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Whatever happened to Free Advice Thursday?

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You have monkey as a username, I guess your a bitter black guy, or just take pride in acting like on to sound tough.



Geez, why wouldn't someone want to talk to such a classy individual such as yourself? Well, at least you're an intelligent racist. :)

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Any recommendations? My father-in-law is coming in from Germany tomorrow and he's quite the wine guy. It'd be nice to pick him up something new.



Ripple? :wacko:


Actually a nice Riesling, Liebfraumilch, or white Chardonnay (I do not like the oak barrel taste) would be nice.


For something new, I would go to a store I trust and get some advice.

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Damn, They could use him at the Mexican boarder!


What, to help fill in a tunnel? Sounds good to me. Just so they use fast-setting cement...

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