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Figures Desmond would be on the boat.


Why does that woman Elisabeth look familiar?


Desmond's last name is Hume, looks like we have another philosopher...

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Figures Desmond would be on the boat.


Why does that woman Elisabeth look familiar?


Desmond's last name is Hume, looks like we have another philosopher...




Ok, I am confused as hell and my head hurts.

Ok, I am confused as hell and my head hurts.




Hook, line, and sinker. You will be watching season 3 like the rest of us.

Ok, I am confused as hell and my head hurts.


Me too. I don't know if thats good or bad, yet.


Pam's father is a member of the Hanso Corporation and purposely sent Desmond on that race so that he would wind up at the island.


WTF with the big, four-toed foot?!?


Is it possible that this whole show is a big psychological experiment to see how long we'll all watch?


I guess I've pressed the button once a week.


(* Warning --- this post will be full of convuluted thought patterns, observations out of apparent grouping and questions w/o answers.)


Well, it answered the question they had promised to answer last year. 815 crashed b/c Desmond let the button expire; It's right there in the record.


Boone died so Locke could 'save' Desmond (from offing himself, after having read "Our Mutual Friend," apparently) so Desmond could save Locke and perhaps the island, or who knows theoretically, the world. Why did the Others seem to casually dismiss the blinding violet light after Desmond turned the key? Are Locke, Desmond & Eko all right? Was it an explosion that sent the 'Quarantine' hatch door to the beach.... or could something like a powerful magnetic postive-positive reaction send it that far? We did get some answers, so let's not all go down that route; we watch for a reason. I really liked that Desmond's backstory was highlighted. What the chick said to him at the stadium about if someone has enough money, you can find anyone.... came around again to her apparently having employed people to sit in some snowbarren place --- but what was the signal exactly that was sent from the boat(?) that they picked up? His story ended tonight with him finding his hope again. Screen said "Electromagnetic anomaly detected." Could the pulse have kindled something in the boat that'd been damaged? (We also found out that Desmond killed Kelvin, the CIA officer who let Sayid go in Gulf War I, and that Kelvin is apparently the last one to have voluntarily signed up with the Dharma people.


But if it wasn't all just a big mindf--k, the Hanso Foundation --- or whoever --- certainly made it rational to think it was just a mindf--k. The pneumatic tube led to nowhere (and more importantly, who wrote all of those, especially since the observers were only to have been down there for 3 weeks then leave).


'Henry Gale' is the head man himself, which didn't entirely surprise me. Michael got what he wanted at the end of S1. 325 must be the only direction which the island doesn't lure things back, so the Others know how to get off the island yet they choose not to. And yeah, duey, what was up with the statue of the foot? Looked like it'd been there for a loooong time.


Jack, Sawyer, and Kate still tied and gagged. Sayid, Jin and Sun are offshore with guns.... To Be Continued next season.


Elizabeth was Libby, so she was married and her husband died, maybe that is why she was in the hospital with Hurley. Just crazy how all the people seem to be connected somehow.


Never watched it and never will. Hopefully everebody dies so they can put something better on. Watching Mythbusters tonight.

Never watched it and never will. Hopefully everebody dies so they can put something better on.  Watching Mythbusters tonight.




Good for you!

And yeah, duey, what was up with the statue of the foot? Looked like it'd been there for a loooong time.






Why do I keep thinking that the statue is from say ATLANTIS? Maybe Hanso / Dharma Corp found the Lost City of Atlantis under a polar cap ?


Just a crazy idea <_<


Elizabeth/Libby's husband was "Dave." Dave was the name of Hurley's imaginary friend. Not necessarily a connection, but given the number of connections in the show, it's not likely a coincidence.


Desmond's bunkmate was the CIA operative who worked with Sayid in Iraq.


Desmond's love is a Widmore--that corporation name has been all over the backgrounds of LOST--asssume it's a major corporation.


wasn't elizabeth Libby?????


Figures Desmond would be on the boat.


Why does that woman Elisabeth look familiar?


Desmond's last name is Hume, looks like we have another philosopher...



But desmond bunkmate didn't off himself did he, it was the guy that was there with his bunkmate before desmond got there(He explained that the brown stain on the cieling was his predessesor). was the bunkmate Zeke? <_<


Elizabeth/Libby's husband was "Dave." Dave was the name of Hurley's imaginary friend. Not necessarily a connection, but given the number of connections in the show, it's not likely a coincidence.


Desmond's bunkmate was the CIA operative who worked with Sayid in Iraq.


Desmond's love is a Widmore--that corporation name has been all over the backgrounds of LOST--asssume it's a major corporation.



Did you see the name on the boat?


It was..............................................the Minnow!

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