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Is anyone else baffled??

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Last year, our O-Line may have been our biggest problem to fix this offseason. Sure, we can have all this skilled players AWAY from the ball, but where it matters most (O-Line and D-Line) we simply have not addressed this issue well enough. Yah I know we got some guys in the draft (Brad Butler with the 143rd pick, Terrance Pennington with the 216th pick, and Aaron Merz with the 248th pick) but why have we not signed one superb veteran guy, favorably LeCharles Bentley, but too late for that. I just think we have not addressed this issue enough. Anyone else??

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Last year, our O-Line may have been our biggest problem to fix this offseason. Sure, we can have all this skilled players AWAY from the ball, but where it matters most (O-Line and D-Line) we simply have not addressed this issue well enough. Yah I know we got some guys in the draft (Brad Butler with the 143rd pick, Terrance Pennington with the 216th pick, and Aaron Merz with the 248th pick) but why have we not signed one superb veteran guy, favorably LeCharles Bentley, but too late for that. I just think we have not addressed this issue enough. Anyone else??




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Last year, our O-Line may have been our biggest problem to fix this offseason. Sure, we can have all this skilled players AWAY from the ball, but where it matters most (O-Line and D-Line) we simply have not addressed this issue well enough. Yah I know we got some guys in the draft (Brad Butler with the 143rd pick, Terrance Pennington with the 216th pick, and Aaron Merz with the 248th pick) but why have we not signed one superb veteran guy, favorably LeCharles Bentley, but too late for that. I just think we have not addressed this issue enough. Anyone else??


Don't worry, the OL will be addressed plenty on this board once the season starts, guaranteed.
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Last year, our O-Line may have been our biggest problem to fix this offseason. Sure, we can have all this skilled players AWAY from the ball, but where it matters most (O-Line and D-Line) we simply have not addressed this issue well enough. Yah I know we got some guys in the draft (Brad Butler with the 143rd pick, Terrance Pennington with the 216th pick, and Aaron Merz with the 248th pick) but why have we not signed one superb veteran guy, favorably LeCharles Bentley, but too late for that. I just think we have not addressed this issue enough. Anyone else??



TD ignored the line for 5 years signing second tier lineman and throwing 5th and 6th round draft picks at it.


Marv has clearly stated this was an issue an has signed several second tier lineman and spent a couple of day 2 draft choices on correcting this issue.


What is the problem?

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I disagree.


I think the Fowler signing adequately addresses the center position - even though he was not the big glamorous signing among FAs (aka Bentley). Bentley would be nice, but $4M/yr (or whatever it was) is too much.


Tutan Reyes is a reasonable OG candidate.


Preston may fit at OG pretty well, got some PT last year, filling in for CV.


Butler may play very well at OT. I'm quite optimistic about Butler for the future.


I think the Bills have addressed the soft middle of the OL pretty well. Of course, big names would be nice, but not affordable or necessary IMO.

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Last year, our O-Line may have been our biggest problem to fix this offseason. Sure, we can have all this skilled players AWAY from the ball, but where it matters most (O-Line and D-Line) we simply have not addressed this issue well enough. Yah I know we got some guys in the draft (Brad Butler with the 143rd pick, Terrance Pennington with the 216th pick, and Aaron Merz with the 248th pick) but why have we not signed one superb veteran guy, favorably LeCharles Bentley, but too late for that. I just think we have not addressed this issue enough. Anyone else??



Allow me.


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


The Offensive Line Issue

Ralph C Wilson Jr Stadium

1 Bills Dr

Orchard Park NY 14127-2237


There. That oughtta do it!

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I disagree.


I think the Fowler signing adequately addresses the center position - even though he was not the big glamorous signing among FAs (aka Bentley). Bentley would be nice, but $4M/yr (or whatever it was) is too much.


Tutan Reyes is a reasonable OG candidate.


Preston may fit at OG pretty well, got some PT last year, filling in for CV.


Butler may play very well at OT. I'm quite optimistic about Butler for the future.


I think the Bills have addressed the soft middle of the OL pretty well. Of course, big names would be nice, but not affordable or necessary IMO.


This posting shows the upgrades in the O-line. Not great upgrades, but a start. I would hate to commit to big contracts and be stuck with overpriced players. One year at a time. This will not be corrected over one season. TD had many years to break it down.

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I disagree.


I think the Fowler signing adequately addresses the center position - even though he was not the big glamorous signing among FAs (aka Bentley). Bentley would be nice, but $4M/yr (or whatever it was) is too much.


Tutan Reyes is a reasonable OG candidate.


Preston may fit at OG pretty well, got some PT last year, filling in for CV.


Butler may play very well at OT. I'm quite optimistic about Butler for the future.


I think the Bills have addressed the soft middle of the OL pretty well. Of course, big names would be nice, but not affordable or necessary IMO.



Explain to me why $4 million is too much and "not affordable"? I'd say you're right if the Bills were pressed up against the cap but they've got roughly $9million left before they hit the cap. Even if you say the rookie pool is $2.5 million that leaves a lot of space for the Bills to make some moves. What are they saving the money for exactly?


This is my biggest beef with the Bills right now. They left Moulds go, they cut Milloy and they cut Adams. Now if the Bills had cap issues I'd understand. If those players weren't good enough to make the rosters I'd understand. But as it stands they let players go that could have helped the team when they didn't need to (and before anybody says it, no I don't think these players are tops at their positions but they're all above average, even Milloy when he's healthy is above average).


Given all this somebody telling me that Bently "wasn't affordable" when they already cut decent players to clear cap room and are nowhere near the cap just doesn't cut it.

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DO we really have to beat this dead horse any more?


Granted, the Bills O-Line last year did nothing to wow anyone, but neither did their running game, passing game, run defense, pass defense, 3rd down defense or any other offensive or defensive gameplan for that matter. The only thing that was decent on that team was the Special Teams and that coach, ironically, was one of the few that is left over from MM's coaching staff. (note sarcasm)


Personally, I think the woes of the Offensive Line had more to do with the system, or lack thereof, than the actual talent level on the line. Sure, Teague was a liability against a bull rush up the middle and that problem has been addressed and M. Williams, when in there, wasn't effective at all, which also has been addressed. Hopefully, with a new offensive system in place, a few new faces in the middle of the line, they might actually be able to open holes for Willis and create a "POCKET" (which I don't think Mularkey wanted to see for the line, IMO) for JP or whoever to stand behind. There were to many times last year that us Bills fans were probably scratching our heads and wondering why the protection broke down or why the holes didn't open which all has a direct correllation to the play calling and lack of offensive identity that the Bills positively lacked!!

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Explain to me why $4 million is too much and "not affordable"?  I'd say you're right if the Bills were pressed up against the cap but they've got roughly $9million left before they hit the cap.  Even if you say the rookie pool is $2.5 million that leaves a lot of space for the Bills to make some moves.  What are they saving the money for exactly? 


This is my biggest beef with the Bills right now.  They left Moulds go, they cut Milloy and they cut Adams.  Now if the Bills had cap issues I'd understand.  If those players weren't good enough to make the rosters I'd understand.  But as it stands they let players go that could have helped the team when they didn't need to (and before anybody says it, no I don't think these players are tops at their positions but they're all above average, even Milloy when he's healthy is above average).


Given all this somebody telling me that Bently "wasn't affordable" when they already cut decent players to clear cap room and are nowhere near the cap just doesn't cut it.



Nah. I think you've got it wrong. Marv cut those players not to save bucks per se, but because they didn't belong in the framework of the team he's building. Having them still here would me that they'd be in the way of the young guns Marv's building the team around. Though I'm not expecting much action on June 1, there could be some roster cuts around the league that could be tempting and having a cool couple a mill to quick sign them would be a good thing. I'm glad we're not up tight against the cap and have some bucks to shuck. It's a good thing.

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Regarding Bentley: you're aware that as soon as his hometown Cleveland Browns called he broke off all other negotiations, aren't you?


"This is the best day of my life, next to my sons being born. Every day, I wished this could happen. And now it has happened."


“I'm happy I got this uniform on. I'm happy to be in this building. I plan on trying to help this team get back to the glory days. I grew up watching Bernie Kosar and Webster Slaughter. I idolized those guys. I want to be that guy. I feel right now I'm going to be that guy."


"This is my ultimate dream. Now I'm a happy man. Now I can die happy. When the Browns called, that's when I knew the dream was becoming reality. I couldn't be closer to home than be on my couch right now. This is it. This is where it all started and hopefully where it's going to end. I can't explain how excited I am right now. It's a dream come true."


"People said to me, ‘Hey, man, why don't you go to Miami?  But I want to be in this city - in this town. This is where my roots are. Growing up with my little orange Hutch helmet watching the Kardiac Kids and the Bernie Kosar teams, I want to get this franchise back to those days."

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Regarding Bentley: you're aware that as soon as his hometown Cleveland Browns called he broke off all other negotiations, aren't you?


"This is the best day of my life, next to my sons being born. Every day, I wished this could happen. And now it has happened."


“I'm happy I got this uniform on. I'm happy to be in this building. I plan on trying to help this team get back to the glory days. I grew up watching Bernie Kosar and Webster Slaughter. I idolized those guys. I want to be that guy. I feel right now I'm going to be that guy."


"This is my ultimate dream. Now I'm a happy man. Now I can die happy. When the Browns called, that's when I knew the dream was becoming reality. I couldn't be closer to home than be on my couch right now. This is it. This is where it all started and hopefully where it's going to end. I can't explain how excited I am right now. It's a dream come true."


"People said to me, ‘Hey, man, why don't you go to Miami?  But I want to be in this city - in this town. This is where my roots are. Growing up with my little orange Hutch helmet watching the Kardiac Kids and the Bernie Kosar teams, I want to get this franchise back to those days."


Well doesn't that just PROVE that Marv doesn't have what it takes? :doh:

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Nah. I think you've got it wrong. Marv cut those players not to save bucks per se, but because they didn't belong in the framework of the team he's building. Having them still here would me that they'd be in the way of the young guns Marv's building the team around. Though I'm not expecting much action on June 1, there could be some roster cuts around the league that could be tempting and having a cool couple a mill to quick sign them would be a good thing. I'm glad we're not up tight against the cap and have some bucks to shuck. It's a good thing.


Good take... I also don't think/hope Marv will be as reluctant as TD was (Milloy for Wire excepted) to pick up a last minute cut/last minute trade if it looks like one of "his" guys will be a disaster-in-the-making.
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DO we really have to beat this dead horse any more?

Every time someone who hasn't had access to previous carcass-floggings comes along, or one of said floggers works up a new head of steam...

(Not that I disagree with them. I'm still waiting -- and not quite as patiently as I used to -- for the next Will Wolford to show up at OneBillsDrive.)

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I agree we need quality up front but signing just one guy to a $50 million multi-year contract does very little to fix the glaring HOLES there. We need above average linemen to make our offense productive this year. I'm behind what Levy wants to do right now.

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Regarding Bentley: you're aware that as soon as his hometown Cleveland Browns called he broke off all other negotiations, aren't you?


"This is the best day of my life, next to my sons being born. Every day, I wished this could happen. And now it has happened."


“I'm happy I got this uniform on. I'm happy to be in this building. I plan on trying to help this team get back to the glory days. I grew up watching Bernie Kosar and Webster Slaughter. I idolized those guys. I want to be that guy. I feel right now I'm going to be that guy."


"This is my ultimate dream. Now I'm a happy man. Now I can die happy. When the Browns called, that's when I knew the dream was becoming reality. I couldn't be closer to home than be on my couch right now. This is it. This is where it all started and hopefully where it's going to end. I can't explain how excited I am right now. It's a dream come true."


"People said to me, ‘Hey, man, why don't you go to Miami?  But I want to be in this city - in this town. This is where my roots are. Growing up with my little orange Hutch helmet watching the Kardiac Kids and the Bernie Kosar teams, I want to get this franchise back to those days."



I've tried a similar line of reasoning wiht most people lori. maybe they'll listen to you. Bentley wanted to go to cleveland, and wasnt going to accept an offer anywhere else.

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DO we really have to beat this dead horse any more?


Granted, the Bills O-Line last year did nothing to wow anyone, but neither did their running game, passing game, run defense, pass defense, 3rd down defense or any other offensive or defensive gameplan for that matter. The only thing that was decent on that team was the Special Teams and that coach, ironically, was one of the few that is left over from MM's coaching staff. (note sarcasm)


Personally, I think the woes of the Offensive Line had more to do with the system, or lack thereof, than the actual talent level on the line. Sure, Teague was a liability against a bull rush up the middle and that problem has been addressed and M. Williams, when in there, wasn't effective at all, which also has been addressed. Hopefully, with a new offensive system in place, a few new faces in the middle of the line, they might actually be able to open holes for Willis and create a "POCKET" (which I don't think Mularkey wanted to see for the line, IMO) for JP or whoever to stand behind. There were to many times last year that us Bills fans were probably scratching our heads and wondering why the protection broke down or why the holes didn't open which all has a direct correllation to the play calling and lack of offensive identity that the Bills positively lacked!!




Amen to that. Stop whining we got some help in the off season. Lets see how it pans out before we throw millions of dollars at a high priced free agent. Then when we do pay a guy and he sucks you guys can say it would have been better spent on a defensive player. We have more to complain about than the OL dont we. Like Mort, or Mel. Two subjects I like to bash to death.

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