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still need ot and dt

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is there any ot's or dt's left in fa. and does anyone have any sources on who might be cut june 1st. i like tim anderson and all but i have to think that jaroun and fewell want a proven veteran and at least one or two more bodies in this rotation. we still dont have a speed rusher opposite schobel! :D

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is there any ot's or dt's left in fa.  and does anyone have any sources on who might be cut june 1st. i like tim anderson and all but i have to think that jaroun and fewell want a proven veteran and at least one or two more bodies in this rotation.  we still dont have a speed rusher opposite schobel! :D


Grady Jackson?

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As far as LDEs go i think we are going to depend on either Kelsay or Denney being the prime guy.


I simply do not see the Bills re-signing Denney to a new deal unless they plan to use him. He lined up a number of times for the Bills as a tackle in out zone blitz and actually proved to be more of a run stopper than a sackmaster.


He really gave a horrendous first impression to Bills fans when he apparently had a problem playing low enough that he was easily neutralized by opposing blockers when he was a rookie and could not even suit up until late his first season. However, you only get one chance to make a first impression and even though I think he has developed well into an adequate player who reasonably deserved extension he is ragged on by many Bills fans.


Kelsay is the interesting one. I think he also has achieved adequacy though nothing more. However. he has shown signs of development and 2006 could prov to be a breakput year for him an double digit sack numbers are possible for him in an effective D.


I know it is the conventional wisdom to feel we are inadequate at RDE, but i think this is mere fan pessimism because these two are adequate professionals. The problem here is that our safties will get continually tested and eventually toasted in the Cover 2 unless there is effective pressure from the DL.


There are certainly no guarantees that the existing roster can do it (even though Schobel has good sack numbers I think a lot of these are due to his high motor and are late sacks due to persistence rather than the pressure and solid first moves that are more critical to a working Cover 2).


I see no guarantees they are good enough but also no need to panic that they won't be. We'll see.

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Both DTs in the draft will get playing time. McCargo will help in the pass rush as he played DE successfully in the Wolfpack's defensive scheme at times last year. They often moved Williams or Lawson into the middle of the line and moved McCargo out to end, so he knows how to get after it from all points on the defensive line. Williams will get time as well, playing behind Anderson who has developed during the course of 2006.


Kelsay is coming around as well and with Schoebel on the other side who is turning into an above average rusher, the Bills should do much better this year. With the secondary getting younger and faster, the Defense is not really the problem. The OL is the problem, and though they have made some good moves in FA already, I'd like to see them bring in some more talented players. The offense needs to be able to score between 21 and 31 points a game to compete for a playoff spot in the league right now, and the Bills aren't at that point yet, IMO. Next two years will be very telling how far Marv and the new staff can take this team.

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Yep. I don't think we were due for a quick fix this year. I think we still need another good draft to really help us step up to the power teams in the league. Hopefully some of our young kids from the last couple drafts start stepping up (Losman, Evans, Parish and yes MdGahee) If they do, then we have a chance to make teams nervous.

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