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Tickets! Get your playoff tickets!

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Does anyone know how much each playoff ticket will be when they go on sale tomorrow at 9:00 AM ???  I've gone to tickets.com and sabres.com and there isn't a price in site.





If available, the cheapest will be around $100 per seat, most expensive around $200 per seat.

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that is why this guy bought round 3/4 for the $180 season ticket price...BEST DEAL EVER




The offer that put me over the top was not only offering me all rounds at season ticket prices for bumping my mini pack up to seasons, but the real sealer of the deal for me was dropping my 200 level seats from $69 to $54 for season ticket rates. Not to take away anything from you, but I wan't to pronounce that as,



And looking at my tickets already that say Stanley Cup Finals on them is sweet.

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