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Big Bang Theory Obsolete?

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It's obvious, based on the fact of where our planet is located in relation to the sun that an intelligent being "placed" us here as to not let us freeze or scald, as would have been the case had we been "placed" on a different planet. 


This sh-- is so stupid it hurts my brain.  :angry:



You're right....it's ridiculous. Makes much more sense that all of this just happened randomly.

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A whole hell of a lot of things can happen over the course of twelve billion years or so.



Yeah, but I'm pretty sure there's a law of physics that states systems tend to become less organized over time....not more so.

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You're right....it's ridiculous. Makes much more sense that all of this just happened randomly.



There doesn't have to be determinism involved. Put simply, in deference to you, of course we'd evolve on a planet that's ideal for us...because we couldn't in an environment that would kill us.


The simple fact that we exist in a system that permits us to exist is a tautological; it proves nothing except our existence.

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Yeah, but I'm pretty sure there's a law of physics that states systems tend to become less organized over time....not more so.



2nd Law of Thermodynamics...the principle known as "entropy". But you're misusing: the principle is that systems tend towards their lowest-energy ground state over time, and in doing so become disorganized. The caveats to which being: it doesn't necessarily hold true on all scales (time and distance), and you can put energy into the system and organize it. Ergo, even though the universe as a whole tends towards decreasing organization, isolated pockets of it - for example, a planet - can become more organized in the short term (keeping in mind that billions of years is short term on the scale of the universe), particularly with an influx of energy (e.g. solar radiation).

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You're right....it's ridiculous. Makes much more sense that all of this just happened randomly.



I can't get into this. Next time you go to your building of mass worship with a cover charge...err...church, please put in a good word with Cheebus for me. (just in case) ;)

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That would be the singularity.


OK smarta$$, what does the theory of 'the point of singularity' say in laymen's terms?


Everything started from one singular event? One singular point? What is singularity?


(if your answer is yes I may have to hunt you down)

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I can't get into this.  Next time you go to your building of mass worship with a cover charge...err...church, please put in a good word with Cheebus for me.  (just in case) ;)




Yeah, not much point in debating the existence of God.....I was just mainly curious if anyone else believed in intelligent design/creationism or if I was the only one.

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2nd Law of Thermodynamics...the principle known as "entropy".  But you're misusing: the principle is that systems tend towards their lowest-energy ground state over time, and in doing so become disorganized.  The caveats to which being: it doesn't necessarily hold true on all scales (time and distance), and you can put energy into the system and organize it.  Ergo, even though the universe as a whole tends towards decreasing organization, isolated pockets of it - for example, a planet - can become more organized in the short term (keeping in mind that billions of years is short term on the scale of the universe), particularly with an influx of energy (e.g. solar radiation).



Thanks for explaining.....Even taken as the way you explain it, I guess my point is that I don't believe things just came about randomly. I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, just interested in others' viewpoints.

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Thanks for explaining.....Even taken as the way you explain it, I guess my point is that I don't believe things just came about randomly. I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, just interested in others' viewpoints.


I was born ugly for a reason?




Thanks, feeling much better now.




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You'd have to be a dead billionaire.


Lend me a billion dollars, and a gun? I'll give the money back in a few, just need to borrow it for one little thing.

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Thanks for explaining.....Even taken as the way you explain it, I guess my point is that I don't believe things just came about randomly. I'm not trying to start a pissing contest, just interested in others' viewpoints.



I'm not going to be stupid to argue about what you believe...but it's entirely possible that the universe and us "just happend randomly". Frankly, there's no law that forbids it, and systems that exhibit randomness at a micro level often exhibit very complex organized behavior at a macro level - best example I can think of off the top of my head is water coming out of a faucet under pressure. Or even better: the stock market.


In fact, even presuming the universe is nothing more than a random quantum vacuum fluctuation, the probability of that "random" even happening eventually becomes a virtual certainty if you wait long enough. Ergo, the "creation" of the universe was not a random event, but a certainty through virtue of being random. Holy Paradox, Batman!


And, in the spirit of my physics education: The Proof of the Existence of God from the above lemmas is left as an exercise for the student. ;)

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I was born ugly for a reason?

Thanks, feeling much better now.





I won't answer that....don't want to prod the atheists :)

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OK, singularity's on first, I don't understand this crap is on second, ugly for a reason is on third.  Who's pitchin and who's catchin?



But that's what a singularity is. A point. So that's the point. The singularity. The point's the singularity, because the singularity's a point. ;)


Seriously, though...if I could explain THAT on a message board, people wouldn't have won Nobel Prizes for it. Best place to start learning about it would be...I don't know, try black holes. Then Hawking radiation. Then maybe look up quantum vacuum energy.

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