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What geade would you give this draft

What grade would you give this Bills draft  

165 members have voted

  1. 1. What grade would you give this Bills draft

    • A+
    • A
    • A-
    • B+
    • B
    • B-
    • C+
    • C
    • C-
    • D+
    • D
    • D-
    • F

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Not to mention that all of the DB's we drafted are kind of small for the NFL...now that everyone is so up in arms over steroids, these guys are going to have to spend some serious time in the weight room to play at the NFL level....



What?..Since when did DB's need to be giants.I'm missing something... ;)

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Not to mention that all of the DB's we drafted are kind of small for the NFL...now that everyone is so up in arms over steroids, these guys are going to have to spend some serious time in the weight room to play at the NFL level....






1 8 Whitner, Donte SS 5-10 203

3 70 Youboty, Ashton CB 6-0 188

4 105 Simpson, Ko FS 6-1 208



I think they have pretty decent size. I wouldnt want them gaining much more weight especially for the defense they're running. Gaining weight and losing speed would not equate to a good thing.

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I rate the draft class an A.


I expect Ko to take over for Vincent before the end of the year. I expect Youboty to take over the nickel spot after immediately starting in the ten spot. I expect Whitner to immediately start as the strong safety. I expect Greer and either Baker or Wire will be gone by second round of cuts.


I expect McCargo will play opposite of Triplett. I expect Williams to spot Tim Anderson.


I expect opposing QBs, RBs, and receivers to be black and blue after playing the Bills.


By the end of the year I expect the Bills defense to rank in the 15-18 range.


The offense is offensive still.

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You still build an oline throught the draft first.  Jennings was a decent player and the problem with Pucillo and the other lower round oline picks was that TD should not have selected them.




Well then what does this say about our OL since none (nada zip) of the likely starters (Gandy, Reyes, Fowler, Villarial, Peters) were acquired through the draft. Back-up Preston might break through making one draftee starter but this is doubtful.


I still do not see how folks think Jennings was decent when in 4 tears here he never started every game and even in hi final season he not only failed to start 2 games but failed to finish two others missing significant giving him injury issues in a quarter of our games.


It really surprised me when SF gsvre him so much money and I was not surprised to see him quickly end up on IR with yet a different injury than the several which cost him time here.


He is so injury prone he makes RJ look downright healthy.


It amazes me that some folks think the draft is the thing when a lot of the way things have happened in real life simply support it as being merely one way (and usually a wau of lesser import to a team( of building a winner.

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1 8 Whitner, Donte SS 5-10 203

3 70 Youboty, Ashton CB 6-0 188

4 105 Simpson, Ko FS 6-1 208

I think they have pretty decent size.  I wouldnt want them gaining much more weight especially for the defense they're running. Gaining weight and losing speed would not equate to a good thing.




I meant muscle. Most of the various draft guides mention strength as weaknesses for Whitner and Youboty. They are both very young guys, so it isn't a complete surprise. In the college game, conditioning, in a large part, is the onus of the players.


Personally, I would be thrilled to weigh 208! :D

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Two Grades:


Based on players alone: B+

While I still thing Whitner was a reach, overall I really like the guys that were brought in. I think by mid season the difference this team will see on defense will be huge.


Based on how we filled team neads compared with players available: C

Marv & Co. used a strategy to reach for players they thought they "needed" instead of letting the draft come to them. I think trading down in the first would have been a better idea and allowed for at least one additional pick (if they had still traded up for McCargo). We could have used that pick (or more if not for the trade-up) for O-line or other areas. We still could have had Youboty and Ko, IMO Whitner (yes, I know the lions rumor), and traded up for McCargo while still drafting a starting guard. I wouldn't say Marv "blew it", but I would say he could have done much better.


Overall Grade: B-

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On talent alone, I give it an A. On draft value, I give it a B. After reading reports, it leads me to believe that Whitner would have indeed been gone by the 15th pick, so if this is our guy, then a trade down would have been pointless. I think Whitner will be great.

The only one i'm still wondering about is trading up and taking McCargo so high, but there are reports that the Giants were set to take him at #32, so who knows. The next best DT wasn't taken until 40+ picks later, so maybe it could have been a good move even though 26 was a little high for McCargo. He's not a bad Dlineman though.

After these two picks, everyone was ready to hang themselves, but the Bills found a steal in round 3 with Youboty. It kinda balanced off day one.

IMO, the Bills may have found the best value in the whole league with finding Ko Simpson in round 4. I'm very high on this kid and think he will be a player.

You all will be very surprised to see that Kyle Williams isn't anything like Tim Anderson or Justin Bannan. You want someone who can destroy a center at the point of attack, that's Williams. He has great persuit and is very quick.

While Butler seems like an ass, i'm just glad he's on our side. From interviews, he reminds me alot of what i've seen from Kyle Turley all those years in New Orleans. All indications are he could develop into a solid starting tackle in 2 years.

I think Ellison very another very good value pick. He's a little on the light side for an NFL LB, so he will need to bulk up a bit. He's a project in work, who is fast and could rush the passer from the outside.

Pennington and Mertz are both mauler type olineman who can beat up the guy in front of them. Both need work on technique, but both are very smart and have potential.

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Ah the draft grade. Quite possibly more over hyped then the draft itself. I would love to go back and read the "grades" that the gurus and the ass clowns on this board gave teams like the Pats in 2000:


2 15 46 Adrian Klemm OT Hawaii

3 14 76 J.R. Redmond RB Arizona State

4 33 127 Greg Robinson-Randall OT Michigan State

5 12 141 Dave Stachelski TE Boise State

5 32 161 Jeff Marriott DT Missouri

6 21 187 Antwan Harris DB Virginia

6 33 199 Tom Brady QB Michigan

6 35 201 David Nugent DT Purdue

7 20 226 Casey Tisdale LB New Mexico

7 33 239 Patrick Pass RB Georgia


Probably not the highest "graded" draft when it took place, but they got one of the greatest QBs of the generation, which in turn brought them championships. I used to look forward to the draft until i realized that a specific draft really doesnt mean sh-- for three years. Lets see how these players perform on a !@#$ing field before we jump off the Peace Bridge.

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I'd go a B. Lot's of help on the D...farkin' playmakers and hitters with speed in the secondary. Anyone notice the drop off in huge WR's..speed kills.3 wide sets are pretty much the norm again...and athletic TE's.You better have players to cover and tackle.A quick DL can help the secondary...the LB's we have are going to be counted on more to stop the run.With a healthy TKO i don't see that as a problem.




The fact that 3 WR sets and pass catching TEs is becoming more the norm highlights why it is essential that your safeties have speed and coverage skills- thus the premium the Bills placed on Dante Whitner.


The Bills D will be able to dictate to the offense because they won't be forced to take LBs out of the game everytime a team goes with 3 WRs.

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Just becuase it pissed so many people on this board (and supposed football experts) off and they did  not go with who "Draft Experts" said we should take (cause they know the Bills so well and Know exactly what the Bills need)



I don't think the complainers are guessing in the dark when they say we need o-line help and another pass-rushing DE. The secondary needed addressing as well but I think help along the lines should've taken priority.

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I don't think the complainers are guessing in the dark when they say we need o-line help and another pass-rushing DE.  The secondary needed addressing as well but I think help along the lines should've taken priority.



HEY! You don't know anything! You're jsut a stupid fan who gets his opinion spoon-fed to him by ESPN!



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I don't think the complainers are guessing in the dark when they say we need o-line help and another pass-rushing DE.  The secondary needed addressing as well but I think help along the lines should've taken priority.


We picked up a couple of FA OL (Fowler and Reyes) and have Preston getting ready to come in and play. They brought in a couple more OL in the second day. No big flashy name linemen, but guys that could possibly make a good o-line for Buffalo and provide Nall or Losman enough time to get rid of the ball.

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HEY! You don't know anything! You're jsut a stupid fan who gets his opinion spoon-fed to him by ESPN!






And if you like the draft you are "blindly following the Bills"?


Because there is no way one can justify the picks...especially to the more knowledgeable Bills fans who continually put down ML and RW?


It goes both ways. The logic (or lack thereof) that if you question the Bills it is your right and you are smart. Yet, if you support the Bills moves you are somehow less of a fan who gets "spoonfed" is really really weak.


Honestly, does anyone think over the next few years with the salary cap and athletic egos involved that the Jets will keep both Manigold and Ferguson for an extended period of time? Two perenial all-pros (or so some think) will stay together for how long on the OL? Or that they will both play to their supposed 'ceiling'? Like there is NOT a chance one or both bomb out?


OL are not built with 'names' per se. Look at the Colts, Manning has had alot of time in the pocket and they have lost a starter a year for the last three years (or more). Heck, it would be hard to even name their starting line last year.......yes, I fully anticipate some 'comedian' to go look it up and then post as if it came off the top of their head :D


I want players not trendy names when drafting.

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And outside of Peters, who are the "players" on our OL?


You certainly can't say Fowler and Reyes as no one's ever seen them play.




Hey now, to be fair I said I WANT them, not that we HAVE them. Big difference. And no, I did not think the draft provided any OL guarantees better than Reyes or Fowler (I personally still think D'Brick has too weak of a core - as cited by strength professionals and his legs are vulnerable/too thin to withstand big time and consistent contact).


Maybe Marv is also being an optimist that these young players are ready to develop or that there will be OL during the next phase of signings.

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