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oh happy day!

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The sky is blue, the birds are chirping, the air is clean and Flyer fans are miserable! I don't think the Bills' ineptitude could even bring this feeling down!






Sure is Joe!!!!


The Flyers fans here in my office are so quiet you could hear a pin drop!!! :P:lol::lol:

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The sky is blue, the birds are chirping, the air is clean and Flyer fans are miserable! I don't think the Bills' ineptitude could even bring this feeling down!




What if the Bills were to sign Marcus Vick, and cut Losman? :P

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Hey, Joe...we agree on something!  :P



love the seinfeld quote. That is just about my most favorite line from seinfeld. I say it all the time and everyone is like "Huh?"

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The sky is blue, the birds are chirping, the air is clean and Flyer fans are miserable! I don't think the Bills' ineptitude could even bring this feeling down!






Amen, brother... Did you see Comcast Sportsrise this morning? The tears are still flowing from Morganti and co.... :P

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Sure is Joe!!!!


The Flyers fans here in my office are so quiet you could hear a pin drop!!!  :P  :lol:  :lol:


You work at the Wachovia centre??


You know what, I woke up this morning and swear things just seem to taste better


Now bring on a team with some talent and a fan base rational hockey discussions can be had with and lets see the Sabres show the world why every writter that had them missing the playoffs this year should be fired!!!

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Uhh, that mullet wearing Melrose dirt bagged us on ESPN this morning and picked the Sens. in 5. Screw you Barry, Screw you AAyyyh.



yeah, he said it last night. Failed to even recognize the Sabres as continuing on.


he'll learn the hard way.



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The sky is blue, the birds are chirping, the air is clean and Flyer fans are miserable! I don't think the Bills' ineptitude could even bring this feeling down!





great signature - how were you able to maximize the vertical space you used so easily?

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nice try, Sarama, nothing's gonna bring me down off this high today.





Oh yeah?


Reports just came out Ralph and Marv have been test subjects for a new pill that will keep them alive forever at the same capacities as they are living now. Ralph will be relocating the team once they start losing money and Marv has contacted Rob Johnson about being the starter next year. He also traded Clements to NE for their 7th next year and Dick Jauron found MM's play books from last year and he has decided to use them instead of his own stuff.

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Oh yeah?


Reports just came out Ralph and Marv have been test subjects for a new pill that will keep them alive forever at the same capacities as they are living now. Ralph will be relocating the team once they start losing money and Marv has contacted Rob Johnson about being the starter next year. He also traded Clements to NE for their 7th next year and Dick Jauron found MM's play books from last year and he has decided to use them instead of his own stuff.



who cares? The Sabres WON!!

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Looks like someone is taking his meds!


Can we get the admins to check and see if this is the same JSP?


I just ordered my tickets for game 3 and 4 could only get one seat for each, they are selling out QUICKLY!!!!


Guess I'm gonna have the border guard make fun of me again for going to the game by myself again.

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