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That's evil, evil but fuggen hilarious....



No, evil would be saying "leary row-hanging floot.




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The Finger Lakes area is making some very nice wines these days and the scenery is wonderful.  There is a great article in this month's Wine Spectator about NY wines and they call the Finger Lake's Reislings some of the best this side of the Atlantic.  I could see myself retiring there and spending my winters in the Caribbean.  Come on stock options.  :doh:


There was an article I read recently, and if I could find it online I'd link to it, that land is at a premium right now. Most sales are done by people calling up people out of the blue and asking if they are inted in selling a small chunk of land, say 10-20 acres. If they are, then they build a small house, plant some vines, and grow their own small batches.


Found the article...

Prime land gets snapped up quickly


Here's another article you might like....

Newcomers juice wine land values

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