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I guess we have a legit shot (depending how many generations they go back) they have some actuall proof like a birth certificate of a great grandmother or something like that......


Fingers are crossed


I put an email out for you. My sister is a PhD in Native American studies and works on a reservation (Muckleshoot) running a tribal college. Their casino is outrageous, and takes in a million bucks a day. They do all kinds of great stuff with the money, like running this tribal college. Any kid in the entire tribe can go to any school in the country (provided they're accepted of course) and the tribe pays for almost the entire thing. Be forewarned though, she may just say she hates white people trying to butt in on the cash. :)


My grandfather was an old Indian fighter






My Grandmother was an old Indian.







I put an email out for you. My sister is a PhD in Native American studies and works on a reservation (Muckleshoot) running a tribal college. Their casino is outrageous, and takes in a million bucks a day. They do all kinds of great stuff with the money, like running this tribal college. Any kid in the entire tribe can go to any school in the country (provided they're accepted of course) and the tribe pays for almost the entire thing. Be forewarned though, she may just say she hates white people trying to butt in on the cash.  :)



I think she would be right in the hating to....


The only reason why I am involved is because I am the resident "paperwork guy" in the family and they asked for my help......any benefits would only go to my wife and her family (of course this helps me out to) but I def just want to come across as being helpfull.

I am 1/4 Mohawk Indian..Tyendinaga Mohawk of the Bay of Quinte in Ontario..check here... they should be able to point you in the right direction...




I am 1/4 Mohawk Indian..Tyendinaga Mohawk of the Bay of Quinte in Ontario..check here... they should be able to point you in the right direction...


Seriously? That's where part of my family 'settled' in the late 1700s/early 1800s -- we could be distant cousins.


I don't know which one of us should be more frightened by that prospect. :)


I have known that my wifes family has been researching it for some time but have left it alone (I didn't really consider it any of my business and if it happened cool if not oh well)


We had a family reunion on my father in laws side at disneyland this last weekend (strangest one I have ever seen...we got together for 15 minutes in the morning and half of us got together for lunch...other then that we were spread out all over the place but I digress....)


Anyway....my wife and I are shopping around the little shops and my father in law asked if I would help....sure I would help but why?


the answer was he felt that his son (my brother in law) just wasn't moving fast enough on it....and my stepfather has been having health problems for some time now....apparently the medical plan for the tribe is very good and would cover an operation he needs (I didn't go into detail on what the operation was..thats a personal thing) and he needs to have this done sooner rather then later.


So....to make a long story short. It would be cool if my wife were eligible for the tribal benefits but if the eligible generation only goes back to my stepfather then that would be great to.


Most real Indians don't like people like you. You don't go through anything they have to go through yet you want all the benefits.


Oh cry me a damn river....your getting on my nerves....


I am not asking for ANYTHING....I am doing it for somebody else...AND I AM NOT A INDIAN.....


My father in law isn't deserving? Let me tell you something...that guy is the hardest working, give the shirt off his back, best human being I have other met.....just because he has had to work and support a family all his life and doesn't have the education or advantages to better his life and now doesn't have the means to take care of an ailment that might do him in....oh yeah he isn't "real indian"


Let me tell you something....my wife works at an indian casino about 5 minutes away from my house....and the whole area is filled with "real indians" who take the money they get and either blow it at the casino, spend it on stuff they dont need, or drink and use drugs till they pass out.

Most real Indians don't like people like you.  You don't go through anything they have to go through yet you want all the benefits.


I'm sorry, but what real Indians alive today went through anything other than deciding on a name for their casino?
I'm sorry, but what real Indians alive today went through anything other than deciding on a name for their casino?


I have two neices who are half Native and I will tell you, they go through a LOT of sh--, and have their whole lives. There is still a ton of racism out there toward Natives and you're completely blind if you don't think so. They get zero money from casinos even though their father is 100% Native. And they get 1200 bucks or so a year from the government. I am not sure about that amount but it ain't much.


I actually have no problem with the indians that live in our area....as a matter of fact both me and my wife are good friends with them (and it helps when you work at their casino to stay on their good side)


We have indian friends over at our hose for barbeques and family gatherings all the time (actually...since my wifes family has Apache blood (they are Mexican but you can see the Indian heratage) I guess you could say there are ALWAYS indians at my house..:)


Would this be an inappropriate time to mention that I think Indian women are hot?

Would this be an inappropriate time to mention that I think Indian women are hot?




IO know a french/Indian mix who works with me. So beautiful and friendly to. i appreciate beautiful stuff like that.

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