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We fell in love with Willis


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who cares, he'll go for the money and a team that wants to win a SB.



What are you basing this on. He played behind a terrible O-line and a shaky QB at best. After we were down in everygame we had to abandon the run and pass so he didnt get the quality touches. He will be a Bill for a long time. This is his contract year and its do or die. He will step up.

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What are you basing this on. He played behind a terrible O-line and a shaky QB at best. After we were down in everygame we had to abandon the run and pass so he didnt get the quality touches. He will be a Bill for a long time. This is his  contract year and its do or die. He will step up.


Isn't next year his contract year? I thought he still had 2 years remaining?

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I think everyones perspective of him not being in a Bills uni in a few years and possibly a Miami Dolphin, well that throws some people off.



Dolphins will have Ronnie Brown, I don't see any scenerio where he goes to the Dolphins. Sounds more like what Thurman Thomas did by leaving Buffalo for Miami.

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OK. I'll give it a shot.


1. He doesn't live next door to ANY Waller.

2. He's never given any of us any money nor a ride in one of his spiffy new cars.

3. Talk about character - the guy won't even have a life-sized tattoo of a buffalo head put on his chest in red, white, and blue.

4. He makes more money than anyone logged in to TBD.

5. He absolutely REFUSES to run a timed 40 yd dash for the Buffalo Evening News' Reporters and won't even let them bring it up in interviews - which he doesn't do, but even if he would do an interview he wouldn't let them bring it up.

6. Not once has he given up a Saturday afternoon to bag groceries at Tops for free.

7. He doesn't like Retatta - and has said so on several occasions.

8. He doesn't know that the word "Voluntary" means "Mandatory."

9. He's done the big nasty more times than just dreaming about it while gazing at webpages of cheerleaders and half-nekkid avatars.

10. He refuses to break OJ's all time record for yards gained in a 14 game season.


It's so easy to hate a guy that's that smug. He probably doesn't care that gas is forty dollars a gallon.


There. That ought to put this to rest.



LOL, that was good Nanker. I think that just about sums it up. :doh:

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Isn't next year his contract year? I thought he still had 2 years remaining?


Per his NFLPA.org priofile Willis' contract expires following the 2007 season. So yes, he has two years remaining. That said if he does leave as an UFA I'm not overly worried as to me RB is one of the easier positions to find a replacement for.

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I never fell in love with the pick nor the player's production.


I was told the guy would be amazing and to this day he isn't.


He's a good RB, don't get me wrong but he isn't all that great, or at least he still didn't show us that.


A couple of negatives IMO with his game are:

He's not reliable picking up the blitz

He's always banged up between hits.

They sold me he was great in the passing game coming out of college, the guy is just average.

I think his conditioning leaves much to be desired, maybe he carried too much weight last year.


Flame away...



I agree. The Willis-lovers are misrepresenting the Willis-bashers. For those of my thinking,

(1) WM is a modest upgrade over TH. I have yet to see him be dominant.

(2) He is costly - in salary, in draft pick (given we had a starter), and in the sense that whatever we paid for him we get one less year of production than we would have gotten with a healthy back. We are paying him 5 years of salarty for 4 years of playing - and so far, he's not running for 25% more yards than his peers.

(3) Today's NFL is a passing game, not a running game. The team that has 4 good receivers and a line built to pass goes farther than the team with a great runningback and a line built to run.


The whole 'U' character thing is fun and amusing, but not really the issue.

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Honestly, I never wanted Willis. I could care less what school he went to or his perceived "attitude" he has demonstrated in interviews. I thought TD made a great trade in getting rid of Peerless Price for a first rounder. But in classic TD fashion, he followed up a good move with a bad move. I'm against drafting a running back in the 1st round (unless it someone truly special like Bush). I'm ever more against drafting a rb who just blown out his knee. The Bills were 8-8 and had a good back in Henry. Say what you what about Henry, he was solid. A pick to solidfy the lines or a TE would have been a much better move and may have pushed this team over the top.

Moving on, what done is done. I like Willis. He's probably a little immature, but overall, he doesn't seem like a bad guy. However my beef is that has he provided that much of an upgrade over Henry? Personally, I don't think so. And while these camps are volunteer, I would like to just know that Willis takes being a Bill serious, and I really question that. That said, Willis is one of our best players and I will continue to root for him as long as he is a Bill. I just want to see a little more committment to the Bills. Just my two cents. ;)

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How can you say Willis is barely an upgrade over Travis Henry when TH has done SQUAT since being traded and was suspended for violating the drug policy for the 3rd or 4th time (I think it was 3 but i'm not sure) I think it's obvious the Bills knew something about TH and got rid of him before the sh-- hit the fan. Yes, TH produced several good seasons in Buffalo...but he wasn't doing well in 04 and hasn't done jack since being traded. Plus having Willis in the backfield I think makes the defense respect the run more than having TH...so to say we didn't upgrade just isn't right IMO.

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How can you say Willis is barely an upgrade over Travis Henry when TH has done SQUAT since being traded and was suspended for violating the drug policy for the 3rd or 4th time (I think it was 3 but i'm not sure) I think it's obvious the Bills knew something about TH and got rid of him before the sh-- hit the fan. Yes, TH produced several good seasons in Buffalo...but he wasn't doing well in 04 and hasn't done jack since being traded. Plus having Willis in the backfield I think makes the defense respect the run more than having TH...so to say we didn't upgrade just isn't right IMO.



I said a modest upgrade, not barely, and I was speaking of production. In '03 WM contributed absolutely zilch for his paycheck, while TH had a banner year. In '04 when they were both on the field, TH looked bad and WM looked ok - 3.5 versus 4.0 yards per carry. I call half a yard per carry a modest upgrade.


Did the braintrust know TH was going to hit the wall after leaving the Bills or was in drug trouble? Considering that that was three years down the road, I doubt it. If they merely thought he might be winding down generally in a few years, then why not draft a running back later?


[based on the numbers, if I were to say it all over again, I would probably say he is a modest upgrade in talent but no upgrade in production. Flame away.]

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I think people are believing what sites are saying about Willis's character and behavior.  Personally I don't see any problem with him.  He's the future Rb of the Bills and he's pretty good.


He not the best in the league if that's what you means, but if you are talking about him being the best player on the Bills.  I would rank him in the top 5.


1. TKO

2. Fletcher or Evans

3. Evans or Fletcher

4. McGahee

5. Vincent




Vincent!?! ;):w00t::w00t:


Vincent isn't in the top 5 on the defensive side of the ball and I count him as one of the spots that needs vast improvement.

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I said a modest upgrade, not barely, and I was speaking of production.  In '03 WM contributed absolutely zilch for his paycheck, while TH had a banner year.  In '04 when they were both on the field, TH looked bad and WM looked ok - 3.5 versus 4.0 yards per carry.  I call half a yard per carry a modest upgrade.


Did the braintrust know TH was going to hit the wall after leaving the Bills or was in drug trouble?  Considering that that was three years down the road, I doubt it.  If they merely thought he might be winding down generally in a few years, then why not draft a running back later?


[based on the numbers, if I were to say it all over again,  I would probably say he is a modest upgrade in talent but no upgrade in production.  Flame away.]




Willis had 13 touchdowns in 04...I'll admit i'm too lazy to look up TH's numbers right now but i'm sure he never had that many...and i'm sure the Bills DID see TH's decline coming seeing as 2 of his drug violations came while he was with Buffalo. Also WM is much more of a threat in the passing game...again this is just my opinion of course ;)

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Willis had 13 touchdowns in 04...I'll admit i'm too lazy to look up TH's numbers right now but i'm sure he never had that many...and i'm sure the Bills DID see TH's decline coming seeing as 2 of his drug violations came while he was with Buffalo. Also WM is much more of a threat in the passing game...again this is just my opinion of course ;)



In fact, in 2004 TH had none. WM had three times the carries, so that pace would have projected to 3 or 4 TD's for TH. For passing, WM only had twice the receptions, which is surprising considering that he played much more.


But how can the Bills have seen the decline coming during the '03 draft when TH was still yet to have his best season (2003)??? Unless you meant see it coming in the sense that I see WM's and every other veteren players decline coming in 3 or 4 years.

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