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Tomorrow my 17 year old Samantha is taking her SATs. She is a smart girl and I know she will do well. She wants to go to school in New York, and it saddens me to think that soon she will be going away. It seems like just yesterday she was a sweet curly-haired little toddler. Now she has grown into a lovely young lady who is getting ready to go to her prom and thinking about college. Where does the time go? She is a good kid who doesn't give me any problems (despite the usual annoying teenage things like talking on the phone all the time, being sloppy, etc.) I had so much fun with my children when they were small, those were the happiest years of my life. Those of you with little ones -- treasure these years, because they will be gone before you know it.


Also my 48th birthday is tomorrow. It's hard to believe that in two years I'll be the BIG FIVE OH! When you get to be middle-aged you tend to look back not only at the things you've done, but things you wish you would have done, and it's kind of depressing. But in some countries, many people don't even have the privilege of reaching fifty because of war, disease, hunger, etc.


So even though I am getting old, ancient, decrepit, etc., at least I'M NOT DEAD! :P


Happy Birthday in advance in case i'm not online tomorrow...And I wouldn't call you old...thank God for everyday you are on this earth. And congratulations on your daughter getting ready to be outta there! That means you must have raised her right :P

Tomorrow my 17 year old Samantha is taking her SATs.  She is a smart girl and I know she will do well.  She wants to go to school in New York, and it saddens me to think that soon she will be going away.  It seems like just yesterday she was a sweet curly-haired little toddler.  Now she has grown into a lovely young lady who is getting ready to go to her prom and thinking about college.  Where does the time go?  She is a good kid who doesn't give me any problems (despite the usual annoying teenage things like talking on the phone all the time, being sloppy, etc.)  I had so much fun with my children when they were small, those were the happiest years of my life.  Those of you with little ones -- treasure these years, because they will be gone before you know it.


Also my 48th birthday is tomorrow.  It's hard to believe that in two years I'll be the BIG FIVE OH!  When you get to be middle-aged you tend to look back not only at the things you've done, but things you wish you would have done, and it's kind of depressing.  But in some countries, many people don't even have the privilege of reaching fifty because of war, disease, hunger, etc.


So even though I am getting old, ancient, decrepit, etc., at least I'M NOT DEAD! :lol:


Hey you--ijust turned 48 too. Now is the time to get a second wind and really live life with gusto. My role model--being a male--is Chuck Norris.66 yrs old--and still a top martial artist and speedboat racer--but more important than the physical is staying mentally active and enthused.Let us 48 yr olds live live with enthusiasm:):w00t:




Bullshidt. Total.


Mellissa, I hate life too. But it's my choice to be a victim. Mostly because I've gotten lazy. I just don't care, anymore.


It's your choice too, if you actually care about it, quit telling us about how your life sucks and do something about it. If not, quit talking about it. It bores people. People I know are bored by how much my life sucks.


I really don't give a rats ass about any of it. But, you do. If it's really important to you, find some real people to hang with and kiss this off.


I'll be evil enough to say "Big Deal" that you've turned 48. So what?


You have chosen to be a victim and nothing is going to change that.


Nothing you haven't heard before. You know that's true. When was the last time you didn't shut someone off for saying that?


But, you've probably alienated what friends you have and that's why you're here, on a football board, to get stroked with a lot of "Happy Birthday, we love you!".


No, I don't love you. I don't know you. You're "Happy, Happy Birthday" is up to you.


I think they are well over rated.

Bullshidt. Total.


Mellissa, I hate life too. But it's my choice to be a victim. Mostly because I've gotten lazy. I just don't care, anymore.


It's your choice too, if you actually care about it, quit telling us about how your life sucks and do something about it. If not, quit talking about it. It bores people. People I know are bored by how much my life sucks.


I really don't give a rats ass about any of it. But, you do. If it's really important to you, find some real people to hang with and kiss this off.


I'll be evil enough to say "Big Deal" that you've turned 48. So what?


You have chosen to be a victim and nothing is going to change that.


Nothing you haven't heard before. You know that's true. When was the last time you didn't shut someone off for saying that?


But, you've probably alienated what friends you have and that's why you're here, on a football board, to get stroked with a lot of "Happy Birthday, we love you!".


No, I don't love you. I don't know you. You're "Happy, Happy Birthday" is up to you.


I think they are well over rated.



Happy Birthday, we love you

Bullshidt. Total.


Mellissa, I hate life too. But it's my choice to be a victim. Mostly because I've gotten lazy. I just don't care, anymore.


It's your choice too, if you actually care about it, quit telling us about how your life sucks and do something about it. If not, quit talking about it. It bores people. People I know are bored by how much my life sucks.


I really don't give a rats ass about any of it. But, you do. If it's really important to you, find some real people to hang with and kiss this off.


I'll be evil enough to say "Big Deal" that you've turned 48. So what?


You have chosen to be a victim and nothing is going to change that.


Nothing you haven't heard before. You know that's true. When was the last time you didn't shut someone off for saying that?


But, you've probably alienated what friends you have and that's why you're here, on a football board, to get stroked with a lot of "Happy Birthday, we love you!".


No, I don't love you. I don't know you. You're "Happy, Happy Birthday" is up to you.


I think they are well over rated.


Just tellin it like it is..

i love life at 51, just keeps getting better



the only thing is i wish i had the $$$ i most likely will have when i'm older.


Tomorrow is my oldest daughter's 30th birthday and I do not feel old.


Am I doing something wrong? :w00t:







Happy B-Day Melissa, consider the alternative to having more birthdays! :lol:



Tomorrow my 17 year old Samantha is taking her SATs.  She is a smart girl and I know she will do well.  She wants to go to school in New York, and it saddens me to think that soon she will be going away.  It seems like just yesterday she was a sweet curly-haired little toddler.  Now she has grown into a lovely young lady who is getting ready to go to her prom and thinking about college.  Where does the time go?  She is a good kid who doesn't give me any problems (despite the usual annoying teenage things like talking on the phone all the time, being sloppy, etc.)  I had so much fun with my children when they were small, those were the happiest years of my life.  Those of you with little ones -- treasure these years, because they will be gone before you know it.


Also my 48th birthday is tomorrow.  It's hard to believe that in two years I'll be the BIG FIVE OH!  When you get to be middle-aged you tend to look back not only at the things you've done, but things you wish you would have done, and it's kind of depressing.  But in some countries, many people don't even have the privilege of reaching fifty because of war, disease, hunger, etc.


So even though I am getting old, ancient, decrepit, etc., at least I'M NOT DEAD! :)


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