Claire. It almost seemed like he was happy with the thought that the two of them were no longer there since he is so bitter about actions by both Eko and Locke. He almost seemed evil in that scene...



Jack, Sawyer, Kate: Jack gave Kate a look right before the bag was put over their head as if they both knew what was coming, almost as if they were privy to information that they hadn't shared with the other lostaways...


I didn't think there was that much to that look. Instead, I thought it was meant to show that Jack is her true one and only. She chose to look at him rather than Sawyer. In general, I think it was just supposed to show trepidation over what is to happen.


Also, I think that next season Michael and Walt have to either get away from the island or they have to save Jack, Kate and Sawyer somehow.


I doubt the writers would let the rest of the people execute him or anything for what he did and he certainly could not come back to everyone else like nothing had happened.


I am assuming that the only reason that the Others chose those three people is that they viewed them as the greatest threat. They are not all "bad" since while Kate and Sawyer are murderers, but Jack seems like a saint in his past life so far.

I am assuming that the only reason that the Others chose those three people is that they viewed them as the greatest threat. They are not all "bad" since while Kate and Sawyer are murderers, but Jack seems like a saint in his past life so far.



While it might be considered mercy killing, I believe Jack ended up killing the marshall and giving Libby an over dose of heroin. However if the others were after killers, they would have asked for Charlie since he did kill Ethan.

I was happy to see the return of my favorite Brit babe to the small screen.

Sonya Walger


I haven't seen her since "Mind of a Married Man", where she played Brian Benben's wife.


Brian Benben was on a different HBO series, he was on "Dream On".



I am assuming that the only reason that the Others chose those three people is that they viewed them as the greatest threat. They are not all "bad" since while Kate and Sawyer are murderers, but Jack seems like a saint in his past life so far.


One could argue Jack "killed" Shannon's father by choosing to attend to his (ex) wife after their car accident.


In terms of the final episode, I liked the return of Desmond and his/the island's and hatch back stories. Though the whole Lostaways vs The Others was a bit anticlimatic as think we all expected a blood bath or some kind of real confrintation.

I didn't think there was that much to that look. Instead, I thought it was meant to show that Jack is her true one and only. She chose to look at him rather than Sawyer. In general, I think it was just supposed to show trepidation over what is to happen.



I thought that look was more like a "Luke Skywalker about to be thrown into the mighty Sarlacc pit" look. In other words, I thought they were going to stage a nice counter-attack and have Sayid throw them a lightsabre or something and they would all escape. Maybe that's how season 3 will start.

I thought that look was more like a "Luke Skywalker about to be thrown into the mighty Sarlacc pit" look.  In other words, I thought they were going to stage a nice counter-attack and have Sayid throw them a lightsabre or something and they would all escape.  Maybe that's how season 3 will start.



"His excellency hopes that you will die honorably.But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas."


"3PO, you tell that slimy piece of worm ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us!"

I thought that look was more like a "Luke Skywalker about to be thrown into the mighty Sarlacc pit" look.  In other words, I thought they were going to stage a nice counter-attack and have Sayid throw them a lightsabre or something and they would all escape.  Maybe that's how season 3 will start.



I looks more like the look Han gives Leia when he's about to be frozen in carbonite.


"I love you."


"I know." :(

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