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Santonio Holmes can't participate mini camp

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Because of an NFL-NCAA agreement, a college player cannot take part in NFL spring workouts until his college has had its graduation. Because many schools hold graduation in early May, most NFL draft picks are not affected.


But Holmes can't begin practicing until after the university's mid-June graduation. By then, the Steelers will have finished the 14 days of coaching sessions that follow their May 13-15 mini-camp, which Holmes is permitted to attend.



When is Bills mini camp? It seems like Whitner and Youboty may also miss it. Hope I'm wrong.

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I believe that only applies if you are still going for your degree. I'm assuming that since Whitner and Youboty are both juniors coming out, that neither one of them are still pursuing their degree at this time.


I could be completly wrong though.

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I believe that only applies if you are still going for your degree. I'm assuming that since Whitner and Youboty are both juniors coming out, that neither one of them are still pursuing their degree at this time.


I could be completly wrong though.



I believe Holmes is also a junior.

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