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My bouquet for Doug....

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Not sure what everyone's problem is with Flutie, but he was the last QB that actually led us to the playoffs and brought some excitement to the Buffalo Bills. And the funny thing is, many of the same jokers here that kicked and screamed that Rob Johnson should be our QB, and he was the 'future' are the same people that kick and scream about Kelly Holcomb (who gives us the best chance to win once again).


95% of all the trash about Flutie's ego or attitude comes from fans and media, very little of any of it has ever been substantiated about teammates not liking him, etc. I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that he's small, he came from the CFL, and ultimately New England, so nobody (especially lots of Bills fans from Buffalo), wanted him to succeed. He was always known as a great ball player and a great teammate in the CFL, so I guess he must have went through a 'transformation' when he hit Buffalo. What he did do for us, is win, and make things exciting again, some of you should wake up and realize that and appreciate it.


Sorry, this is something I posted about a year ago...given todays' developments, Doug Flutie retiring at all, I thought it might be appropriate to drudge up the past, jsut this once...the original forum was "Travis and Doug...why all the hate"



I never liked Flutie, even before he was a Buffalo Bill. His ego was legendary before he ever donned the red, white and blue. There are a number of other reasons as well. He was one of a handful of NFL players that broke the players picket in 1987 (Gary Hogeboom, and Lawrence Taylor are the only other two that come to mind, though I am sure there were a few more) during the NFL players strike. I know we are living in a very anti-union atmosphere right now, but growing up in WNY, and having a very pro-union family, that was pretty bad. And, I remember Flutie, during those strike games, saying something to the effect of "I just want the opportunity to show that I can play in this leauge". My reaction, knowing what I know now about him, should have been," what self centered assh**e!" It didn't help that I couldn't stand him before that either.


I remember cringing when there was a very vocal core of Bills fans (in 1985 there weren't many, so all were heard) who were obsessed with the Bills taking Flutie with the #1 pick in the draft that year. Thankfully, smarter heads prevailed, and Bruce Smith was selected instead...


In 1998, when AJ Smith decided to lure Flutie back to the NFL (beind the support of crap talent NFL talent evaluater Mike Ditka), I nearly crapped my pants...surely, I thought, they cannot be friggin' serious! I was relieved, a month or two later, when they traded for Rob Johnson! Hey, hindsight is 20-20!


So, Flutie plays for the Bills. I love that team, more than I could hate any one player. I really wanted to let bygones be bygones, and let some of the bitterness toward the guy go. It didn't take long though, for it to come back, full throttle...


It was in the aftermath of what was maybe Flutie's most memorable play as a Buffalo Bill. It was that end around run, to win that game against the Jaguars. It was a great play, I will hand it to the man. It was just the classlessness that he displayed afterwards, that cemented my dislike for him.


In the press conference after the game, Flutie the toast of Buffalo, drops the bombshell that the particular play was designed as a hand off to Thurman Thomas, but that Thurman ran the wrong way, missed his block, so "I had no other choice but to take matter into my own hands, and win the game!" It was not just embarassing a proud teammate who had given his blood for that team, if you look at the replay, it likely wasn't true. It is very apparent, whatever play was called, Flutie had planned on running it in himself, to bask in the glory and adulation, the split second that ball was snapped. I have heard rumour (I can only substantiate by saying that I have a very good friend, whose sister has worked in the Bills front office for nearly 15 years- I know, we hate those kind of rumours) that it did not sit well with a number of players on the team. Even if it were true, Flutie already had the spotlight, he didn't need to show up Thurman. There were similar rumours and innuendos that there was a lot of carrying on about Andre Reed, to the coaches, that led to his being less and less a part of the offense.

The final reason I have for disliking Flutie, is rooted in the final game of the 1998 season, in New Orleans. By that time, Flutie was entrenched as the Bills starting QB, and Flutie mania was at its' peak. The Bills had already sewn up a wild-card birth, and had nothing to gain or lose that depended on the outcome of the game. Wade Phillips had decided to let Rob Johnson start the game, as he had been nicked and injured a good part of the season (who knew it would become an old familiar tune!). It was known on Saturday that RJ was the starter. On game day, having had more than 24 hours (hell it may have been the whole week) to let it sink in, Flutie sulked on the sidelines like the selfish jerk he was.


My buddy and I moved from our seats, down to some empty seats behind the Bills bench. Doug Flutie spent the entire game, about 15 to 20 yards down field, away from his teammates, sitting on his helmet, sulking like a high-school girl. RJ had one of his finest games as a Bill, and was pretty much perfect that day. At one point, after a long TD pass, RJ came running off the field to high-five his "mentor" (the animosity between the two was only starting to burn). What did the mentor do? He literally looked the other way. You could see it was killing him that Johnson was having a great game. Throughout the game, players would trot down the field to acknowledge Flutie. He just stared ahead...he was very visably pissed off. In fact, throughtout the game, the only players he acknowledged were Thurman Thomas and Bruce Smith.


As the game became a ruanway (okay, the Saints did make a late rally) and players were getting loose and celebrating on the sidelines, Flutie just pouted. Bruce Smith, usually characterizied as being not really fan friendly, was slapping hands, signing aoutogrpahs, and high fiving the fans along the side. It was Christmas weekend, the team seemed truly jazzed about going to Miami to face the Dolphins the next week in the wild card game. One kid wanted a box of Flutie flakes signed. He kept yelling out "Doug, Doug, Doug". Flutie wouldn't acknowledge any fans. Granted, at that moment, he was one of the most popular players in the NFL, but not even then? Finally, Bruce Smith took the box from the kid, walked it down to Flutie, and he signed it.


I have been to lots of Bills games over the years. I don't think I ever witnessed a more self absorbed player as Flutie was that day. I pulled for Flutie as long as he was our QB, but I must say, he is the one player in my near 30 years of obsessing over the team, that I had to begrudingly pull for. I would never deny that he had a knack for finding ways to make plays, and the fact that he made things interesting. I just never liked him as a guy, particularly on my favorite team. The only thing that could compare for me, being a huge Celtics fan, was I never really liked Danny Ainge. But, as far as I know, other than being whinny, he was always a team first player. I am not sure one could say that about Flutie. He may have finally grown up in San Diego, but I could care less about him now...unless of course he starts a game against us, for the Patriots...


Travis Henry you ask? I like 'em. His only crime, as far as I am concerned, is that he is not as good as Willis McGahee...


Giving Fake Fat Skinny a run for his money- buftex! ;)


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Not sure what everyone's problem is with Flutie, but he was the last QB that actually led us to the playoffs and brought some excitement to the Buffalo Bills.  And the funny thing is, many of the same jokers here that kicked and screamed that Rob Johnson should be our QB, and he was the 'future' are the same people here that kick and scream about Kelly Holcomb (who gives us the best chance to win once again).


95% of all the trash about Flutie's ego or attitude comes from fans and unreliable media, very little of any of it has ever been substantiated about teammates not likining him, etc.  I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that he's small, he came from the CFL, and ultimately New England, so nobody (especially lots of Bills fans from Buffalo), wanted him to succeed.  He was always known as a great ball player and a great teammates in the CFL, so I guess he must have went through a 'transformation' when he hit Buffalo.  What he did do for us, is win, and make things exciting again, some of you should wake up and realize that and appreciate it.


Actually, I saw an interview done on Canadian TV with him where he came out and literally said if he was in the game instead of Rob Johnson, the Bills would have easily won the game. That is a pretty egotistical comment to make that is based completely in hindsight. He always seemed cocky and arrogant to me even when he played in the CFL

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Actually, I saw an interview done on Canadian TV with him where he came out and literally said if he was in the game instead of Rob Johnson, the Bills would have easily won the game. That is a pretty egotistical comment to make that is based completely in hindsight. He always seemed cocky and arrogant to me even when he played in the CFL



I think Flutie's right, they would have won. How do you bench a guy that led us to the playoffs all year?! Johnson was terrible in the first half, and Flutie would have got us more than 16 points. He deserved to be in that game, and he deserved to be pissed off.


"You never want to let the other guy play," Flutie said after learning that Phillips had decided to start Johnson in Buffalo's AFC first-round playoff game today at Tennessee. "That's why you play through injuries, that's why you keep going because you don't want a guy to show what he can do. You give someone just a little window of opportunity and they take advantage of it. Rob did that."


Not only that, many teammates spoke out about being absolutely shocked that Flutie would not be the QB, and many also spoke out afterwards. If they hated him so much why all the support?

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It was an interview he did with TSN in Canada (a sit down interview with someone from one of their news shows) and he said he would have won that playoff game


I don't have a link cause I didn't watch it on the net, I don't have a video either cause I just sat down and caught part of the interview. If your looking for it, check google.

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Not sure what everyone's problem is with Flutie, but he was the last QB that actually led us to the playoffs and brought some excitement to the Buffalo Bills.  And the funny thing is, many of the same jokers here that kicked and screamed that Rob Johnson should be our QB, and he was the 'future' are the same people here that kick and scream about Kelly Holcomb (who gives us the best chance to win once again).


95% of all the trash about Flutie's ego or attitude comes from fans and unreliable media, very little of any of it has ever been substantiated about teammates not likining him, etc.  I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that he's small, he came from the CFL, and ultimately New England, so nobody (especially lots of Bills fans from Buffalo), wanted him to succeed.  He was always known as a great ball player and a great teammates in the CFL, so I guess he must have went through a 'transformation' when he hit Buffalo.  What he did do for us, is win, and make things exciting again, some of you should wake up and realize that and appreciate it.



Agreed. Count me in as one of the Flutie "fanatics," though I never saw him as some sort of heir apparent to Jim Kelly - more like a Dave Krieg type that could keep the Bills respectable and competitive until the OL was rebuilt and a real QB brought in (still waiting on both of these...).


The Flutie detractors are just angry because their hero, RJ, embarrassed their reputations here on football matters by proving to be a giant, pathetic bust. Flutie set this franchise's development back? Give me a break. Flutie generated new fans at a time when the Bills' future in Buffalo was tenuous. RJ is the QB who set this franchise back several years.


And the attacks on Flutie's character make his haters even more pathetic. For one thing, the complaints of him being a "locker-room cancer" are pretty much just rumors or anecdotal bullstevestrojan. I've noticed that some of the very same Flutie haters on this board also scoff at Vikings' RB Mewelde Moore's comments about JP. But assuming that Flutie is every bit of the things his critics say - arrogant, selfish, ultra-competitive - over half of the NFL has guys like him. We just don't hear about them as much because the QB is usually the most vocal player to the media. Again, to highlight some of TSW's hypocritical nature, some of the Flutie haters can now be seen defending similar Bills divas like McGahee and Moulds.


Last but not least are the tired, sophomoric, and very unfunny height jokes. The Flutie haters can't resist 'em. They'll sometimes even explain Flutie's character by drudging up the "Napoleon Complex" psychobabble, without providing an explanation for a tall man with similar character traits ;) . Short jokes are TSW's male equivalence to their fat women jokes, and are rooted in the supreme, "Flutie-like" arrogance of the vast TSW fanbase - comprised mostly of socially awkward teenagers and cynical yuppie burnouts.


End of rant. See ya.

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All I know is that when I saw a Bills game with Flutie in it, I had hope we could pull out a victory. Now, I just hope we don't embarrass ourselves...


All this megalomaniac Flutie stuff apparently didn't bother his teammates enough to not publicly canvas in the media for him to start ala Bruce Smith, Eric Moulds et. al. I can't remember anyone doing that for Johnson. I don't hate RJ but really can you think of anyone else in recent Bills memory (with the exception of Lonnie Johnson) who was less deserving of the buffalo on his helmet?


I once met Doug at a Wegmans publicity junket. He was nothing but gracious. He embodied the spirit of Buffalo at least for a short time. Fans of other teams wished there was a player like Flutie on *their* teams. I remember Titans fans here in NashVegas saying we had that playoff game all wrapped up before anyone played a down. The sentiment down here was that Flutie is just gonna "kill us (Titans)." The truth of the matter is we had a huge psychological advantage going into that game. RJ, for better or worse, didn't bring that to the table. That was a terrible call on Wade's (actually, I think it was really Ralph's) part.


We lost that game (and Ultimately our way into the future of this franchise) after a bad special teams play. I still believe to this day that it wouldn't have come down to that one play if Doug was in for that game.


You have a right to hate or like the guy. I don't care either way if you do or don't. He might have had his 'short'comings on and off the field. But, I think we forget that like him or hate him, for a time there there was much rejoicing in Bills-land because we Billieved and there was hope. That's more than I can say now...





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Could not have said it better myself.


Thank you.


The Flutie detractors are just angry because their hero, RJ, embarrassed their reputations here on football matters by proving to be a giant, pathetic bust. Flutie set this franchise's development back? Give me a break. Flutie generated new fans at a time when the Bills' future in Buffalo was tenuous. RJ is the QB who set this franchise back several years.


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I think I might be the only Canadian that can't stand Flutie. I never really like and never thought he was as good as they portrayed him. I'm not disapointed to see him retire. Good riddence, go play in your band somewhere far away from here



you ain't the only one.


i hate flutie. i didn't hate him when he came to the team, i thought he would be a great back up and could even be a start for a while if need be.


it was clear early on that RJ (just like i see it the same way with JP) is frail and will get hurt, so a solid back up is a must.


anyhow flutie came in and played fine, not with the same production that johnson had but good enough. the thing is the jerkoff flutie first fans got wet in the ass about a little mullet loser (their self projection of a hero) running around and making bad throws that eric moulds rescued (just like garcia with ownes, an all world talent WR rescued a crap QB) and having the D and christie win games for us.


flute lost a damn play off game the year before (a great game on the road, but a loss) but he has the balls to say thet he would have won one that he would have won a game that was lost on the biggest gadget play in the history of the NFL?


aside from being a C@nt flutie was at his absolute best an average stop gap QB, he isn't as good as say jeff garcia (the other CFL cast off who had a great WR to make him look good) who can't do enough to win a starting job in detroit with 3 super talent WRs.


flutie was mobile and hard to sack, but he had a rag arm, was a joke to shut down (crowd the box and you stop the passing AND the running game, he can't throw the long outs either), and was a HORRIBLE red zone QB (he got sacked for fumbles and throw DUCKS in teh red zone).


flutie is not and never has been a good QB (if you think he is observe jeff garcia, who is the same QB flutie is but a lot better -- still not good).


flutie fans (as in flutie first bills second) are whores and i REALLY hate them.


oh, the one thing i like about him (sorta) is that he crossed the picket lines.

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I don't hate RJ but really can you think of anyone else in recent Bills memory (with the exception of Lonnie Johnson) who was less deserving of the buffalo on his helmet?



Billy Joe Hobert?


I think many people are forgetting that another reason why RJ was given the nod over Flutie for the Titans game is because Flutie was godawful that season...sure, we won alot of games and made it (barely) to the playoffs, BUT it was because we had a #1 defense. If I remember correctly, alot of these games were painfully close with little or no offense (games against Baltimore and Seattle stand out in my mind). I remember being completely fed up in the game against the Giants where he kept blowing plays and throwing INTs. By that time, it was obvious that his style of play had been figured out and wasn't going to work anymore. After an amazing first season where he was the reason for much success, I had the feeling that the team was desperately trying to NOT lose games because of him during the second half of his second season.

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Billy Joe Hobert?


I think many people are forgetting that another reason why RJ was given the nod over Flutie for the Titans game is because Flutie was godawful that season...sure, we won alot of games and made it (barely) to the playoffs, BUT it was because we had a #1 defense. If I remember correctly, alot of these games were painfully close with little or no offense (games against Baltimore and Seattle stand out in my mind). I remember being completely fed up in the game against the Giants where he kept blowing plays and throwing INTs. By that time, it was obvious that his style of play had been figured out and wasn't going to work anymore. After an amazing first season where he was the reason for much success, I had the feeling that the team was desperately trying to NOT lose games because of him during the second half of his second season.



Well, then you bench him earlier in the season. You don't bench him after a meaningless game that RJ plays well in. That is my biggest problem with the whole Flutie/ RJ situation. At the time, I hated the Bills for that move, and the forward lateral was poetic justice in a sense. It was totally unprofessional and Flutie had every right to B word and say he would have won that game. I could have care less if Flutie or RJ was the QB, as long as the Bills won. RJ had his opportunity, couldn't stay healthy, and overall, provided to be ineffective. Ask Eric Moulds who his favorite QB was (of course that doesn't say much for his QBs ;) ). So I don't want to come of as a Flutie fanatic, but the guy got screwed big time by the Bills. And whatever you say about how effective he was, he lead us to the playoffs twice and no other QB taken us since. ;)

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Well, then you bench him earlier in the season.  You don't bench him after a meaningless game that RJ plays well in.  That is my biggest problem with the whole Flutie/ RJ situation.  At the time, I hated the Bills for that move, and the forward lateral was poetic justice in a sense.  It was totally unprofessional and Flutie had every right to B word and say he would have won that game.  I could have care less if Flutie or RJ was the QB, as long as the Bills won.  RJ had his opportunity, couldn't stay healthy, and overall, provided to be ineffective.  Ask Eric Moulds who his favorite QB was (of course that doesn't say much for his QBs  ;) ).  So I don't want to come of as a Flutie fanatic, but the guy got screwed big time by the Bills.  And whatever you say about how effective he was, he lead us to the playoffs twice and no other QB taken us since.  ;)



2 things right here:


1 "Hated the bills" are/were you a flutie fan or a bills fan?


2 "he lead us to the playoffs twice and no other QB taken us since."


no, he played QB (at an average level AT BEST) for a very good team. he didn't lead jack chit. did fiedler LEAD miami to play off victories?

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Well, then you bench him earlier in the season. 

and start who? Van Pelt? RJ was injured earlier in the season


At the time, I hated the Bills for that move, and the forward lateral was poetic justice in a sense.  It was totally unprofessional and Flutie had every right to B word and say he would have won that game.

umm...no, for several reasons

1. you're a member of the team, so you should stfu

2. the game was won when RJ stepped off the field...with the way flutie was leading the offense that season, things couldn't have looked any better than the way johnson played


poetic justice?

boy you must've been thrilled when RJ blew it




I could have care less if Flutie or RJ was the QB, as long as the Bills won. 

seems contradictory to the above quoted statement


  So I don't want to come of as a Flutie fanatic, but the guy got screwed big time by the Bills.

it's a team sport...while it may not seem FAIR, he did not get screwed

getting screwed would be inviting Flutie over for dinner and then sending someone over to his place to burn his house down




And whatever you say about how effective he was, he lead us to the playoffs twice and no other QB taken us since.  ;)


first year, i'll give it to him...he lead this team to the playoffs...then he blew it on his own too by fumbling against miami

second year, it was all defense

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What seems to be missing from this discussion is the fact that Flutie's "miracle" season of 1999 spurred the sale of suites and premium boxes and led directly to the Bills staying in Buffalo.


I'm convinced that without Flutie the Bills would have left town after that season.


Whether you loved him or hated him you damned sure should add him to your prayers each night because if he wasn't a Bill the team probably would be in another city today.

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What seems to be missing from this discussion is the fact that Flutie's "miracle" season of 1999 spurred the sale of suites and premium boxes and led directly to the Bills staying in Buffalo.


I'm convinced that without Flutie the Bills would have left town after that season.


Whether you loved him or hated him you damned sure should add him to your prayers each night because if he wasn't a Bill the team probably would be in another city today.



well, with all the talk about the Bills leaving town now, the solution is apparent

we don't need ralph or golisano


we need flutie magic

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2 things right here:


1 "Hated the bills"  are/were you a flutie fan or a bills fan?


2 "he lead us to the playoffs twice and no other QB taken us since."


no, he played QB (at an average level AT BEST) for a very good team.  he didn't lead jack chit.  did fiedler LEAD miami to play off victories?



1. I hated the Bills at the time. God, I love the Bills. But I thought that was a Richard move by the team as a whole. If RJ was the starter and got benched for the playoffs for Flutie, I would have felt the same way that RJ got screwed. I'm a Bills fan but I can also recognize a shady move.


2. Well, it's hard to answer this question because Flutie never got his chance to play in the Tennessee game. If Flutie played and we lost, then it is a lot clearer that Flutie probably couldn't take us to the promised land and we would probably need a new QB. All I know is Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl and Flutie could make some plays with his legs if he needed to. And as we all know now, RJ never measured up as an NFL QB. t

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and start who? Van Pelt? RJ was injured earlier in the season

umm...no, for several reasons

1. you're a member of the team, so you should stfu

2. the game was won when RJ stepped off the field...with the way flutie was leading the offense that season, things couldn't have looked any better than the way johnson played


poetic justice?

boy you must've been thrilled when RJ blew it

seems contradictory to the above quoted statement

it's a team sport...while it may not seem FAIR, he did not get screwed

getting screwed would be inviting Flutie over for dinner and then sending someone over to his place to burn his house down


first year, i'll give it to him...he lead this team to the playoffs...then he blew it on his own too by fumbling against miami

second year, it was all defense



Maybe, I didn't make myself clear. RJ/ Flutie didn't matter. If a guy starts all year and loses his job in a meaningless before the playoffs (as well as lead us to the playoffs the year before), they got screwed. Doesn't matter if it was RJ or Flutie. However, it was Flutie and he was wronged. RJ played fairly well and obviously I was as pissed as could be. However looking back at it now, maybe the football gods were against us because of the Flutie decision. Anyways, it is amazing to me how different everyone can feel about Flutie/ RJ. Personally, I always will remember Flutie as a guy who won some games and RJ as a loser. Anyways, here's to hoping we can one day have a QB who can cause us to have this much emotion. ;)

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Why is everything on TSW so damn black or white? Its as if theres no "in between" allowed here.


I hate doug flutie. he's a little shrimp prick. (somewhere in boulder, this statement has been documented) But i liked flutie when he was on the Bills. He was a bill, and i am a BILLS fan, so i rooted for him.


Flutie made some magic happen buffalo, especially in '98. But the knock on flutie was that once a defense had a few games worth of tape on him, he becomes very easy to stop. Hence 1999. Sure we went 10-6, but flutie didnt exactly lead a high powered offense. Our defense won many games for us.


(if you want to argue this statement, look at flutie in 2001 in SD. He started 5-2 for them, and ended the season losing the last 9 games)


In regards to the homerun thowforward, RJ did a good enough job to win the game. Would doug have won? Who knows, because he didnt play. After watching flutie all season, i was happy to see RJ step in for the playoff game. BUT, even though i wanted RJ, i do see that doug got screwed by not being able to start.


Fast forward to 2001. New Bills GM Tom Donahoe has a decision to make at QB. Does he pay doug flutie or Rob Johnson. If TD thought we could have won some games and made a playoff run in 2001, the prudent thing to do would have been to keep flutie. But TD decided that the Bills were already crumbling, and the appropriate thing to do was rebuild. In this case, the RJ decision was a smart one, pick a young QB to lead your rebuilding as opposed ot an old vet who has hit the ceiling.

(does this scenario sound familiar right now?)


By that time i was sick of the dwarf and his little antics and his ego. I was glad to see flutie get sh---canned, and was even happier to see him fail time and time again in san diego.


So yes i hate flutie and hes a little B word and a worthless prick. He is also highly overrated. Flutie is nothing more that a very solid backup QB. He's great for stretches of games, but in the long run, you're going nowhere with him, and your offense is going to get sick of his passes being batted down. But i was happy for the time he gave us on the Bills, and was happy for the games that he won in buffalo.


So there ya have it. I'm an RJ supporter who appreciated some of what doug did for the team. today...doug can go !@#$ himself.

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your offense is going to get sick of his passes being batted down.


I think Ruben Brown was also getting tired of getting pegged in the back of the head by low passes




Ruben: what the???

Dougie: oops, my bad...it was...someone else's fault

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you ain't the only one.


i hate flutie.  i didn't hate him when he came to the team, i thought he would be a great back up and could even be a start for a while if need be.


it was clear early on that RJ (just like i see it the same way with JP) is frail and will get hurt, so a solid back up is a must.


anyhow flutie came in and played fine, not with the same production that johnson had but good enough.  the thing is the jerkoff flutie first fans got wet in the ass about a little mullet loser (their self projection of a hero) running around and making bad throws that eric moulds rescued (just like garcia with ownes, an all world talent WR rescued a crap QB) and having the D and christie win games for us.


flute lost a damn play off game the year before (a great game on the road, but a loss) but he has the balls to say thet he would have won one that he would have won a game that was lost on the biggest gadget play in the history of the NFL?


aside from being a C@nt flutie was at his absolute best an average stop gap QB, he isn't as good as say jeff garcia (the other CFL cast off who had a great WR to make him look good) who can't do enough to win a starting job in detroit with 3 super talent WRs.


flutie was mobile and hard to sack, but he had a rag arm, was a joke to shut down (crowd the box and you stop the passing AND the running game, he can't throw the long outs either), and was a HORRIBLE red zone QB (he got sacked for fumbles and throw DUCKS in teh red zone).


flutie is not and never has been a good QB (if you think he is observe jeff garcia, who is the same QB flutie is but a lot better -- still not good).


flutie fans (as in flutie first bills second) are whores and i REALLY hate them.


oh, the one thing i like about him (sorta) is that he crossed the picket lines.



Exhibit A right here folks, ignore the facts and just recycle the same personal insults.

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Let the record state that it was 100% RW's call. Wade and the coaching staff were against it but were forced to oblige.



Maybe, I didn't make myself clear. RJ/ Flutie didn't matter.  If a guy starts all year and loses his job in a meaningless before the playoffs (as well as lead us to the playoffs the year before), they got screwed.  Doesn't matter if it was RJ or Flutie.  However, it was Flutie and he was wronged.  RJ played fairly well and obviously I was as pissed as could be.  However looking back at it now, maybe the football gods were against us because of the Flutie decision.  Anyways, it is amazing to me how different everyone can feel about Flutie/ RJ.  Personally, I always will remember Flutie as a guy who won some games and RJ as a loser.  Anyways, here's to hoping we can one day have a QB who can cause us to have this much emotion.    ;)


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