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"Innocent until proven guilty" is garbage

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I was going to post this in the Murtha thread but it probably deserves its own thread, so it too can get hijacked. But I am really getting sick of people saying a person is innocent until proven guilty in America, because that is the law, or that is what we believe in. That's total crap, and it's only true in court. People can and should have opinions on guilt or innocence before all the facts come out, because the facts very rarely ever come out, even in court.


As long as you know and articulate or imply that it's just your opinion, surely you can "convict" someone in the court of public opinion before the facts. You may be an **** for doing so, you may be completely wrong, you may indeed reverse your opinion when more information comes out, you may have taken an Evel Kneival-sized leap to a conclusion before having any clue about what happened, but it's as much your right to convict someone and think a person is guilty or innocent as it is to criticize your government or run for President yourself. It's just plain dumb, IMO, to tell people that someone is innocent until proven guilty when they are forming opinions on something.


If you're a juror or judge, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, if you're a citizen or a guy on a message board, people can be innocent or guilty at any time. You just may happen to be a moron.

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If you're a juror or judge, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, if you're a citizen or a guy on a message board, people can be innocent or guilty at any time...



Though, interestingly enough, it's usually completely dependent on which party they belong to. I find it highly ironic that the people bitching about Murtha's "conviction" of the Marines never hesitated to find Clinton guilty of Whitewater before the investigation was completed...

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You don't have to tell this to three Duke LAX players who are now F---ed. For. Life. b/c an allegedly intoxicated stripper (who isn't herself publicly named) had a million-dollar lawsuit in mind after she showed up for a gig.


There, I just did what you said, thing is, she isn't charged with anything.


I find it highly ironic that the people bitching about Murtha's "conviction" of the Marines never hesitated to find Clinton guilty of Whitewater before the investigation was completed...


Or the assassinations of Ron Brown and Vince Foster, the downing of TWA Flight 800 (BTW, while we're on topic for unsubstantiated rumor/conspiracy theory -- has anyone revisited that since 9/11, what with the claims that yells of "Allah" were on the flight recorder?) or ....

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the downing of TWA Flight 800 (BTW, while we're on topic for unsubstantiated rumor/conspiracy theory -- has anyone revisited that since 9/11, what with the claims that yells of "Allah" were on the flight recorder?) or ....



I think you're mixing your plane disasters. TWA 800 was supposedly shot down by a US Navy ship. It was an Egypt Air flight that had the references to Allah on the flight recorder (apparently, because the pilot was Muslim and was praying because he knew the plane was crashing...

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Though, interestingly enough, it's usually completely dependent on which party they belong to.  I find it highly ironic that the people bitching about Murtha's "conviction" of the Marines never hesitated to find Clinton guilty of Whitewater before the investigation was completed...


I don't think he did it. I mean, he hasn't been proven guilty yet, so he's clearly innocent.




All but $10,000 was recovered on August 3 when the FBI searched Mr Jefferson’s home in Washington, the bureau says. The money was stuffed in his freezer, wrapped in $10,000 packs and concealed in food containers and aluminum foil.

Speaking for myself, I have often hid $90,000 in cold cash between the Klondike Bars and Aunt Jemima Frozen Waffles.

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I don't think he did it. I mean, he hasn't been proven guilty yet, so he's clearly innocent.



Speaking for myself, I have often hid $90,000 in cold cash between the Klondike Bars and Aunt Jemima Frozen Waffles.



Where else you going to hide cold cash? In the !@#$ing oven?



Keep in mind, too...this is the same yahoo that used the National Guard to check on his house post-Katrina. I'm pretty sure it's safe to make the non-partisan observation that he's a !@#$ing idjimit.

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I read in the paper today that 1 out of every 136 Americans are in prison.


I think we need to implement work programs and make these folks pay for their stay. I find it quite troubling that these people commit crime and then my money has to go to pay for their meals, cloths, room, etc.... Make them work and sell things to market and earn their keep.

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I think we need to implement work programs and make these folks pay for their stay.  I find it quite troubling that these people commit crime and then my money has to go to pay for their meals, cloths, room, etc....  Make them work and sell things to market and earn their keep.


Or you could take the hefty prison-labor contracts that are already going on and make sure that the money goes to the right places. It's not by accident that politicians lobby to have more prisons and stiffer sentences for victimless crimes.

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Or you could take the hefty prison-labor contracts that are already going on and make sure that the money goes to the right places.  It's not by accident that politicians lobby to have more prisons and stiffer sentences for victimless crimes.


I don't know about that, but my experience is from Lorton prison. Seems like when they tried to cut back any of the perks, like the TV room, with multiple TV's, HBO, etc.... they had riots, multiple people killed, and fires in the prison.

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I don't know about that, but my experience is from Lorton prison.  Seems like when they tried to cut back any of the perks, like the TV room, with multiple TV's, HBO, etc.... they had riots, multiple people killed, and fires in the prison.


Really? What were you in for?

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I think we need to implement work programs and make these folks pay for their stay.  I find it quite troubling that these people commit crime and then my money has to go to pay for their meals, cloths, room, etc....  Make them work and sell things to market and earn their keep.



Re: illegal aliens. "They do the jobs Americans don't want to do".


Prisoners have to do what they're told. I see a two birds with one stone situation here. Put prisoners to work and send the illegals home.

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Re: illegal aliens. "They do the jobs Americans don't want to do".


Prisoners have to do what they're told. I see a two birds with one stone situation here. Put prisoners to work and send the illegals home.


How about having the prisoners escort the illegals home, and then not letting either of them back in. :lol:

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