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I am not defending the Bills' draft

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If McCargo becomes a player, who cares where he was drafted.  People's memories are short.  Value is a creation of the Kipers and Kiper-clones.  It means absolutely nothing.  That's right, nothing.  Because players still have to play.  Mike Williams was a "value" pick, and how did he work out?  We got an A+ for that 2001 draft.  What did that get us?  Draft grades are like pissing your pants.  It gives you a warm feeling for a little while.





Sure. But if he turns out to be too light or unable to play, it's a disatrous pick.


It works both ways. But, you're right, we (I) should be looking at the bright side and hoping for the best.

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1) No, but then again, Milloy didn't need to be cut. Vincent did.


2) See #1.


3) You could say that. But if you're insinuating that the Tackles were strenghts, I'd say you were stretching it a bit. Peters performed admirably given his background and Gandy was, well, Gandy.


4) The possibility, yes. But in order to make a difference, they'll have to be a HUGE upgrade, IMO.


5) Yes. A passrushing DE would have been nice.


6) define waste.


McCargo seems to be a reach, IMO. If reaching is wasting, then yes, it's a waste.




Milloy make the big hit every so often.


However, he is an absolute liability in coverage.


The couldn't even think about running a cover 2 with him on the field.

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