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I bought it because I saw some previews for it and it looked pretty good. I'm not a big Colin Farrell fan but the chick is hot. Did I waste my money??  :P



Your avatar fits this question perfect -- That chick is like 15 :lol:

Your avatar fits this question perfect -- That chick is like 15  :P



For real? Damn, I don't even know her name. I just saw her in the previews... Don't tell Meazza, he'll be looking her up on myspace... :lol:

I bought it because I saw some previews for it and it looked pretty good. I'm not a big Colin Farrell fan but the chick is hot. Did I waste my money??  :lol:




Previews did look good, so I rented it yesterday. I'll be watching it tonight.

For real? Damn, I don't even know her name. I just saw her in the previews... Don't tell Meazza, he'll be looking her up on myspace...  :lol:




Here is her info:



Your avatar fits this question perfect -- That chick is like 15  :lol:




16! She'll be legal in no time. :P

I bought it because I saw some previews for it and it looked pretty good. I'm not a big Colin Farrell fan but the chick is hot. Did I waste my money??  :lol:




i saw it in the theatre when it came out. i might have been one of only a dozen people who did.


i liked it a lot but i like historical movies....and this one....the best i could tell was pretty accurate. there were a few inaccuracies but nothing major.


different strokes for different folks. i didn't love it, but i liked a lot and suppose i wished i had waited for the rental.


the highlight of the movie is the cinematography.



the girl, (not the woman :P ) in the movie although she is very young is beautiful. then again Pocahantas was quite young when John Smith came-a-knockin' too.


Netflix just brought it to me yesterday.....looking forward to watching it tonight or tomorrow.

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