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I figured I would tell anyone who wants to know about my experience with Splenda brand sugar substitute.


I am a fairly active guy (mid 30's) a little overweight, but I work out eery week, in fact I lift weights 3 times per week and try to do cardio workout at least 5 times per week. I started having issues with my heart fluttering when I was at rest, like sitting at my desk at work, laying in bed, watching TV, etc. I never had a fluttering when I was working out, and never had any of the obvious signs of having a heart problem (pain, out of breath, etc.). But, I was having these attacks of my heart fluttering (I describe the attacks as the feeling you get when you are scared, the feeling of adrenaline and your heart suddenly racing).


So, after having about a dozen of these attacks (each lasting at most 20 seconds) I called my doctor and he immediately had me come in to see him. Lets just say my health insurance paid for a lot of tests. I had every test you can imagine to try and figure out what was wrong. All the tests confirmed what I allready knew, there was nothing wrong with my heart. I was healthy and there was nothing to indicate why I was having the attacks.


Me and my wife had switched to Splenda as a sugar substitute, I never even thought about it until I realized that I was having the attacks more often right after drinking coffee, and I have been drinking coffee for a very long time. The one thing that had changed, was the Splenda in it.


So, after about 1 month now of not having eaten anything with Splenda in it, I have finally stopped having the attacks. My doctor was scheduling another round of tests, when I told him that I thought I had it figured out. He was not so surprised about my reaction to Splenda, and I was shocked to see all the material on the Web about how bad Splenda can be.


Thought I would warn my friends here at TBD!!!! Thank god they don't put Splenda in Beer!!

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Wow, first off good to hear that you are feeling better...


I have been wondering about Spenda myself...how can it be good for you? just does not make sense...


I've heard there is a natural sugar you can use instead...I think you can get it in a health food store...my aunt told me about it a couple of years ago and I cannot rememver what it is called.


My son has food alergies (Gluten) and he is off sugar. The natural subsitute we use is called Stevia. He doesn't notice a difference and it is all natural and better for you than sugar.



More on Stevia



It can be found at most natural food stores.


Splenda clearly has its name based on the word Splendid. I don't think the SEC or FDA would allow them to use this name if the product does what you say. I'm sure they have stringent rules.


You may want to check with a new doctor. Yours sounds like a quack. I have a hard time believing the whole federal government is wrong and your doctor is right. He sounds like he has a Quincy complex.


Good luck and good health.

surprised about my reaction to Splenda, and I was shocked to see all the material on the Web about how bad Splenda can be.





First, glad to hear you are better. And second, I am not being pugilistic, however, the "material on the web" tends to be the least objective information out there, FYI. Web information usually is not refereed nor scholarly; for several reasons. Informational sites tend to prey on our worst emotions about unknowns or things known and just not available to the general populace; ultimately in hopes of swaying our purchasing decision making.


Again, I am glad to hear your case got better, but an N of one is not generalizable within the scientific community; especially regarding "self reporting" or "self study".


By the way, did you notice a lot of the sites 'badmouthing' splenda were underwritten by the sugar industry? In the science industry we call that a 'bias' or a conflict of interest, for what it is worth.


I am just sayin......


And what is the alternative......... that "regular" soda is better or that phenylalanine or Aspartme are better? Surely that cannot be a generally accepted position, can it?

My son has food alergies (Gluten) and he is off sugar. The natural subsitute we use is called Stevia. He doesn't notice a difference and it is all natural and better for you than sugar.

More on Stevia

It can be found at most natural food stores.




Thats it! Thanks for the info SC!!

By the way, did you notice a lot of the sites 'badmouthing' splenda were underwritten by the sugar industry?  In the science industry we call that a 'bias' or a conflict of interest, for what it is worth.



Exactly. His doctor may even have ties to the sugar industry too. I am not accusing him of it, just saying it is possible.


I doubt the government would have named it Splenda if it was that bad.

Splenda clearly has its name based on the word Splendid.  I don't think the SEC or FDA would allow them to use this name if the product does what you say.  I'm sure they have stringent rules.


You may want to check with a new doctor.  Yours sounds like a quack.  I have a hard time believing the whole federal government is wrong and your doctor is right.  He sounds like he has a Quincy complex.


Good luck and good health.



Crayonz, I used to think like you before my son got sick. You won't believe how food can affect you. We spent thousands of dollars on Medical doctors and finally found some answers with alternative medicines and diet restrictions. They are finding kids who have Austim can change diets, removing Gluten and see very positive effects. Don't dismiss anything you intake to your body and reactions as "quack science." I can tell you first hand that it is very real.



Link on the subject

Crayonz, I used to think like you before my son got sick. You won't believe how food can affect you. We spent thousands of dollars on Medical doctors and finally found some answers with alternative medicines and diet restrictions. They are finding kids who have Austim can change diets, removing Gluten and see very positive effects. Don't dismiss anything you intake to your body and reactions as "quack science." I can tell you first hand that it is very real.

Link on the subject


Oh boy, crayonz is in big trouble.


BTW--he/she/it is funning around.


I would think it might just be some people who have a reaction or it might just be an abnormity in you. It must react with something else because more than half the world is drinking splenda. However, I don't drink it and I try not to drink anything with sugar if I can help it.


But I just don't think it has the same reaction to everyone......maybe you have a medical illness....

I use stevia root extract and love it.


I really don't want to picture you extracting the root of some guy name Steve. Keep it on the porno board.

I would think it might just be some people who have a reaction or it might just be an abnormity in you. It must react with something else because more than half the world is drinking splenda. However, I don't drink it and I try not to drink anything with sugar if I can help it.


But I just don't think it has the same reaction to everyone......maybe you have a medical illness....



My doctor (not a quack) said that some people (their bodies) can handle the chemical substitute sweeteners others can not. Bottom line is I stopped using it, I don't have the attacks anymore.


I guess what I'm really saying is that Splenda, Sweet & low, etc are not good for you even if you don't have a reaction. They are chemicals.


Anyone can come on here and tell me that my doctor (Columbia University Grad) is a quack, that there must be another reason, not splenda (oh my god). But I know that Splenda caused my problem, end of story.


Any questions?


Oh yeah, Splenda DID not go through full FDA testing. They were not required to do so before approval.


The websites that I was referring to in my earlier post were by people who had similar or other problems associated with their use of splenda.

My doctor (not a quack) said that some people (their bodies) can handle the chemical substitute sweeteners others can not.  Bottom line is I stopped using it, I don't have the attacks anymore. 


I guess what I'm really saying is that Splenda, Sweet & low, etc are not good for you even if you don't have a reaction.  They are chemicals.


Anyone can come on here and tell me that my doctor (Columbia University Grad) is a quack, that there must be another reason, not splenda (oh my god).  But I know that Splenda caused my problem, end of story. 


Any questions?


Oh yeah, Splenda DID not go through full FDA testing.  They were not required to do so before approval.


The websites that I was referring to in my earlier post were by people who had similar or other problems associated with their use of splenda.




If Splenda did not go through FDA testing, why did the FDA let them name it after the word Splendid?


If your doctor couldn't even get into a North American school why couldn't he be a quack? I'm not saying he is but you should cover all your bases.


The bottom line is that I'm glad you're healthy even if you got there by chance rather than research. Cheers.

If Splenda did not go through FDA testing, why did the FDA let them name it after the word Splendid?


If your doctor couldn't even get into a North American school why couldn't he be a quack?  I'm not saying he is but you should cover all your bases.


The bottom line is that I'm glad you're healthy even if you got there by chance rather than research.  Cheers.



It is amazing that out of one million sperm you managed to beat them all out..............

It is amazing that out of one million sperm you managed to beat them all out..............


Word is he slipped out the back door and around the corner. Splains much.

I use stevia root extract and love it. Sweeter than sugar or any of the artificial sweeteners, and it actually serves to LOWER blood sugar.



You should try ethylene glycol.


Very sweet, with no calories.

I figured I would tell anyone who wants to know about my experience with Splenda brand sugar substitute.


I am a fairly active guy (mid 30's) a little overweight, but I work out eery week, in fact I lift weights 3 times per week and try to do cardio workout at least 5 times per week.  I started having issues with my heart fluttering when I was at rest, like sitting at my desk at work, laying in bed, watching TV, etc.  I never had a fluttering when I was working out, and never had any of the obvious signs of having a heart problem (pain, out of breath, etc.).  But, I was having these attacks of my heart fluttering (I describe the attacks as the feeling you get when you are scared, the feeling of adrenaline and your heart suddenly racing). 


So, after having about a dozen of these attacks (each lasting at most 20 seconds) I called my doctor and he immediately had me come in to see him.  Lets just say my health insurance paid for a lot of tests.  I had every test you can imagine to try and figure out what was wrong.  All the tests confirmed what I allready knew, there was nothing wrong with my heart.  I was healthy and there was nothing to indicate why I was having the attacks.


Me and my wife had switched to Splenda as a sugar substitute, I never even thought about it until I realized that I was having the attacks more often right after drinking coffee, and I have been drinking coffee for a very long time.  The one thing that had changed, was the Splenda in it. 


So, after about 1 month now of not having eaten anything with Splenda in it, I have finally stopped having the attacks.  My doctor was scheduling another round of tests, when I told him that I thought I had it figured out.  He was not so surprised about my reaction to Splenda, and I was shocked to see all the material on the Web about how bad Splenda can be.


Thought I would warn my friends here at TBD!!!!  Thank god they don't put Splenda in Beer!!



I've had that heart issue for years. Couldn't figure it out. Had all the tests too and they showed nothing (joke there I think, tests of Chef's conservative heart reveal nothing). Anyway doctor put me on beta blockers and symtoms have been reduced but not eliminated. I don't use spenda so I don't know why my heart does it. Maybe I'm still that much in love with my wife of 23 years. :lol:

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