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Wow. I knew you had emotional issues, but you just went way over my expectations there! Congrats. Really. That was good.  You even used the n-word. I won't type it, but i find it rather shocking that you found it ok to do so.


Then, I love this part:

"Then, tomorrow, you can get on the internet and ask all the backwoods morons what happened, because they never went to college and don't understand it's too much of a botther for you to do your own homework..."


Holy crap, if I find a sentence in the next week that makes less sense than that, i will definitely post it. That's HOF material right there.  You just love sticking with that homework thing, don't you? Well, if it's all ya got, go with it it!


But really, you may want to consider Paxil, or WellButrin, etc. . .



And all you have is cracks about psychopharmacology? Fabulous debating skills there. When all else fails, pretend mental illness is a stigma. What, are you in third grade or something?


You are a piece of stevestojan, you know that? And yes, if I ever meet you, I will say that to your face.

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Rock, then I apologize (watch Tom's reaction to this one!!): If you watch you are either a backwoods moron, a supporter of one of the candidates, or just going into it pretty sure it wont change your mind but its gonna be on every channel anyway, and someone might (1% chance) say something interesting, and there is nothing else on.




I admit it, I am a backwoods moron. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :huh::lol::lol:

stevestojan said:

I admit, I plan to watch tonight's debate. If that changes anyone's opinion of me, tough.  :lol:


I am more curious to see how each candidate reacts to the questions and see if either has anything to say. I do not expect it to change my mind about who I am voting for, but it might be entertaining.


I will leave it to you to decide which side of the "OR" I sit on.  :huh:


Since this is a football chat room, I should point out that HOF WR Steve Largent was one of the folks who introduced DOMA back in 1996.  B)



Man, you sure are deep....since everyone is going to the poles to vote, you got your butterflys set up yet? I'm thinking of going electronic. :lol:

Rock, then I apologize (watch Tom's reaction to this one!!): If you watch you are either a backwoods moron, a supporter of one of the candidates, or just going into it pretty sure it wont change your mind but its gonna be on every channel anyway, and someone might (1% chance) say something interesting, and there is nothing else on.


Okay, so now the people watching it are either "backwoods morons," "a supporter of a candidate" OR someone who is "just going into it pretty sure it won't change yourmind bit it's gonna be on every channel anyway."


Way to keep from pissing off too many people.

Man, you sure are deep....since everyone is going to the poles to vote, you got your butterflys set up yet? I'm thinking of going electronic. :lol:




Deep as as 11 foot poll. :huh:

And all you have is cracks about psychopharmacology?  Fabulous debating skills there.  When all else fails, pretend mental illness is a stigma.  What, are you in third grade or something?


You are a piece of stevestojan, you know that?  And yes, if I ever meet you, I will say that to your face.




Tom, I only go with what i see. You took a phrase "backwoods moron" and associated it with the n-word.


999 out of 1000 people would never even think of those two words as being even in the same galaxy together.


You do have anger issues thats all.


I made my points, you won't listen to them, you rip on me, I give it back.


I told you I am not fully schooled on Kerry, but you asked me a question, and I answered it to the best of my knowledge.


You wanted more (of course). I decided i didnt want to google and paste, so i repeatedly told you what i did know, and that wasnt enough.


Then i told you that i never edited my post, and that you can have a mod verify that, and all you could say was "liar".


Ok. I wasnt lying, but thats fine.


Then you implied that i mean the n-word by saying backwoods moron.


Tom, if that sounds sane to you, I feel really bad.


But don't worry, I'll watch the debate tonight. Just to make you happy :huh:

Deep as as 11 foot poll.  :lol:



I live between two Kerry-Edwards signs. Could be a lot of fun. I'll even make kool-aid. :huh:


Woohoo! Spearing Contest!!!


How long 'til this thread gets zapped?


I'm recording the debate on my TIVO, what does that make me? :huh:

Woohoo!  Spearing Contest!!!


How long 'til this thread gets zapped?


I'm recording the debate on my TIVO, what does that make me? :huh:


Some might say that would make you a backwoods moron with technology.

Maybe I'll just vote for that nut job Nader....



A vote for Nader is a vote for the W, that's why Republicans are funding him....oops, don't want to politicize this "TV-viewing demographics" thread....nevermind....

Woohoo!  Spearing Contest!!!


How long 'til this thread gets zapped?


I'm recording the debate on my TIVO, what does that make me? :huh:



An urban techno assclown.



Woohoo!  Spearing Contest!!!


How long 'til this thread gets zapped?


I'm recording the debate on my TIVO, what does that make me? :huh:



A technologically proficient backwoods moron? Or, maybe a technologically proficient partisan hack, or...


my head hurts. and I'm REALLY pi$sed off. I heard driving back tonight that VIOXX is getting pulled off the market. That's how I get through a day.

Hey man, I know what you're trying to do, but isn't the DOMA a bit arcane.  I mean is there anyone out there basing their vote on it?


Is somebody saying, "I really don't like the way Bush led us into way in Iraq, but he's really keepin' the queers in their place, so I'll vote for him."


Or, "I really like the way Kerry wants to deal with outsourcing, but man, he's going to let fags get married."  (I know that's not his actual position, it's hyperbole.)


Nobody knows a candidate's position on every issue, nor should they have to.  Voters tend to focus on a few key issues and make their decisions from there, because platforms rarely hang together (Pro NAFTA=aniti gay marriage?).


Hell, Bush himself couldn't even name important world leaders before the 2000 election, but that didn't stop Republicans from voting for him.


The debates should be a source of knowledge, but unfortunately, they've been watered down so much, they've become pretty worthless.


Too bad the political parties don't view the electorate as being able to handle a constructive conversation between the two candidates.  Instead they package every answer and control every question until the process becomes meaningless.


We're not going to learn the candidates true positions on the war, or economy, or DOMA in these debates.


Why?  Because the parties view the voters as backwoods morons, unable to handle anything more intelligible than a 30 second sound bite.




Actually...yeah, people are saying that. I'm sure - dead positive, actually - that there's voters out there who'll vote for Bush because he's "keeping the queers in check" or the like. None I respect (well...a few. I can understand why a gay couple would vote for Kerry based on that issue alone, having a vested interest in it), mind you...but they're out there.


But my POINT was (as I think you know) that someone who claims the debates are a waste of time because he's informed enough is a fool...especially when he's not fully informed on his candidate. Is DOMA a major issue? For some...mostly either gays (who I have nothing against) or homophobes (who need to stop worring about what other men do with their penises). I chose it merely because Kerry's position on it is quite possibly the most convoluted and self-contradictory of all his positions (save maybe taxes)...and I felt that someone who had such full knowledge of his candidate that he could leave everything forthcoming to the "backwoods morons" should be able to answer it.


But hey, if he has to resort to mental illness jokes...I guess that's a sound basis for casting a vote, too... :huh:



If you want to have an intelligent debate on the candidates, come on over to PPP and I'll indulge you. Because it's not going to happen in this thread with this audience...

stevestojan why don't you go do your hand job watching the debates





wow - because if they show the Bush daughters, and then flip over the Kerry, I may go blind.

wow - because if they show the Bush daughters, and then flip over the Kerry, I may go blind.


There's a way to kill a thread.


stevestojan, the Bush daughters, and Kerry in a four-way.



But hey, if he has to resort to mental illness jokes...I guess that's a sound basis for casting a vote, too...  :huh:

If you want to have an intelligent debate on the candidates, come on over to PPP and I'll indulge you.  Because it's not going to happen in this thread with this audience...




Tom, the simple fact is, you brought up the n-word - most likely the most vile word in the english language - out of NO WHERE.


If I want to have an intelligent debate, it will NOT be with someone who does that.


Sure, calling people "backwoods morons" is not PC (hey, its not even nice), but associating it with that word and then expect people to take you seriously? Please.

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