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Apologies if I missed it, but is there a link to Billick's statement on Whitner?  Thanks.



Yes, in another very long winded thread which has something like "Bellicek confirms Whitnor rumor" or whatever in the subject. Look for it, I'm sure you'll find it at least by page 2.

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Apologies if I missed it, but is there a link to Billick's statement on Whitner?  Thanks.



The latest Sports Weekly had an article that acknowledged Baltimore's interest in Whitner, but they were targeting him in the event they traded down... Once we took him, they locked in on Ngata and traded up with Cleveland...

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The latest Sports Weekly had an article that acknowledged Baltimore's interest in Whitner, but they were targeting him in the event they traded down... Once we took him, they locked in on Ngata and traded up with Cleveland...



Yeah, we need to stop this obsession with the Ravens and Whitner. Let's shut up about it immediately. It has NEVER been shown nor will it EVER be shown that the Ravens preferred Whitner over Ngata, so we should stop looking for it.


Does anyone REALLY think that:

(1) Any coach or GM would publicly state that he preferred another player over the one he drafted? Billick would never say that.

(2) Ngata wasn't Baltimore's #1 choice after Ray Lewis' offseason complaints about not being protected enough?


If you believe (2), you should not believe (1). Repeat: there will never be proof that the Ravens would have drafted Whitner had the Bills traded down past them. (There will never be proof that they wouldn't have drafted him either)


The Buffalo Bills drafted Donte Whitner at #8 overall. While I seriously doubt that he would have been taken before 14 by another team had we not drafted him, he's going to be a good player and possibly great. Unlike many players in the first round, he doesn't have a high bustability factor so he should at least be good. Let's live with that and stop being sissies looking for validation from Detroit or Baltimore or some other team.

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Yeah, we need to stop this obsession with the Ravens and Whitner.  Let's shut up about it immediately.  It has NEVER been shown nor will it EVER be shown that the Ravens preferred Whitner over Ngata, so we should stop looking for it.


Does anyone REALLY think that:

(1) Any coach or GM would publicly state that he preferred another player over the one he drafted?  Billick would never say that.

(2) Ngata wasn't Baltimore's #1 choice after Ray Lewis' offseason complaints about not being protected enough?


If you believe (2), you should not believe (1).  Repeat: there will never be proof that the Ravens would have drafted Whitner had the Bills traded down past them. (There will never be proof that they wouldn't have drafted him either)


The Buffalo Bills drafted Donte Whitner at #8 overall.  While I seriously doubt that he would have been taken before 14 by another team had we not drafted him, he's going to be a good player and possibly great.  Unlike many players in the first round, he doesn't have a high bustability factor so he should at least be good.  Let's live with that and stop being sissies looking for validation from Detroit or Baltimore or some other team.



While I don't believe anyone needs to shut up about it, I think this thread says a lot in that there is not one link citing as fact (or even as a reasoned opinion) that Billick would have taken Whitner over Ngata.

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While I don't believe anyone needs to shut up about it, I think this thread says a lot in that there is not one link citing as fact (or even as a reasoned opinion)  that Billick would have taken Whitner over Ngata.


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Billick said it Monday morning on the Tony Bruno radio show.  I have no link to the show, but he said it.



So Brian Billick publicly stated that if Donte Whitner had been available at 13, he would have drafted him over Haloti Ngata? I'm going to need to hear a clip to believe that.

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Billick said it Monday morning on the Tony Bruno radio show.  I have no link to the show, but he said it.




But this could not be... Because some posters can not go on without being able to believe Marv and Ralph are senile, incapable, and out of their element.

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... and some posters can't help but gush at every move the Bills make.


But this could not be... Because some posters can not go on without being able to  believe Marv and Ralph are senile, incapable, and out of their element.


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So Brian Billick publicly stated that if Donte Whitner had been available at 13, he would have drafted him over Haloti Ngata?  I'm going to need to hear a clip to believe that.





If you're a Sporting News Radio subscriber you can listen. I heard this second-hand, as I've said, but I have no reason to doubt it. Whitner himself confirmed it, but nomatter.

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I straight up do not believe Billick said it. I don't know of any coach or GM that would publicly state that he did not get his first choice. Plus, I believe Ngata was their first choice.


Here's a link to a Baltimore Sun columnist blog suggesting that Ozzie Newsome and the Ravens were glad that Oakland and Buffalo took safeties because that meant they would have a good shot at Ngata.



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I straight up do not believe Billick said it.  I don't know of any coach or GM that would publicly state that he did not get his first choice.  Plus, I believe Ngata was their first choice.


Here's a link to a Baltimore Sun columnist blog suggesting that Ozzie Newsome and the Ravens were glad that Oakland and Buffalo took safeties because that meant they would have a good shot at Ngata.





I don't know what else to tell you, just reporting what I heard. If you want to pay to listen to the clip to tell us all once and for all what he said, fantastic. I have no reason to post lies about this crap.

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So Brian Billick publicly stated that if Donte Whitner had been available at 13, he would have drafted him over Haloti Ngata?  I'm going to need to hear a clip to believe that.



Why does it have to be "over Ngata?" If the Bills had not drafted Whitner and drafted Ngata like "good boys" he would not have been available. The overlying point is that it's not a stretch to think that Whitner would not be available had they traded down to the 16-18 range (yeah, I know, if they had traded down they wouldn't have picked Ngata, etc....but the Browns had interest in Whitner too, given the right circumstances, and Detroit (they picked safety with their #2)). It was not unreasonable to believe that....just as it was not unreasonable to think that McCargo would not be available at their #2.

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Why does it have to be "over Ngata?"  If the Bills had not drafted Whitner and drafted Ngata like "good boys" he would not have been available.  The overlying point is that it's not a stretch to think that Whitner would not be available had they traded down to the 16-18 range.  They had reasonable reason to believe that....



Well that's true too. We know with virtual certainty that the Dolphins were gonna take him at 16 (they brought in him for an "unprecedented" second visit, and took the next-best safety at 16), and so there's also a good chance the Dolphins would've traded up a few spots (at least past the Ravens if they could) to grab him.

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I don't know what else to tell you, just reporting what I heard.  If you want to pay to listen to the clip to tell us all once and for all what he said, fantastic.  I have no reason to post lies about this crap.



I'm not saying you're lying. I'm saying since you heard it second-hand, whoever heard it first-hand must've misunderstood what Billick was saying.

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Why does it have to be "over Ngata?"  If the Bills had not drafted Whitner and drafted Ngata like "good boys" he would not have been available.  The overlying point is that it's not a stretch to think that Whitner would not be available had they traded down to the 16-18 range (yeah, I know, if they had traded down they wouldn't have picked Ngata, etc....but the Browns had interest in Whitner too, given the right circumstances, and Detroit (they picked safety with their #2)).  It was not unreasonable to believe that....just as it was not unreasonable to think that McCargo would not be available at their #2.


Nobody said anything about 16-18. We're talking specifically about 14 (Philly) and 15 (Denver) because those were the two teams reported to be trying to trade with us.


It matters that the Ravens had Ngata targetted instead of Whitner because that means that Whitner would likely have been available at 14.


Like I said before, we need to stop looking for validation. Accept that the Bills chose Whitner at #8 and live with it.

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Nobody said anything about 16-18.  We're talking specifically about 14 (Philly) and 15 (Denver) because those were the two teams reported to be trying to trade with us.


It matters that the Ravens had Ngata targetted instead of Whitner because that means that Whitner would likely have been available at 14.


Like I said before, we need to stop looking for validation.  Accept that the Bills chose Whitner at #8 and live with it.



Some posters have a deep-seeded need to justify Marv's existence as our GM to anyone and everyone. Some posters also have a compulsion toward being completely supportive of each and every move the club makes.


These posters suffer from stepfordism....but it can be cured, trust me. I used to be a Bills Stepford, once upon a time. A decade of futility cured me of this horrible disease.

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