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National Homebrew Day


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Tomorrow is National Homebrew Day!!


From the American Homebrewers Association:

In 1979, the American Homebrewers Association originally claimed National Homebrew Day to be the first Saturday in May. On May 7, 1988, Congress officially recognized National Homebrew Day. Homebrewers around the world use the day to celebrate beer and brewing and attract attention to their hobby.


This is a day where homebrewers and homebrew supply shops celebrate this hobby and simultaneously brew. For you Buffalo residents, here is your local Big Brew location:

Niagara Tradition Home Beer & Wine Supplies

1296 Sheridan Drive

Buffalo, NY USA


Others can visit here to see where festivities are happening in their area.


If you have ever been interested in homebrewing or if you are interested in knowing how beer is made, stop by. Homebrewers are a friendly bunch and will answer any and all of your questions. You may also score some free beer!!!

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That's my second favorite national day. My first is National Homestew Day. That's where I stay home and get stewed all day drinking your beer. :lol:


Beer, beer, beer. Lovely, lovely beer. It's never too early to think about beer.

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That's my second favorite national day. My first is National Homestew Day. That's where I stay home and get stewed all day drinking your beer. :lol:


Beer, beer, beer. Lovely, lovely beer. It's never too early to think about beer.


One of the ironies of life is how much thought I give to beer,

and how much thought beer erases.


What day do we celebrate Homestew Day? I'm in.

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