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Neocons would probably prefer to forget but today is the anniversary of the famous Mission Accomplished speech.


If you are employed in an occupation that sells or services medical devices, provides physical or emotional therapy, or deals in OIL and OIL by-products, not to mention beltway bandits, well you have reason to observe the day. I am not surprised the Bushies would rather we not bring it up,.


Oh what the hell, let's rally round the president with a chorus of "well done".



Neocons would probably prefer to forget but today is the anniversary of the famous Mission Accomplished speech. 


If you are employed in an occupation that sells or services medical devices, provides physical or emotional therapy, or deals in OIL and OIL by-products, not to mention beltway bandits, well you have reason to observe the day.  I am not surprised the Bushies would rather we not bring it up,.


Oh what the hell, let's rally round the president with a chorus of "well done".


:P  :lol:  :lol:




no hablo english, gringo

Think Progress has a nice piece up (with substantial links) called "The Architects of war: Where are they now?"  It's a nice summary of who the administration officials criminals were that accomplished so much little.



I've alluded to a lot of that over the past couple years.


Sadly, IMO, it all seriously detracts from what truly is a clear and present danger - deliverable nuclear or biological weapons in the hands of terrorist organizations.

no hablo english, gringo





We pay taxes Gringo!...


Ya right, sure you do... Does your American junta?... What about those pesky ER bills!


Oh... I am sorry:


¡Pagamos a gringo de los impuestos! La derecha de Ya, segura usted ... ¿su junta americana? ¡Qué sobre esas ER cuentas pesky!




I read it, that is depressing...



Only if you let it be. It's just how things are. Go back and run the same search for the Johnson administration.

Only if you let it be. It's just how things are. Go back and run the same search for the Johnson administration.



Ya... But, we are better than that... I am a very forgiving/tolerant person until somebody KEEPS repeating their mistakes... I just have no sympathy.


We keep on making the same mistakes... I see it in gov't everyday.

bull sh--.  They accomplished a lot.

That most of it is...well, bad, frankly...does not detract from the fact that they accomplished something.


They all got promoted. That mission got accomplished.

They all got promoted.  That mission got accomplished.



Debbie's wet for you right now.


She's pretty good, too.


This was a pretty entertaining exchange between The Mouth of The Emporer and the White House press gaggle on Monday. (For those who care, an abbreviated video of this exchange is up on Crooks and Liars, but I think reading the transcript right off the WhiteHouse.Gov site is so much more..."official." :lol: )

Q Scott, given the current situation in Iraq, what the President described today as "havoc" --


MR. McCLELLAN: As what?


Q Havoc, he used the word havoc today, could he, would he possibly stand under a sign that says "Mission Accomplished" today as he did three years ago?


MR. McCLELLAN: Well, Peter, I think that there are some Democrats that refuse to recognize the important milestone achieved by the formation of a national unity government. And there is an effort simply to distract attention away from the real progress that is being made by misrepresenting and distorting the past. And that really does nothing to help advance our goal of achieving victory in Iraq.


Q Scott, simple yes or no question, could the President stand under a sign that says --


MR. McCLELLAN: No, see, this is -- this is a way that --


Q It has nothing to do with Democrats.


MR. McCLELLAN: Sure it does.


Q I'm asking you, based on a reporter's curiosity, could he stand under a sign again that says, "Mission Accomplished"?


MR. McCLELLAN: Now, Peter, Democrats have tried to raise this issue, and, like I said, misrepresenting and distorting the past --


Q This is not --


MR. McCLELLAN: -- which is what they're doing, does nothing to advance the goal of victory in Iraq.


Q I mean, it's a historical fact that we're all taking notice of --


MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think the focus ought to be on achieving victory in Iraq and the progress that's being made, and that's where it is. And you know exactly the Democrats are trying to distort the past.


Q Let me ask it another way: Has the mission been accomplished?


MR. McCLELLAN: Next question.


:doh: Poor guy. Hope he hands it over to Snow before the Rove indictments come down.


Man I would be lovin this thread except as cromagnum stated it is depressing, the Emperor has no clothes and now that our rose colored glasses that gave him the benefit of the doubt, have fallen off our faces, it looks ugly.


Put a towel around that thing, get it out of here, and send it back with the Philadelphia Flyers to the has been and never was dumpster. Either that or give me five years of stiff drinks because even if I can't drink her off my mind, I don't want to remember the last years...enough of the bad cliches?


Bush Bites!




Looks like the whole "mission accomplished" thingy really meant "mission accomplished" for the USS Abraham Linclon, and didn't really mean that the whole Iraq "mission" was accomplished.


From an interview with Laura Bush yesterday: (CNN transcript via Lexis/Nexis. Note: the interview was initially mentioned by JR Hand on dkos but there wasn't a link. It took me some time digging around for an actual transcript, you know, for real hard evidence of the surealism of it all :blink: )

[CNN's John] KING: The issue that is the biggest drag on your husband's standing right now is questions about the strategy in Iraq. This week was the third anniversary of what has become known as the mission accomplished speech, because of that banner that hung over the president's shoulder on the USS Abraham Lincoln.


In that same week, former Secretary of State Powell gave an interview in which he said publicly, well, I urged the president at the beginning to send in more troops. I disagreed with Secretary Rumsfeld, I thought there should be more troops.


I know you're not in the military planning business, but when your husband's trying to get back on track, do you find it disloyal that people who are in those private meetings, in those rooms, would come out and speak publicly, knowing that it would add to the political debate?


[First Lady Laura] BUSH: You know, there is plenty of debate and there's plenty of time for debate about every single step in the war on terror. But the fact is, when the president stood on the Abraham Lincoln, that Abraham Lincoln's mission was accomplished. They were coming into San Diego with all of their troops on board and that was the end of their term there in Iraq and in the bay.





Looks like the whole "mission accomplished" thingy really meant "mission accomplished" for the USS Abraham Linclon, and didn't really mean that the whole Iraq "mission" was accomplished.


From an interview with Laura Bush yesterday: (CNN transcript via Lexis/Nexis. Note: the interview was initially mentioned by JR Hand on dkos but there wasn't a link.  It took me some time digging around for an actual transcript, you know, for real hard evidence of the surealism of it all  :blink: )






I don't believe these !@#$ing idiots. What is SO hard about saying "Yes, the mission - as defined as the military operation of invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam Hussein's government - was accomplished."


Because THAT mission was, in fact, accomplished, and the timing of the photo op should lead any rational person to believe that that's what the photo op was referring to. What is SO !@#$ING HARD about getting that message across that this administration can't do it? :blink:

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