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OT- What were you doing 27 years ago?


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AS long as there is NO BILLS bashing anything goes. The PM's are priceless. This is why when people get all pissy on the wall and they want to go run and hide you will find that there IS NO BETTER PLACE than RIGHT HERE.


All the crap that is said, people getting mad, insulting each other and in the long run we are all here for each other. Yes, I do thank the people who left me messages on my cell too.


My day is much better than it started out. Thank you. The anniv. of my marriage was a very happy day. Now when the death anniv comes up that is a HARD DAY. The only good thing about that day was that his suffering and pain stopped. Guess what. IT too is on a FRIDAY this year. Ten week from today. I wonder if these dates won't mean anything to me someday. In a 10 week period we celebrated our last anniv, his Mother's last B/D(with him) his Dad's last B/D(with him) his last B/D with us, our last Thanksgiving as a family, my last B/D with him then his last day on Earth. And how will I get thru it all again. Because I have you.

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you know, we should market something like that

i've got the chemical engineering background and it seems like you know how to sell stuff :)




Ok, here's how it works.


You do know the thing im talking about with the chemicals inside that cool when you squeeze the bag real hard, right?


Well, we would need one of those that could somehow be "reset"... Ya know, after its cold has come and gone, the chemicals seperate again... to be mixed once more.


And maybe one of the chemicals could be in a packet around the waistband. You just sqeeze at the waistband, and the one chemical shoots down, mixing with the other chemical that is contained in an are directly under the jewels.


Our biggest obstacle is getting the chemicals to "reset" ..




we could market them as the underwear that lets you keep your cool... everywhere.

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AS long as there is NO BILLS bashing anything goes.  The PM's are priceless. This is why when people get all pissy on the wall and they want to go run and hide you will find that there IS NO BETTER PLACE than RIGHT HERE.


All the crap that is said, people getting mad, insulting each other and in the long run we are all here for each other.  Yes, I do thank the people who left me messages on my cell too.


My day is much better than it started out.  Thank you.  The anniv. of my marriage was a very happy day. Now when the death anniv comes up that is a HARD DAY. The only good thing about that day was that his suffering and pain stopped. Guess what.  IT too is on a FRIDAY this year. Ten week from today.  I wonder if these dates won't mean anything to me someday. In a 10 week period we celebrated our last anniv, his Mother's last B/D(with him) his Dad's last B/D(with him) his last B/D with us, our last Thanksgiving as a family, my last B/D with him then his last day on Earth.  And how will I get thru it all again.  Because I have you.




I just realized how terribly out of place my last post was for the cooling underwear..


so, let me say: of course we're here for ya... even if it just means making you laugh a bit :)

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That's usually only a problem when you shave the berries.




you gotta maintain the hairstyle man... if we expect the ladies to do it, we have to too!


Im not talking bald, but a crew cut..


plus, it gives the crank shaft the appearance of more shaft, and less crank (that doesnt make any sense, but you know what i mean)

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you gotta maintain the hairstyle man... if we expect the ladies to do it, we have to too!


Im not talking bald, but a crew cut..


plus, it gives the crank shaft  the appearance of more shaft, and less crank (that doesnt make any sense, but you know what i mean)



..........WAY too much information there.

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I just realized how terribly out of place my last post was for the cooling underwear..


so, let me say: of course we're here for ya... even if it just means making you laugh a bit :D


Yeah, Cindy, we're supporting you like a good pair of underwear should! :)

Great metapohr you're providing, Steve.

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i dunno about shaving the berries...seems a little dangerous...trimming elsewhere makes sense

as for the cooling underwear, another issue is to not overcool and cause the shrinking turtle effect




shaving? no... no blade goes near it... but a good trimmer... sure.


and bib, too much info? no kiddin! :)


but believe me, at our age (mine and college guy's) its something we have to do... its rediculous, but the chicas dig it...

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Yeah, Cindy, we're supporting you like a good pair of underwear should!  :)

Great metapohr you're providing, Steve.



Good save and rationalization of the post :D


i dunno if i've watched too much classic porn or what, but the whole shaved look doesn't do it for me anymore and i'm tired of dealing with it

when badly done, it looks like a poorly plucked chicken (not me)

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shaving? no... no blade goes near it... but a good trimmer... sure.


and bib, too much info? no kiddin! :)


but believe me, at our age (mine and college guy's) its something we have to do... its rediculous, but the chicas dig it...


Oh, please, you babies. Get out the razor and clean 'em up. Not a woman around that won't be thankful...and as a side note, when I say "woman" in this situation it does not refer to Pats fans.

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Oh, please, you babies. Get out the razor and clean 'em up. Not a woman around that won't be thankful...and as a side note, when I say "woman" in this situation it does not refer to Pats fans.



for as much as i say i cant stand you, you fu-king crack me up...

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I was nine years old.


What I remember about being nine was this really cool shirt that I used to have. It was a button down Batman and Robin shirt. It had drawings from the comic and the words "Bamf" and Ouch" and ufff" and stuff like that. Looking back... It was probably the coolest shirt that I have ever owned! If it wasn't for a bad case of the cooties, the girls would have been all over me! :devil:

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for as much as i say i cant stand you, you fu-king crack me up...


And for as much as I say I can't stand you, I think you should realize I'm trying to get you to take a razor to your nuts.

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